Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 851: Moon Cicada: The Cutie Is So Cute, Why Not Cut A Stick? (Seeking Subscription)

Seeing the intensified demonic energy on the woman's sword light in front of him, the third elder widened his eyes.

It's hard to believe what kind of transformation this woman is!

The terrifying devilish energy wrapped in that magic knife made his liver and gallbladder tear apart!!

"Damn it, how could this woman be so tyrannical!"

"I can't fight anymore, or I will definitely risk my life!"

The third elder squinted his eyes and made seals on his palms, and a monstrous coercion came from him.

A mysterious dao light radiates from the whole body, and the dao-shaped eyes of the crane behind him turned scarlet!

Obviously, he burned the essence and blood!

Moon Cicada finally lost his mind for a moment!

He didn't dare to delay, taking advantage of this moment, he tore a crack in the space in front of him, and he was about to step into it!

Between the fire and light stones, Ridao's frightening sword glow swept across!

He actually followed him into the crack!


There was a shrill scream, and the crack was half closed.

Half of the third elder's body was actually cut in half!

The blood sprayed thinly in the air, splashed several layers of blood waves, and sprinkled on the ground.

The legs flew up and hit the open space.

He almost collapsed, crawling on his hands to escape.

But the half-meter distance between the waist and the crack is as far away as ten thousand miles!


The long knife lingering in demonic energy was stuck on the ground. 310

Moon Cicada walked over with curly steps, with doubts in her voice:

"This seat is just simply discussing with you, why do you want to run away?"

"Now you have lost the sparring. According to what we agreed, I have already cut off the two legs, and the rest is the arms..."

The third elder who was crawling suddenly froze!

What the hell, it’s not enough to break my two legs, but also my arms!?

This becomes T......

Moon Cicada's caring voice came from behind:

"Don't hide, or it will be bad if you cut off your head."

"Don't, don't...

Before the third elder could finish his words, two black swords condensed in the void, slashing at his two arms!


There was another shrill howl, and the third elder's limbs gushed out blood, and he was actually cut into a human stick!

Having achieved the desired goal, Yue Chan tilted her head and said:

"I said I don't want your life, so I will do what I say."

"You can crawl to find your young master now.

"You! (cifd)...Thank you for not killing me. w

The third elder endured the pain and collapsed, but the words he wanted to scold were still held back.

Until now, being alive is the greatest hope.

He can no longer play dead.

You must return to Xianyu as soon as possible.

A pang of regret filled his chest, making him unable to breathe!

Why did I come to the lower realm to pick up people!?

This lower world is full of barbarians and mutants!

It's really scary!!

As for finding Lin Yuan...

It is impossible for him to go again.

To be able to escape back to the Immortal Territory and save his life is his greatest wish right now!

A tingling pain came from all over his body, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He crawled towards the crack and moved for nearly a quarter of an hour before he moved into the crack and "disappeared here.

Watching him leave, Yuechan's eyes didn't fluctuate at all.

His eyes returned to silence, as if it wasn't her who was sick just now.

"The outside world is really boring, and the people in Xianyu are also boring, but the little cuties are fun.

A towering barren hill was moved to flat ground.

The eyes are in a mess, devastated.

Moon Cicada stood here, looking in the direction of the extreme north, her eyes sparkled, and she suddenly murmured to herself:

"Little cutie is really romantic, and there are two peerless beauties beside her."

"No wonder I came out of the magic gate, and I didn't see him coming to look for it. It turned out that I was fascinated by the vixen."

"Emm... so what to do?"

"Why don't you cut those two little vixens into blessings too?"

"It's not good-looking, and the cutie will definitely not like it."

"But like this...will the little cutie get angry?"

Moon Cicada blinked her beautiful eyes slightly, the water-like light inside suddenly rippling with a kind of resentment.

It is completely different from the bloodthirsty transformation T before!

Especially when she thought that besides herself, there was actually Yanyi among the little cute demons, she felt very uncomfortable.

A feeling that has never been felt is growing.

She didn't understand what it meant to be "jealous".

"Damn little cutie...... now I may not be able to beat him."

Thinking about it, Yue Chan didn't know what to think of, a faint light flickered in her eyes:

"Since it's obvious that you can't beat him, then let's do it secretly. When he is tied into the demon realm, he will be cooked with raw rice. If he refuses to admit it... then he will also be cut into a stick and stuck on his body for the rest of his life." .

"So he can't leave me..."

Thinking of this, Yue Chan had an unnatural blush on her face, as if extremely excited.

"Well, let's do it!"

"Go and find him now!"

Yue Chanqiong's nose wrinkled slightly, her eyes flickered, and her body turned into a phantom and disappeared.

But just before disappearing, her beautiful eyes froze for a moment.

There is a bloodthirsty glow in it....

At the foot of Tianmo Mountain.

In the dense forest several miles away.

Hundreds of demons are waiting in battle, and the surrounding area is full of demonic energy.

Each devil carries a top-level magic sword in his hand, exuding a terrifying aura.

Obviously, the people here are the elite among the elites in the Demon Realm!

This time, they all came here to take away the Holy Son of Wuwangzong.

Under the ancient tree of Cen Tian, ​​the leader of Yinshou stood here with his hands behind his back.

The deputy commander on one side said respectfully: "Commander, Tianmo Mountain has collapsed. According to the aura from the top of the mountain, there may be... the inheritance of Tianmo on Tianmo Mountain."


The commander frowned and looked sideways: "That is to say, now this inheritance has been obtained by the authentic first son?"

The deputy commander shook his head, "Probably not. The cultivation method of the righteous way is completely contrary to the way of the devil. If he is a holy son of the righteous way who bears the inheritance of the way of the devil, he will definitely be cast aside by the world. He will not be so stupid."

"Regardless of whether this inheritance is obtained by him or not, today, he will not be able to leave alive!"

There was a dangerous light in the commander's eyes: "At first, I thought that capturing him back would be a meritorious service, but now it seems that letting such a person live is a crime instead!"

"So, he must die!!".

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