Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 892: Good Words Can't Persuade A Crazy Person! Give It A Go! (Seeking Subscription)

Speaking of this, Qiu Ping is still a little hesitant:

"But brother, if you can wait, you'd better wait for brother."

"When I recover some strength, I will definitely be able to integrate better!"

After finishing speaking, he handed over a Dao fish:

"Brother, do you want to eat?"

"I will not eat!"

Qiu Yuejian sighed: "Okay, brother, just try to recover your power..."

"Let's give him the Beast Transformation Pill as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he suddenly remembered something, and looked over with his blood-stained head.

"By the way, brother, I have a Beast Transformation Pill here, do you have it there?"

Qiu Ping rummaged through his storage ring, then took out a pill bottle and took it out:

"Well, it's all here."

"There are wolf-morphing beasts, snake-morphing beasts, and lion-morphing beasts..."197""

"Yes, and this one, which turns into a dog and a beast."

"Don't worry, I have everything here."

"As long as Lin Yuan eats it, I am in such a fusion.

"Even if he can't be conscious as a man, he still has the mind of a beast."

"At that time, as long as we teach well, he will definitely have no problem pretending!"

"That's great!!" Qiu Ping gave a very awkward smile.

There was no way, the punishment from heaven was too harsh at that time.

His front teeth and lower molars were all gone.

Now it's a dark hole...  

I took the pill bottle from Qiu Ping.

Qiu Yue glanced at them one by one.

"But brother..."

Qiu Ping is still a little worried: "This situation is not so optimistic."

"Although Lin Yuan's mind is severely damaged, his Dao soul still exists."

"Let's feed this Beast Transformation Pill into it, even if it's fused... I'm afraid his Dao Soul will still resist it!"

"That kid's Dao Soul is quite awesome..."

"If our Beast Transformation Pill doesn't have enough pill power and is rejected by his Dao Soul, then our work will be in vain!"

I think of the murderous aura that Lin Yuan looked at when he was shooting Xiangxiang.

Qiu Pingzhi shuddered slightly.

This dog is beeping like this now, and its eyes are still so frightening...

It is clear.

Although Lin Yuan lost his mind, his Dao Soul is still vigilant all the time!

Tian Youbajiu couldn't solve this situation with only the pill power of a Beast Transformation Pill!

Then, when the problem comes, it must be solved.

Qiu Yue pondered for a while when she heard her brother's words.

Then I picked a circle among these elixirs, found three elixirs, and grinned:

"I'm afraid that one Beast Transformation Pill is not enough, so let's give him three!"

"Those that turn into wolves, jackals, and dogs, let him eat them all!"

"Give him all the animal transforming pills for dogs, are you afraid that the pills are not powerful enough?"

"Hiss——" Qiu Ping took a breath:

"Brother, if you do this, you won't kill people?"

After eating a Beast Transformation Pill, the human mind will basically be replaced by the animal's instinct.

These three pieces go together.....

Are you sure it's not life threatening?

This thing affects lifespan!

If it is not done well, after eating this, people will be exhausted on the spot.

The Haotu Zhengdao Dynasty banned the sale of this thing because it is too cruel!

Generally, it is not the enemy of life and death who kills the father and seizes the wife, and it is impossible for people to eat this.

And no matter how big the hatred is, it will be wiped out with one whole one at a time.

But my younger brother, whoa, actually wants to give Lin Yuan the dog's animal transformation pill

Is this really going to kill the other party?

"Brother, why don't you think about it."

Qiu Pingjia reminded: "This game should be whole, and it will have a serious impact on people.

"You get three this time..."

"Don't turn him into a beast, just kill him!"

Reasonably speaking, Qiu Yue also understands elder brother's worries.

But it's all come to this point, so I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Moreover, he didn't understand why.

He knew that he had killed Lin Yuan, and there would be great danger when someone from Xianyu came to pick him up.

But now, when he thinks of Lin Yuan kneeling on the ground, "barking" for a while, and "owing" for a while, he can't help it.

There was a kind of pleasure in my heart, as if I couldn't help it.

I just want to turn Lin Yuan, a happy little idiot, into a dog demon.

Moreover, this situation is now a dead end......

Just like Qiu Pingjia said, the Dao power of a Beast Transformation Pill can hardly affect Lin Yuan's Dao Soul.

That Dao Soul is sober, when people come from Immortal Realm to investigate, wouldn't it be a crime?

At that time, waiting for the two brothers, there is still a dead end!

Therefore, there is no need to think about what is there or what is not.

Since you have to gamble your life no matter what, let's gamble once and for all!

Give it a go!

Be bold!

Bet on Lin Yuan!!

You have tricked the people from Xianyu, so you can say anything.

Without cheating, he fed the three Beast Transformation Pills to Lin Yuan.

For the rest of Lin Yuan's life, life would be worse than death.

It's still a fool to turn the young master of Linmen into an orc!

The two of them didn't suffer too much!

Qiu Yue looked a little frantic now.

His head was hairless, bald and bloody.

There was an inexplicable look of madness in the shadowy eyes.

It looks... just like the feeling of betting your life.

Anyway, it's come to this point.

If you escape, you must not jump!

They are all made like no one else.

How can I take the benefits from Fu Xiang if I don't complete the task?

So at this step, he can only be ruthless!

do my best!

Just feed Lin Yuan three canine Beast Pills!

Grind his personality down to 3.0!

Become a canine beast!

Damn, I can't handle people, but I can't handle dogs?

When the time comes, teach him to shake hands, teach him to laugh, and stop him from sticking out his tongue!

Yes, to keep him from barking.

There must be a way to make his throat hoarse!!

At that time, they will say that their young master is unwilling to speak!

Why don't you believe that you can't fool those people in Xianyu!?

Up to now, the bet is a miracle!

Damn it, Lin Yuan is such an idiot, he doesn't believe there are smart people!

Seeing the fierceness seeping out of Qiu Yue's eyeballs.

Qiu Ping was silent.

This tm, good words can't persuade crazy people.

Let him toss!

Anyway, it's a dead end now, maybe we can turn the situation around!


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