Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 893: Start To Act! Hurry Up And Eat You! (Seeking Subscription)


Qiu Pingping left, and went to eat Dao fish to replenish his strength.

The scene fell silent.

Qiu Yue also fell silent.

He fell down on the boulder, ready to be quiet.

When the elder brother regained some power, he went to feed Lin Yuan the Beast Transformation Pill.

Thinking about it, he took out those pills again.

Read them one by one.

This time, it doesn't matter whether Lin Yuan is dead or not.

It must be done for him!

It's better to be a monster than to be an idiot!

He repacked these Beast Transformation Pills as if they were treasures.

Suddenly it was a little difficult.

The elder brother's Tao power recovered so slowly, the first time he fused a pill.

What should I feed Lin Yuan first?

Transforming wolf pill?

No, wolves don't care!

Let's transform the dog first.

After confirming her thoughts, Qiu Yuejian let out a long breath:

"Whether it is life or death is a gamble on this wave."

"I hope that dog won't cheat me too much."

28 Here he is talking to himself.

Over there, Qiu Pingjia's surprised voice came:

"Oh brother, guess what I found?"


Muddy brother?

What nonsense are you talking about?

Qiu Yue glanced over, "What did you find?"

"Rong Dao Grass! Haha!"

Qiu Pingjia trotted over in surprise, shaking something similar to "dogtail grass" in his hand:

"This thing is a good thing to replenish power!"

"If I eat it, at least 20% of my strength will be recovered!"

Qiu Yue glanced at Zhuzi and stared: "Then you eat!"

Qiu Pingjia: "But I want to eat it with grilled fish."

"You are Ji Ba! Eat quickly!!"

Under Qiu Yue's anxious and white face, Qiu Pingbing ate the grass resentfully.


A faint light shone from the whole body.

Qiu Ping was overjoyed: "This thing is good!"

Seeing that my brother's power has recovered a lot.

Qiu Yue glanced at Bengbu and lived there.

He didn't want to wait for a moment, and looked directly at his brother:

"Brother, let's feed Lin Yuan the pill now?"

"Alright." Qiu Ping price clenched his fists:

"Dao Li has now recovered to three out of ten."

"I'll fuse a Beast Transformation Pill for Lin Yuan first, it will be fine."

Hearing this, Qiu Yue looked happy.

He jumped off the big stone pier: "Very good, brother, let's go then.

"Whether Lin Yuan can be tamed by him depends on today."

"Fix him, and deceive the people in the fairyland, and we will be free!"

"When he will be fused later, brother, you should pay more attention and don't fool around."

Qiu Ping price waved his hand: "Let it go, I understand."

"The lives of our brothers are already hanging in the balance."

"Your brother, I'm not stupid, I will definitely fuse him to the end!"

"Just let him turn into a dog from the bottom of his bones!"

"Then what...but when you fuse him, you have to hold him down.

"We may not be able to succeed this time, his soul..."

Hearing this, before Qiu Pinggui could finish speaking, Qiu Yuejian nodded:

"Don't worry, brother, as long as he falls asleep, I will press him with a pounce!"

"Now that neither of us has regained our strength, I'll be able to control his physique!"

Qiu Ping Price: "Brother...don't take it lightly.

"Your physique is not good enough to go there."

"Why don't I give you a low-level Daobao, and you use it to suppress him..."

"He hurts when he fuses with the Beast Pill... I'm afraid you won't be able to fix him once he struggles..."

Qiu Yue was silent for a while, then nodded:

"That's fine too!"

"Let's go, give me Daobao on the way."

"We'll see if he's asleep when we get there, so we can't just rush up."

"If you don't scare this little idiot, there may be problems with the fusion animal pill.

Qiu Ping patted his chest, "Don't worry, brother is professional."

that's all.

The two of them walked towards the stinking ditch cautiously.

When they approached, the two hid behind a tree and looked over with their heads turned.

Everything was very peaceful.

Lin Yuan was lying next to the stinky ditch, sleeping soundly.

They both let out a long breath.

Suddenly, I smelled a pungent stench.

Qiu Ping Price: "Grass (plant)! Why does this kid smell so bad? It smells like Xiang Xiang."

Qiu Yue cast a glance: "This smell really hits your head! How come this is so close."

"Brother, just grit your teeth and stuff the Beast Transformation Pill into his mouth. Brother will give him the fusion layer soon."

tm, there is nothing to do.

Who made himself a younger brother?

Qiu Yue gritted her teeth and limped out from behind the tree.

Walked towards Lin Yuan.

That state, no matter how you look at it, is not right.

While walking, he muttered:

"Lin Yuan, it's all because you made yourself a fool, no wonder me!"

"If you can wake up with a dog pill, I promise I won't harm you in the future."

"If you can't wake up..."

"Then tm, you can do the dog Dan again.

Muttering, he came to Lin Yuan's side.

The probe glanced at Lin Yuan's sleeping appearance.

Then, the elder brother who came closer to his house made a look.

I have 470 more pill bottles in my hand.

With a sound of "bang~", the pill bottle was opened.

Inside, a black as ink, with a foul smelling elixir was taken out.

Squeeze the pill with two fingers.

Then bowed deeply to Lin Yuan:

"In this life, if you meet our brothers, it's a shame."

"But it's not our fault."

"I pity you, but I also have to live."

"You will become a dog man honestly, let us tame it, and everything will be fine for us.

"Don't struggle... oh!"

Hearing Qiu Yue glance aside, it was like reciting scriptures.

Qiu Ping price stared:

"Hiss—brother, you are kind, but you are not connected with your mouth!"

Qiu Yue glanced over there and didn't care what the big brother was thinking.

He took a deep breath, and threw himself directly on Lin Yuan's body!

Maybe it was too much force, but his mind was still on Lin Yuan's hand.

Xiang rubbed his head.

But he no longer cares.

Wiping away the Xiang that splashed on his eyes, he directly took the stinky elixir mixed with Xiang, and poked towards Lin Yuan's mouth.

In an instant, Lin Yuan, who was being pressed down, began to struggle.

Seeing this, Qiu Yue hurriedly comforted her:

"Don't get excited, I'll give you one, and you'll be fine after you finish eating!"

"Hurry up and eat you!".

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