Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 866: I Am So Good, I Am Busy Eating Soft Food All Day Long! (Seeking Subscription)

Yun Zhou handed over half a pig's trotter in his hand.

Yue Chan reached out to take it, opened her mouth slightly, and lightly bit a piece of pig's tendon.

U1S1, pork tendons full of collagen YYDS!

"Well, it's quite delicious."

Moon Cicada rarely had a sick look on her face, the corners of her mouth curled up into a wonderful arc, as if she was more delicate and beautiful than the hundred flowers.

Looking at the face in front of him so close at hand, Yun Zhou is a little medical:

"Do you want another one?"

Yuechan shook her head: "No more, I don't like to eat this kind of thing with skin, so I'll give it back to you."

Looking at the red rouge on the tendon of the pig, Yun Zhou was taken aback for a moment.

Then he took it back and took a big bite.

"Well, it's much more fragrant than the one I just bought."

Yue Chan bit her red lips lightly, her cheeks were slightly hot at "820", but she was very happy in her heart.

"Let's go, go back to the Demon Palace with me first."

After finishing speaking, she seemed to be suppressing the throbbing in her heart, fearing that it would scare Yun Zhou if she was too abnormal, so she quickened her pace.

Behind her, seeing her flustered and brisk steps, the corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up:

"Well, whoever says sick and delicate must be scary, I think it's quite cute......

"Bah..... I'm really crazy!"

The Demon City is very large, and this city alone is comparable to the small half of Wuwangzong's power.

Soon, Yun Zhou who followed Yuechan came to a magic hall shrouded in black mist.

Here is the habitat of all the demons in the vast land, and the place where righteous practitioners are terrified.

Demon Realm, Ghost Palace.

After entering the main hall, Yuechan didn't immediately take Yun Zhou to her bedroom.

Instead, he arranged for his maids to take Yun Zhou around.

She is going to go to the palace to explain to the demon guards.

What is it that needs to be explained, Yun Zhou can imagine it with his toes.

It's nothing more than explaining that no one can mess with yourself, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy.

He has experienced this once with Wu Zhao.

[Tsk, I'm convinced too. 】

[In the past, I was not strong enough, so I was a bad face to my master. 】

[The strength is too strong, and I will be a badass in Wu Zhaoli. 】

[Now that he is unparalleled in strength and power, he still has to make a fool of Yue Chan. 】

[I am so "excellent", but I am still so motivated, there is really no one else. 】

Thinking in his heart, Yun Zhou glanced at Yue Chan's staggered back, and shook his head.

Check out this charm!

The majestic demon lord, who proved the existence of the Dao realm, was so fascinated and bought!


Under the leadership of the maid of the magic hall, Hong Pupu, Yun Zhou quickly walked around the magic hall.

Among them, what caught Yun Zhou's attention the most was the passing road.

Flowers of unknown species bloomed on both sides.

Black as ink!

This was the first time Yun Zhou saw black flowers, so he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

After thinking for a while, he touched his chin:

"Yuechan really likes these strange things, not to mention, this flower suits her temperament..."

Just thinking about it here, suddenly, Yun Zhou's eyes froze, and he turned around suddenly.

I saw a man standing on the beam in the courtyard behind him.

Looking at him with eagle-like eyes, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

At this moment when the four eyes met, Yun Zhou's expression became a little strange.

This faint sense of not simple.

For a while, he was not in a hurry to leave, and simply turned around and looked.

The man above is tall and slender, about middle-aged, not handsome, with dark skin, and an invisible killing intent emanating from his body.

It looks like a wolf.

After a careful look, Yun Zhou's eyes fell on the red line on his arm.

"Huh? This is..."

Yun Zhou's black and white eyes lit up slightly.

Not that he has a soft spot for the color red.

But in the original text, one of the main supporters of the hero Lin Yuan in the middle and late stages has a red rope tied to his hand!

That's right!

According to the original plot, the male protagonist Lin Yuan came to the Demon Realm, won the Demon Realm inheritance, was killed in hiding and then went to the Immortal Realm, he took a few powerful people with him in this vast land.

These few people are the ones who helped the hero Lin Yuan conquer the world in Xianyu in the later period!

The most important point is that the one with the red rope on his hand is the strongest among those he took away......

I remember that in the original text, when he was taken away, he should be in the middle of the first level of the Dao Realm.

Judging from the timeline, the other party should have just entered the Dao Realm.

Yun Zhou also had an impression of this person's identity and name.

It's the same as that Li Ang who rolled away before.

This person is also one of the two demon generals of the Demon Realm, named Yu Zhong.

People live up to their name.

"Stupid loyalty" is synonymous with yes.

In the early and mid-term, for the devil, he was able to throw his head and blood, and in the later stage, for Lin Yuan, he was able to put a knife in his arms regardless of life and death.

"Tsk, what a coincidence, I ran into him just after entering the Demon Palace. Did he come to check on me because he found that my aura was wrong, or...was he also passing by?"

Yun Zhou didn't think much about it either.

Now the male protagonist Lin Yuan has been abolished.

I must accept all his benefits and connections.

Naturally, he couldn't let go of "Yu Zhong" in front of him.

Although his own strength is also very strong now, there are powerful masters such as Lao Lin, Shun, Hong Dabao, etc. by his side.

However, it's still the same sentence.

Who thinks it's too much to sacrifice one's life for oneself?

And his status is still so embarrassing, he has stepped out of the circle of villains and become a big boss.

There are not many younger brothers who have proved the Dao Realm, how will he develop his power when he goes to the Immortal Realm?

Is it possible to continue with the one just now?

In the lower realm, eat the soft meal of the top 1.5 three-domain female list in Zhengchang.

When we arrive at the Upper Realm, do we still want to eat Aunt Yun Susu's soft rice?

Men, you have to have your own "career"!

On the beam, Yu Zhong looked at Yun Zhou quietly for a long while, then withdrew his gaze, and looked at the sky lightly.

It was as if he had never seen Yun Zhou before.

But Yun Zhou knew that there were only two possibilities for the other party to ignore him.

One: He was sure he couldn't beat himself, so he didn't have the heart to do it.

Two: Yue Chan, who just left, has already given them this level of sound transmission, so he will choose to ignore it.

At this time, Yu Zhong sitting above slowly sat on the beam, with a jade flute in his hand.

The indifferent eyes seemed to be more sentimental, and as the tune played, the eagle-like eyes gradually softened...

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