Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 926 : The Chaotic Situation! All The Venerables Come Down To The Hidden Door! (Seeking Subsc

To be reasonable.

for thousands of years.

Yun Zhou is Jiang He's first optimistic person.

Of course, this "optimistic" does not mean liking it.

Just simply appreciate the other party's talent and strength.

It belongs to the kind with high affection.

In her opinion, if this young man does not die young and joins Jiangmen in the future, he will definitely help Jiangmen climb to the top of the fairyland!


It was such a young man whom she "had high hopes on".

He was actually targeted by two old things that add up to thousands of years old.

These two Linmen dogs are really shameless.

Looking over with slightly dissatisfied eyes, Lin Langyue lowered her head in embarrassment and said nothing.

Indeed, it looks from a certain angle.

This time, Lin Men was really shameless.

"Little Langyue."

"Accompany me to the top of the mountain, and pass on the "163" Shadow Zhibao to see how it works.

Jiang He's voice was still so free and easy.

But Lin Langyue heard a kind of coldness from inside.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Langyue nodded calmly and followed behind her.

As Jiang He's best friend for thousands of years.

Although Lin Langyue practiced the ruthless way, she deliberately kept a distance from the other party.

But she is very clear about the nature of the other party.

She understands that if Yun Zhou can handle it, everything will be fine.

If you can't handle it, the other party is likely to directly mix it up.

Even, with the other party's personality.

It is not impossible to directly kill these two elders and become an enemy of the entire Linmen.

After all, that young man from the lower realm was the one Jiang He fancied.

And she wanted to see it herself.

What kind of capital does this young man have to get into Jiang He's eyes!

Do you really have the kind of talent that the other party said is "unmatched in the world"!

Not only Yunling and Jiangmen.

In the huge fairyland, there are six major factions, down to countless small and medium sects.

Everyone who heard this turned their attention to Haotu.

Of course, if you have the Shadow Shadow, you can see the usage situation.

Those who have nothing can only stare blankly, waiting for news from the border disciples.

For a moment, the attention of the lesser half of Immortal Territory was attracted.

And the instigator of all this.

It was Chen Fuxian!

That's right!

This hidden door Taoist who guards the vast land!

The news that the two elders of Linmen came to the lower realms to look for the young master of Linmen, but they confronted a young man who had attained the Dao Realm......

He was the one who gave it to Xianyu.

As for the reason.....

at this time.

The vast land of the Western Regions, above the sky.

It has always been like a hidden door in the marketplace, this is the first time it is so quiet.

Most of the Hidden Sect disciples are paying attention to the movements in the Extreme North Demon Land.

However, when a monstrous Daowei descended with Bao Xianqi.

The disciples were startled for a while, and made a noise:

"Heaven, Earth, Domain Master Xiao actually descended to the realm!"

"My dear fellow, is this... towards the hidden door?"

"Hiss—could it be because of the battle in the Extreme North Demon Land?"

"It's not like, two elders from Linmen and a young man, how could they touch Xiao or Sheng?"

"Lord Xiao, who has not been in the lower realm for thousands of years, actually came to hide the door?"

Although the disciples here are in the hidden sect of Haotu, they were all disciples of the Chen family in Xianyu before.

Therefore, they have awareness of the overlords of all forces.

Just when they were shocked.

An old figure tore through the void and stepped forward, standing firmly on the void of the hidden door.

When the disciples below saw the figure of this person clearly, they all gasped!

Why is he here?

The person here is the Patriarch of the two elders of the Extreme North Demon Land.

The head of the Lin Clan who broke with the Chen family, Lin Sheng!

At this time, Lin Sheng was wearing a long black robe, his temples were all white, and there was an aura of calmness and prestige in his eyes!

Most of the disciples present knew how ruthless this Lin Sect Master was!

When this person attained enlightenment before, he slaughtered nearly tens of thousands of demons and disciples in order to kill Emperor Zheng!

After that, for a few conflicts, he slaughtered all the owners of a medium-sized sect in the Immortal Domain!

The degree of unscrupulousness is higher than that of the Patriarch of the Chen family.

Even, his cultivation level is no less than that of the owner of the house, Chen Fusheng!

Seeing him appearing here at this time, the disciples of the Yinmen began to guess.

Perhaps it was because the two elders of Linmen wanted to kill the young man this time, and he came here specially to prevent his own Emperor Xian from making a move.

But, what they don't know is.

Their thinking is completely the opposite.

That's right!

This time Lin Sheng came here, not only to stop Chen Fuxian, he also wanted to persuade Chen Fuxian to act quickly!


He has seen the scene where Yun Zhou crossed the tribulation and preached the Tao!

My old five and old six may not necessarily be right for others!!

This tm, if it doesn't work out, the elders of Linmen will have to fold two more!

In desperation, Lin Sheng turned down his face and came to Chen Fuxian, wanting to bring back the two elders and his great-grandson...

Prepare to come to the wave of "ceremony first and soldiers later".

"The Taoist of Yinmen is here, Lin Men and Lin Sheng come to visit."

After coughing twice, Lin Shengli spoke in the void.

But at the moment when his voice just fell.


The ground veins of the hidden door trembled!

Countless disciples raised their heads in horror and looked at the sky.

Into the eye, the shadow that covers the sky and the sun is shrouded.

Amidst the misty clouds, an old man stood there with his hands behind his back.

The clothes are automatic without wind, hunting, the long hair flutters to the back, and the invisible coercion pours down!

For a moment, all the disciples knelt on the ground and said respectfully:

"See the Patriarch!"

That's right.

The person who came was Chen Fuxian's elder brother, the head of the Chen family——Chen Fusheng!

He looked down indifferently, waved his hand lightly, and a gust of wind engulfed him, bringing all the disciples up.

Then, he quietly looked down at Lin Sheng who was looking at him, his plain eyes narrowed slightly:

"Lin Sheng, how much courage do you have to trouble my 0.1 brother?"

The terrifying coercion fell on him, Lin Sheng looked up, his face became more gloomy:

"Patriarch Chen may have misunderstood, I didn't come here to cause trouble this time, I just wanted to ask Emperor Xian to help me.


Chen Fusheng sneered, and the light on the hand behind him flickered.

There is a lot of meaning to do it directly without saying anything.

For him, there is no one more important than his younger brother Chen Fuxian in the whole world.

At this moment, Lin Sheng suddenly came to the hidden door.

Said to help.

But my younger brother's cultivation level is not as good as the other party's, what can I use my younger brother to help?

Subconsciously, he thought the other party was looking for trouble.

Of course I couldn't bear it.

However, just when he was about to do it.

Suddenly there was a thunderclap in the sky...

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