Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 925: Where Can I Find A Beautiful Junior Sister? The Jiang Family In Xianyu Is Indispensable

"Baby, whoever grabs it will own it.

"I also want to prepare two reliable confidantes for my future nephew."

Yun Susu shook her calf, looked at the clouds in the distance in a daze, and chuckled softly.

The corner of Yun Qiaoer's mouth twitched: "..."

This is so... the two reliable confidantes you mentioned...

I'm the one?

All day long, "nephew and nephew" never left his mouth.

How close is the relationship between Master's nephew and Master!

at this time.

"By the way, Qiaoer."

Yun Susu seemed to have thought of something, and looked back.

All the frivolity on his face disappeared, replaced by a serious face:

"What I told you before was not a joke."

"Wait until my nephew comes to the Upper Realm ~ why don't you try dating him?"

"In case we go, you will be my niece and daughter-in-law~ We will become a family!"

"In the future, the wife of the suzerain of the Yunling Sect, how grand is it?"

"Well, think about it?"

Without saying a word, Yun Qiaoer shook her head like a rattle: "I don't think about it!"

Yun Susu: "Why?"

"Because Master, you are not a good person, and your nephew is definitely not either!"

...You are really dead!"


After simply tidying up 360 of his apprentice, Yun Susu pouted.

Immediately, he looked in the direction of the Jiang family through the heavy white clouds.

"Does Xiaohezi know that the person she likes is being targeted by the elders of Linmen?"

Yun Qiaoer covered her little head when she heard the words, and shook her head:

"No, there is no news from Jiangmen Master during the whole process."

Hearing this, Yun Susu laughed nonchalantly:

"That Jiu Mengzi, who drinks alcohol like water every day, also likes to isolate his cultivation."

"Drunk as mud."

"I'm afraid I don't know about it yet."

Shaking her head, she waved her hands and said without thinking too much:

"Go down and take your junior and junior sisters to practice first.

"You don't need to worry about things in the lower realm."

"Hurry up and increase your strength."

"It will be convenient to protect my eldest nephew in the future!"

Yun Qiaoer: "..."

You really love your nephew!!


Wait until Yun Qiaoer's figure disappears on the top of the mountain.

Yun Susu focused on the Jiang family.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his long hair fluttered.

"Xiaohezi, it's not certain whether the boy you fancy can survive this test.

"Just live in your wine pond and meat forest, haha~"

Yun Susu's delicate face was full of smiles, and she let out a burst of melodious laughter like a copper bell.

It's just that she didn't know that after she knew the boy's name was "Yun Zhou".

Can you still laugh so happily!

Xianyu, Jiang family.

Jianghe Training Field is the only square in the Immortal Domain that can accommodate thousands of people practicing at the same time.

The red flag with the word "Jiang" printed on it fluttered in the wind.

The gold lettering on it is particularly conspicuous, full of prettiness!

Here is the training ground for the core disciples of the Jiang family.

At this time, nearly a thousand disciples in red long gowns were sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by Dao Qi.

Looking around, the ones with the lowest cultivation level also have the perfect cultivation base in the Dao Merging Realm.

Most of them are around the third level of Nirvana Realm.

There are even several who have reached the fifth level of Nirvana!

Each of them has a majestic aura, and their eyes are full of perseverance and unyielding.

Speaking bluntly.

The most talented young generation in the entire Immortal Territory accounts for two to three out of ten!

It can be seen that Jiangmen's heritage is strong and talented!


On the stone platform above this group of disciples.

A woman in a long blue skirt sat cross-legged here.

Her three thousand black hair draped over her shoulders, interpreting beauty and unrestraint to the extreme.

A pair of beautiful eyes are charming and charming as if they can speak.

The delicate facial features gave off a slightly boring and indifferent look.

It seems that I don't like everything here (cifc).

And she is the sect master who killed thousands of disciples neatly!

She is also the second youngest empress besides Yun Susu in this fairyland.

Jiang He!

Speaking of which, with her unruly personality.

It's not bad if you don't have a group of disciples who are eating and drinking by your side.

However, the most serious and talented serious cultivators joined Jiangmen.

There is no place for tm to reason.

Regarding this point, Jiang He himself was a little puzzled.

Obviously she is the best among the six emperors, and Jiangmen's development is not good.

I don't know what this group of elites, who are one in a hundred, have their eyes on Jiangmen.

There was another time after that, Lin Langyue accidentally woke her up.

This group of seemingly serious young cultivators.

In fact, when looking at their junior sisters in Jiangmen, their eyes are shining!

Since ancient times heroes have loved beauties!

There are the most beautiful junior sisters in Jiangmen!

At this moment, he looked at the group of "serious" disciples below.

Jiang He's face was as calm as water, but his heart scolded:

Damn, a bunch of boring SPs!

I like that junior sisters don't chase after each other, and they pretend to be serious here one by one.

It's boring!

She picked up the jug in her hand and took a sip.

Don't say it.

Don't look at the following group of disciples who love women.

But they are the only ones who are not interested in their beautiful and flowery sect master.

Not because of anything else.

Just because of the character of the sect master...


Back! Back! Back!!

The evil spirits are back!!

Not to mention just looking at it, just thinking about the other person's face makes me feel scared!!

It's just like....…

"Do you have unreasonable thoughts about your big brother"?

Hey~ Don't be too scary!

Jiang He above looked down on this group of disciples and drank his own.

The disciples below did not raise their heads either, they should practice and practice.

The atmosphere is a bit dull.

Just when Jiang He didn't want to guide this group of idiots and was about to leave.

Suddenly, there was a ripple in the air around him.

Lin Langyue walked out of it calmly:

"Jiang He, just got the news that the fifth or sixth elder of Linmen met the young man you fancy in the lower realm."

"Not only that, they seem to be facing off."

"It looks like it's about to do something."

Hearing this, Jiang He glanced beautifully, with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes:

"You old things from Linmen bully even youths from the lower realms, isn't it a bit shameless?"

When speaking, Jiang He's voice had a rare coldness.

emm...Pull it cool~.

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