Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 850: Excited Little Flame! Magic Way, Silkworm Technique! (Seeking Subscription)

at the same time.

Demon realm, barren hills.

The third elder who was wounded by a knife stood still.

His face was pale and bloodless, his left hand was holding his right arm, and blood was still dripping from it.

He looked vigilantly at the opposite Moon Cicada, his pupils constricted.

The crazy woman in front of him is not something he can save.

Even though her own cultivation was crushed by her, the gap in real combat power still made the third elder a little startled.

It is said that the realm of cultivation is the lowest standard for measuring a person's combat power, but it does not represent real combat power.

Originally, he scoffed at these words, but when he saw Yuechan making a move, he was a little dumbfounded.

The rumors are true.

He worked so hard to get to the fifth level of Dao realm, but the result is still not as good as a lunatic who passed the second level of Dao realm!

With no fighting spirit in his heart, the third elder just wanted to escape.

He said with difficulty: "I'm just passing by here, there's no need to kill all the demon friends..."

Before she finished speaking, Yue Chan's excited pupils sparkled:


"It must hurt to bleed."

"Next time, I'll cut off your broken arm so that it won't bleed, can you?"

"May I!??"

The voice fell after a word, without any sign at all!

Yue Chan's eyes suddenly became bloodthirsty, and the giant knife in his hand was cut out instantly, and the terrifying black light attacked again!

This time, whether it is speed or power, it is several layers stronger than last time!

The third elder's pupils shrank suddenly, he wanted to burn his blood to escape, but the black light seemed to lock him, making it difficult for him to move!

Before he had time to react, boundless dao light burst out from his eyes, the light in his hand flickered, and a burst of fairy energy surged, forming an invisible fairy cover in front of him!

The fairy cover is as transparent as water, and the golden characters can be vaguely seen scurrying about.

Immortal method of Linmen! Golden character body protection array!

In Xianyu, a few years ago, Lin Sheng used this formation to escape from the hands of several Taoist realms, and when he rose to power, Xianyu became the emperor, beheaded several Taoist realms, and became famous in one fell swoop. The Chinese are respected as ministers!

Now that the immortal technique is used by the third elder, although its power has dropped a lot, its immortal charm is still used up a bit!

In the blink of an eye, a terrifying pitch-black saber slashed and hit the fairy cover.

"Boom~々long" sound!

The dull coercion in the air suddenly fell, and there was an explosion in an instant. The void seemed to be twisted and twisted, and the endless darkness shrouded it, as if the barren aura from ancient times surged, filling Fang Yuan for hundreds of miles!

The protective array kept trembling, and with a "click", cracks appeared on it like spider webs!

Then, under the terrified eyes of the third elder, the black glow came down with a magnificent devilish energy that cut off the world!

The magic energy rushes, the avenue avoids it!

The ground couldn't bear this power, and instantly cracked!

It was as if the purple-black thunder flashed in the colorful clouds in the sky, and the surrounding was silent as usual, but the direction the thunder was facing made one's scalp tingle!


With a single slash, blood flashes!

The third elder's eyes were wide open, and his long white beard was stained blood red.

The internal organs seemed to be displaced, and a severe pain spread throughout the body!

He stroked his chest gently, and when he saw the blood on his hand, his pupils froze.

If there was no golden-character protective array taught by Emperor Lin, the knife just now would have cut his mountain in half on the spot!

He didn't have much time to react, and looked at Yue Chan who was walking over and tremblingly said:

"Friend Demon, be a human being and save yourself a thread so that we can meet again in the future. If you kill the old man today, you will not be able to afford the consequences."

"You should know that I am from Immortal Realm, and even more so that even if I die today, there will be stronger people coming in the future!"

"You are very strong, but in this vast land, there are countless experts from the Linmen of the Immortal Realm. If you offend us, the Great Land Demon Realm will definitely be destroyed..."

Hearing this, Ji Chan's excited expression didn't change at all.

It seemed as if he ignored his words.

She stared at the other party's arm, a small flame of "interest" ignited in her eyes, and said in surprise:

"My two knives didn't cut off your arm? Old man, you are very powerful!"


Who is the old thing called!?

The third elder's face darkened, and he opened his mouth to say something.

But Yuechan didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

The long knife full of demonic energy pointed straight at the sky, and black energy swept from all directions, surrounding the knife!

A wave of magic that can annihilate everything rushes forward, with a terrifying momentum!

At this moment, the sky seems to lose its color, like the darkness after the sun sets, it suddenly becomes extremely dark.

Change color in your own place, magic way, silkworm technique!

"..." If you don't give me your arm, then you will save your life. "

A soft murmur fell, and the black light invaded!

The sword light passed by, the void air wave was cut, and the giant mountains on both sides were cut in half like tofu blocks, the cut was smooth, and it collapsed with a bang!


The third elder was mad with hatred, he waved his hand violently, and all the top treasures in his sleeves were thrown out!

The brilliance is bright, shining thousands of miles!

Zhibao resisted the sword light for a moment.

The third elder fought for a chance, and suddenly attacked Yuechan!

Since there is no way to escape, let's fight to the death!

A strange seal appeared behind him, the sound of a crane chirping came, and the shape of the Tao was wrapped in a terrifying fairy spirit, following his figure to kill.

It seems to have used a powerful blow, trying to kill Yue Chan!

"Isn't it good to die obediently? Why do you have to suffer?"

A gleam of cruelty flashed in Yue (King's) Cicada's eyes, followed by endless excitement!

Raise the long knife in your hand, and stand upright!

The black sword light flickered, and the surrounding devil energy hit like raindrops!

In an instant, it fell with one blow!

The third elder was bleeding.

The black sleeve on Yue Chan's arm was cut, and a little bit of blood dripped down!

It has to be said that in the case of fighting with all his strength, if he fights with his life, he can still hurt the opponent!

With this confidence, the third elder suddenly relaxed a little.

No one wants to injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred!

Having shown such strength, this crazy woman...


Thoughts hadn't settled yet, the third elder who turned around was dumbfounded!

I saw that Yue Chan was burning with magic flames all over her body, with an extremely excited smile on her face, and the horror and magic around her body had actually risen a little more!


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