Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 914: More And More Contacts With Things Other Than The Original Text! (Seeking Subscription)

On Qiu Xianhua's old face, there was a slight smile:

"Eat it, after you eat, everything will be fine!"

"As long as you don't die, I won't hate you!"

After finishing the words, he threw a handful of Beast Transformation Pills in his hand into Xiangli in front of Lin Yuan.

At first glance, there must be more than ten.

The stench and Xiang are mixed together, and the smell that comes out seems to be liquefied.

Yun Zhou hid in the void with a strange spirit, and was stunned:

【This old man is really ruthless!】

【A single elixir nearly choked Lin Yuan, this time throwing in more than a dozen?!】

【I heard from him just now that it seems that this thing is called Beast Transformation Pill?】

[What's this for? It didn't appear in the novel. 】

【Hiss——this doesn't seem to be about saving Lin Yuan, it's about killing Lin Yuan. 】

Yun Zhou was a little confused.

He didn't understand what Qiu Xianhua was going to do.

You said he wanted to kill Lin Yuan, but he also used Dao power to fuse Lin Yuan to stabilize the opponent's Dao body.

You say you want to cure Lin Yuan, he even feeds Lin Yuan this kind of thing...

Good guy!

Co-authors are insane, inhuman Huo Huo people?

All right.

It's not because he can't understand.

Who would have thought... Qiu Xianhua's calm and gloomy appearance hides a crazy heart!

Yun Zhou couldn't see it, so he didn't know what the other party was going to do.

However, he has already noticed that something is wrong with this beep:

【This old guy is really more ruthless than his two sons...】

[Since Lin Yuan's luck decreased again, he happened to appear... I feel that things are developing in a strange direction. 】

【This old man, couldn’t be sent by Heaven to target boys?】

【This brain obviously doesn't look like a human brain, it's too abnormal!】

【And this look... hiss, scarier than the sick moon cicada!】

【Is there something wrong with his mind?】

【emm, doesn't that mean...】

【One idiot is treating another idiot!?】

Thinking of this, the corners of Yun Zhou's mouth trembled uncontrollably.

He took a closer look at Lin Yuan's situation on the ground.

Like a dog, it ate up all the Xiang on the ground.

Together with the dozen or so Beast Transformation Pills, they are all made!

However, nothing changes.

Behaving perfectly normal.

It can also stick out its tongue to lick the ground.

More to come!

In addition to being like a dog, everything else is normal.

Yun Zhou was a little taken aback, this is different from just now.

It was at the moment when his thoughts fell.

Qiu Xianhua suddenly concentrated his power in his palm and passed over.

Lin Yuan suddenly fell to the ground and twitched.

The body twisted at a mysterious angle.

The two feet are coiled together, as if twisted into a rope.

Two big bags popped out of the top of the head.

Black scales grew out of the exposed arms!

Then, there was a choking sound.

It seems to be very painful, and the speed of rolling back and forth is getting faster and faster.

He kept spitting white foam from his mouth.

The fingers on the big hand also became claws.

The cry of "Difficult`||鞥" also changed.

It seemed to be a low roar in the chest, terrifying and frightening!

"Oh, what's going on?!"

"Dad, what did you do to him?"

Qiu Yue, who was a little worried, turned back and was dumbfounded when she saw this scene!

When he came back to his senses, he rushed to Lin Yuan's side.

Feet and mouth, they kept greeting each other's faces.

It seems to be proficient.

After a while, Lin Yuan, who had convulsed for a while, stopped moving on the ground.

The dim light flickered on his body, but he was not breathing.

As if dead.

In an instant, Qiu Yue glanced at her head and began to sweat.

Not only him, Qiu Xianhua was also anxious.

He pushed Qiu Yueyan aside, stretched out his hand to press Lin Yuan's neck, and began to probe the other's meridians.

The pulse condition is very light, but it is obvious that he is not dead.

Just when Qiu Xianhua heaved a sigh of relief in his heart and secretly said God bless him.

Lin Yuan made a sudden stab.

Straightening his upper body, he actually arched Qiu Xianhua up.

Then, the surrounding light became even worse.

My whole body couldn't stop shaking.

The bones in the hands and arms are changing at a scalp-numbing speed!

Qiu Xianhua, who was pushed aside, was completely stunned, and muttered dully:

"It's impossible!"

"The Beast Transformation Pill can only change the mind and soul, but not the Dao!"

"How did this body become so weird?"

"Hiss——couldn't this be turning into a beast?"

""Could it be that I fed too much Beast Transformation Pill?"

"How can this be done?"

Qiu Xianhua looked bewildered and a little numb.

He took out all the pills in his storage ring in one go.

There are deadly poisonous pills, and broken rhyme pills with advanced cultivation bases...

Anyway, there are many good pills.

But now it's useless!

Before long, he frowns:

"Oh, what can I do with this horse!"

"I should have known that I wouldn't feed him so many Beast Transformation Pills..."

"This kid, Dao Gu, doesn't even look like a human anymore, he's about to turn into a beast!"

"Cockscombs are growing out of my brains!"

"This time, we definitely can't wait for people from Xianyu to come."

"Then what to do?"

"Fu Xiang's benefits are gone, and he ran away with his two sons?"

"No, I'm too angry!"

Qiu Xianhua's face was gloomy, and there was a touch of madness in his desperate eyes.

(of promise) at the same moment.

A man and a woman hiding in the void were so dumbfounded that their jaws couldn't even close together!

Good guy!

Beasts have always turned into humans!

This is the first time that Qi Ling has seen a human turned into a beast!

This mutated skeleton... is too scary!

Yun Zhou is also dumbfounded!

He totally got it!

What kind of old man is this Qiu Xianhua?

He saw how miserable his two sons had made, so he was going to die.

Do you want to kill Lin Yuan?

The Beast Transformation Pill he gave Lin Yuan had never appeared in the novel.

Does such a thing really exist?

The author of the dog definitely didn't set up this kind of elixir.

Indistinctly, Yun Zhou found...a dog...

other than the original text.

He seems to be in contact with...more and more. .

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