Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 913: It's Okay To Be Crazy, But You Can't Mess Around! (Seeking Subscription)

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou suddenly felt a little problem again.

Can't help pinching his chin to observe:

【Something is wrong...】

[According to what Qiu Yuejiao said before, they should know that Lin Yuan is the young master of Linmen in Immortal Realm. 】

【I have a little head, I don't even think about killing Lin Yuan at this time...】

【Otherwise, people from the Linmen will retaliate like crazy when they find out that the young master is dead. 】

【They must be clear that this is not something they can bear. 】

【So, this old guy has now made up these two pills...】

【Maybe to save Lin Yuan?】

All right.

After all, these passers-by were sent by Fu Xiang to follow Lin Yuan.

Now that the other party has become a fool, they must not go back first for the benefit.

The people from Linmen saw that the young master was turned into a fool by the punishment of heaven, so they must take their anger out on them.

So smooth it all down.

Qiu Xianhua should be saving Lin Yuan for his two sons.

Maybe 28 is trying to wake up the other party's mind.

Can wake up the mind, as for laughing so darkly?

Yun Zhou didn't know what the two pills in the opponent's hand were, so he felt a little puzzled.

And this time.

Qiu Xianhua was also ready.

His weak Dao power lingered on the two pitch-black pills in his hand.

A foul stench permeated the surrounding air.

He pinched Lin Yuan's swollen face very skillfully.

It seems to have touched the "miso" on the mouth, but also called "grass (plant)" in disgust.

Then he let out a long breath, stared at Lin Yuan viciously and said:

"Little brat, you can't blame me for this."

"My two sons are beeping like this because of you!"

"You must suffer this crime!"

"If you can resist, everything will be fine."

"If you can't handle it, I still have a backup!"

"Hey, boy, my two incompetent sons have a lot of means.

"If you fall into my hands, it's bad luck for you."

After finishing speaking, he pinched Lin Yuan's big face, squeezed one of the pills, and stuffed it in!

While stuffing, his face was still twitching uncontrollably:

"This mud horse, how much Xiang did you eat!"

“The taste is really big!”

The moment the words were finished, Lin Yuan's jaw was forcibly closed.

At the same time, Lin Yuan shivered violently, his pupils congealed instantly!

Boom boom boom!

The powerful heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

Seeing this, Qiu Xianhua quickly used Dao Wu to help stabilize it:

"Good guy, this medicine is really powerful!"

"But this kid is also a ruthless person."

"Ordinary people can't stand one of them, but he managed to take both of them."

At this time, Lin Yuan was already struggling.

His eyes widened, and the veins on his neck became clearer.

The grin is sometimes like a dog, sometimes like a wolf.

It looked horrible and weird.

Qiu Xianhua didn't panic at all.

Still using Dao Li to fuse Lin Yuan with the Wolf Transformation Pill.

He knew that it was impossible for Lin Yuan to behave like this.

So I don't worry about what storms he might cause.

in the void.

Qi Ling has already looked stupid!

"Gulu~ You humans are too ruthless!"

"Is this going to kill your companion with medicine?"

Let alone her, Yun Zhou was stunned.

【Hiss——Could it be that I overestimated the IQ of Passerby A?】

【This doesn't mean to save, it's obviously to kill the other party!】

【What exactly is he feeding Lin Yuan?】

【And... Listen to the tone in his words...】

【Why is it a bit of a "gamble"?】

Yun Zhou was a little puzzled, but he didn't show up.

After all, in his opinion, this Qiu Xianhua is not a fool.

He should not be killing Lin Yuan now.

Otherwise, he would not use Dao power to maintain Lin Yuan's Dao body.

Even, look at it now.

The other party seemed to be merging Lin Yuan with the elixir he fed?

But what exactly is this medicine?

Look at the ferocious demeanor of this old boy...

Are you messing around?

All right.

Yun Zhou couldn't think of anything.

The "male protagonist" who has been plucking wool has turned into a beast!

And it's a dog!

What's more unexpected, Xianhua lost his mind.

The opponent turned into a dog and beast, and he was not satisfied.

He actually added another Wolf Transformation Pellet!

It is obvious that now Lin Yuan, he has become the subject of the experiment!

The guinea pig belongs to yes!

In fact, to put it bluntly, Xianhua was not sure that the other party would be able to bear it.

I just hope that this dog can carry it and make a miracle.

With Lin Yuanming's cultivation base, he ate two forbidden pills like Beast Transformation Pill one after another.

There may be some that can bear it.

However, there is a small probability that you will completely lose your mind, and even threaten your life...

It can be said.

It was completely betting on the future of himself and his son with the life of the other party.

So this time, Qiu Xianhua was just testing.

The look is somewhat crazy.

Lin Yuan struggled more and more.

However, this did not affect Qiu Xianhua at all.

He continued to infuse Lin Yuan with the medicinal power of the wolf pill.

A pair of slightly wretched old eyes are always observing Lin Yuan's situation.

About half an hour or so.

"Jin Nan..."

Lin Yuan was dumbfounded, but there was still a moaning sound like a dog barking in his throat.

However, his eyes became scarlet.

Really like a hungry wolf.

Seeing this, Qiu Xianhua's eyes lit up.

Dragging him, he came to Xiang, ready to experiment with waves.

In the end, he hadn't waited for him to speak.

Lin Yuan is a vicious dog attacking food!

Started "chih chih chih chih" again!

In an instant, Qiu Xianhua's face darkened again:

"This mud horse..."

"I've integrated the Wolf Transformation Pill, why are you still tm eating Xiang?!"

All right.

Integrating one more forbidden pill will not affect Lin Yuan's appetite.

It’s just that he, who used to love to eat Xiang, also loves to eat meat now.

It's off the charts!!

Qiu Xianhua kept twitching the corners of his mouth, and the fierceness on his face became more and more obvious.

He glanced at the Jackal Transformation Pill in his hand, and then took out a black pill bottle from the storage ring!

Come to Lin Yuan, squat down:

"Since the canine Beast Transformation Pill can't neutralize you... then you can only try them all."

"Don't worry, you can bear one, and you can also bear a field.

"I bet you can't die, brat!"

"Oh shit, give me... eat!!".

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