Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 891: The Devil Is Really Smart! Yun Zhou's Nightmare! (Seeking Subscription)

Entering the country to prove the Tao, you can't do two things with one mind.

When Yun Zhou just broke through, he has been paying attention to the changes in his Daohai.

When did he come out of the devil's bedroom, and what happened outside, he didn't know at all.

It can be said that the memory just now is completely fragmented.

He knew that he was entering the country to prove the Tao, and he appeared here when he opened his eyes.

At this moment, he looked at the crowd of witches staring at him, and felt a little overwhelmed.

On the opposite side, there was a large group of witches and a few scattered demons, with fanatic expressions in their eyes.

The witch's eyes couldn't tell what it meant.

But the eyes of those demons are full of worship.

Even those elders who always thought that the devil was messing around and looked down on this righteous son, were all shocked at this moment.

Yun Zhou scratched his head, feeling something was wrong.

If you are frightened by the punishment of heaven, will your face turn red?

He looked at the nearest Liu Manyin: "Liu Mowei, why are you staring at me?"

"Ah, this..." Liu Manyin's pretty face was slightly reddish, and her big seductive eyes were misty:

"That...... Yun, Yun Shengzi, your clothes"


Yun Zhou was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to look down, his eyes suddenly widened:

"I'm a mud horse!!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The witches' eyes were dull, seeing Yun Zhou leave, they couldn't help but feel a bit more resentment and admiration in their eyes!

At this time, the elder beside Qi Chan was amazed in his heart:

"I didn't expect to be able to reach this level of cultivation at the age of only double ten...."

"Cultivate the six paths together, and the body bears the shape of the Tao, and the realm has reached the realm of proving the Tao!"

"It's no wonder that the Demon Lord will make friends with him, he's really smart!"

The rest of the elders around him thought the same thing, looking at Yun Zhou in amazement.

"Sage Yun, truly lives up to his name, he is unparalleled in the world!"

"The old man is such a doghead, he thought the devil was confused at first."

"If you can develop this Yun Shengzi into a member of my Demon Realm, then the rise of my Demon Dao is just around the corner!

"Seeing that Yun Shengzi is so strong, the devil must be very happy."

Just when the elders were thinking about how to make the devil happier.


A terrifying breath burst out, and everyone looked over in a panic.

In the eyes, Moon Cicada's demon power is mighty, black and white eyes are full of bloodthirsty killing, and the aura is rising steadily!

"Looking at this little cutie...then it's all sharks!"

"The way of magic doesn't need a witch, just a male devil..."

Demons present: (・)(・)

"Devil Lord, spare me!!"

Under the continuous intercession of eight or nine elders, a group of witches were terrified by their silence.

In the end, Moon Cicada still didn't make a move.

It's not that she's relented.

It's just that the magic way has just broken the seal, and it's hurting its muscles and bones.

At this time, no loss can be caused.

Moon Cicada has plenty of ways to kill these witches.

When people come from the Immortal Realm, or when the two Realms of the Emperor and the Emperor attack, she will send all these witches to the front line!

Dare to look at this little cutie!

Sooner or later you have to die!!

Yue Chan's eyes full of sickness swept around in front of this group of demons, and then his figure disappeared.

That's right.

If you don't care about this group of trash, you might as well go and see the cuties.

To know.

Although the little cutie has entered the realm to prove the Tao.

But the improvement of Dao Soul requires a process.

This period of time must be very weak, she is not at ease.

Just as Moon Cicada thought.

Yun Zhou, who had returned to the devil lord's bedroom, sat on the couch, feeling a sense of dizziness rushing into his head inexplicably.

Then his head fell forward and he became dizzy.

Seeing this, Yue Chan, who had just returned here, hurried over and let the other party fall into her arms.

Sitting down while supporting the other person's head, Yun Zhou's expression was peaceful, but his brows were frowning from time to time.

Obviously, this is the Dao Soul being solidified.

Yue Chan looked at the other party's pale lips, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

But she was quickly suppressed.

She swallowed her saliva, used her magic power patiently, felt it in Yun Zhou's Dao body, and then she was relieved.

Fortunately, the little cutie is fine.

It's just because of the punishment of God when he broke through to prove the way.

………… Ask for flowers… 0

As a result, a large part of the Dao power was taken away, and the Dao soul was not completely solidified.

It should be fine to take a rest and recover your strength.

Just when Yue Chan breathed a sigh of relief.


A pair of big hands came over and threw Yuechan directly onto the couch.

Looking at Yun Zhou, who was pressing on her body and smiling with satisfaction in her sleep.

Moon Cicada's eyes light up slightly:

"Sleeping active!"

Misty room.

Yun Zhou seemed to be having a nightmare and couldn't wake up no matter what.

He had a very strange dream.

in a dream.

He seemed to have returned to Blue Star and turned into a three-year-old child.

The sun is scorching, only my mother's arms are very refreshing.

Unable to bear the heat, he shrank into his mother's arms tightly, holding her tightly and refusing to let go.

My mother showed a "kind" smile, and petted his head lovingly.

Half asleep.

Yun Zhou frowned and opened his eyes, only to find a beautiful figure caressing his face.

He was sleepy and couldn't see who Qianying was.

"Ice is cold and delicious, Shiyao or Tianling?"

Yun Zhou's head cleared up for a moment.

Shuting her mouth, she turned her head and fell asleep again...

same moment.

Just when Yun Zhou was sleeping soundly with his mouth open.

On the other side, there was someone who slept more soundly than him.

At dusk, the extreme north cannot see the sun.

Lin Yuan lay beside the lake, sound asleep.

It's almost the same as Yun Zhou holding the Moon Cicada.

There was still something soft in his hands.

Well, Xiang this morning.

While pressing, snoring.

The snot was still bubbling on his face.

And a mile away from him.

Qiu Yue was sitting on the big stone pier with her arms slumped.

His big brother, Qiu Ping, was gnawing on the dao fish happily below, and said while gnawing:

"Brother, brother eats this fish, it's very serious!"

"The Dao power that was shattered by Heaven's Punishment before has recovered to one or two tenths."

"The 'Beast Transformation Pill' we discussed.

"You feed Lin Yuan, and I can give him fusion... power."

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