Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 867: These Days, Without Any Talent Show, The Big Brother Can't Even Get Along! (Seekin

Play flute Xiao.

It is Yu Zhong's only hobby in his life.

As for the reason...

It is recorded in the original text that Yu Zhong's wife loves Xiaoqu very much.

But he died early, so Yu Zhong would spare time every day to play a song for his dead wife.

Also a lover.

Watching the burly man above playing the flute gently.

There was a smile on the corner of Yun Zhou's eyes.

He waved to the maid to signal her to leave.

The maid was stunned: "Young Master Yun, you..."

"Hush." ​​Yun Zhou waved his hand, interrupting the maid.

Then, he took a step towards Yu Zhong.

Slightly raised his head, looked at Yu Zhong above, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, Yun Zhou is a very sociable person whether he is in Blue Star or reborn in Haotu, but now...

"You Xiao, you are very bad at blowing."

Above, after hearing these words, Yu Zhong's movements froze, and the melodious Xiao Sheng stopped suddenly.

He looked down at Yun Zhou, "You understand this?"

Yun Zhou smiled softly, but did not respond.

Instead, he took out a jade flute from his storage ring.

Gently bring to mouth.

Immediately, a melodious tune came from it, jumped over the mountains, and filled the entire hall.

And what he played was a flute piece from Lan Xing's place.

"A Laugh Out of the Sea"


A crisp and long sound came from the flute.

Like a stream in an empty valley, or like a waterfall in a mountain stream, it is melodious and melodious!

Following the sound of the flute, the entire Demon Palace fell silent.

And at the moment when the flute sound ended, many demons gathered.

They all stood in the distance, looking up at Yun Zhou who put down his flute.

"Hiss—who is this person? He played the tune just now!?"

"It's nice to hear, why do you think he's a bit unfamiliar?"

"Gulu~ What a handsome big brother~ I wonder if you can take me to spend a good night with me tonight..."

"Shut up, you don't want to die, this is the person brought back by the devil himself!"

"Ah? The devil brought it back?"

For a while, the demons not far away were talking about it.

But Yun Zhou, who put down his flute, smiled softly.

He didn't say a word to Yu Zhong.

To be honest, the purpose of "teaching this lesson" to the other party this time is purely to leave an impression on the other party.

That's right!

The process is the same as the original text.

As for how to subdue "Yu Zhong" for his own use, Yun Zhou has a clear idea.

Because Lin Yuan in the original text used this method.

It is also a tune, and Yu Zhong is pulled into his own camp.

But Yun Zhou and his choice of instruments are different.

The protagonist is very tall, tm learns the way and so on!

And he can only play the flute.

But don't say, sometimes musical instruments are not the most important, like now.

This tune completely overwhelmed Lin Yuan by countless steps.

The author of the dog is not knowledgeable enough, and the song added to the protagonist is not compelling enough.

Shaking his head without thinking, Yun Zhou put away the flute.

These days, people have to use tunes to spread the sun

【There is no talent show, the big brother can't get along... 】

at this time.

"Go, go, the devil is coming!"

"Ah? What a devil!"

"The Demon Lord Wankang!"

"See Demon Lord."

The demons who stood watching from a distance, no matter men or women, all bowed slightly.

And in the way they get out of the way.

"Da da da da~"

The crisp sound of shoes and boots hitting the ground came over.

Moon Cicada came slowly from here, showing no emotion.

Yun Zhou found that Yuechan seemed to have changed her clothes on purpose, and the original black skirt became a light purple skirt.

With her beautiful face and the identity of the devil.

Give Yun Zhou a very strange feeling.'s a bit outrageous to be beautiful.

want to rush!

Yu Zhong on the roof also recovered from the sound of Yun Zhou's flute at this moment, and he hurried down from the roof.

Kneeling down on the ground in an orderly manner, he respectfully said, "See the Demon Lord".

Moon Cicada did not leave him.

It was Yun Zhou who lowered his head and glanced at him: "You play slowly and practice that piece.

"Thank you."

Yu Zhong replied angrily, keeping his head down and not daring to lift it up.

Yun Zhou frowned slightly.

Originally, he really didn't expect Yu Zhong to respond to him.

That's right.

Just like the original explanation.

Yu Zhong, "Stupid Zhong", in the middle of the original text, he will not talk to anyone except the demon lord Yuechan.

Although it was just a faint "thank you" right now, Yun Zhou knew it well.

In the original text, after Lin Yuan played the song in front of Yu Zhong for the first time, from the beginning to the end, Yu Zhong did not respond a word!

Even, Shendu didn't give Lin Yuan one.

For this person, he must accept it in the future.

But not too rushed.

At this point, Yun Zhou has a thorough understanding of people.

As long as the most important people around him are around, and others are willing to contribute to him, he welcomes them.

If you don’t want to……… let him go if it doesn’t affect it, and get rid of it if it affects it.

Take Yu Zhong as an example.

I played a song for him today, and he will throw an olive branch in a few days. 907 But if the other party refuses to answer, and has a relationship with the hero Lin Yuan.

Then he can send the other party off at any time and reunite with his dead wife.

As a senior villain, Yun Zhou has all kinds of emotions, except that he doesn't have the Heart of Mary.

With his deadly feud with the protagonist, if he doesn't kill the protagonist, is he still waiting for the protagonist to get rid of him for the protagonist?

Without thinking too much, Yun Zhou paced away, and Yue Chan came over slowly, bringing a burst of fragrant wind to Yun Zhou's side.

When the two left together, Yu Zhong's figure also turned into a phantom and disappeared.

But before he left, Yun Zhou discovered a very interesting thing.

Before the other party left, he took a deep look at him.

Then, he picked up the flute rope that he deliberately dropped...

Then this detail was noticed by Yun Zhou, but he didn't say anything.

Follow Moon Cicada to leave.

In Changting Water Garden, golden fish swim in the sparkling lake.

But above those lakes, there are blossoming "black lotus", coquettish and mysterious!

"It's been so long since I've been shopping, where are you taking me?"

ps: I'm sorry, sorry, I forgot to post this chapter at noon, the author will make it up, there will be another chapter later. .

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