Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 928: Chen Fuxian's Layout! Yun Zhou In The Eyes Of The Emperor! (Seeking Subscription)

Seeing Lin Sheng gnashing his teeth, Xiao Tiankuo was delighted:

"I heard that you are a majestic master of the forest gate..."

"It was hammered by Tang Wu with a head full of bags, stripped naked and smashed into stars, and hung on the fairy gate. Isn't this a rumor?"

"Hahaha, no wonder your descendants only have this monkey from the lower realm."

"Co-authorship is no inheritance!"

"You old bastard! Ha ha!"

Xiao Tiankuo's wanton laughter spread throughout the hidden door.

There's no sarcasm in the slightest!

The corners of the disciples' mouths twitched when they heard this, and they looked at Lin Sheng in disbelief.

Emperor Lin did not remarry for thousands of years, and they knew it.

At first, I thought that it was Emperor Lin who died from one person, and after the death of the Taoist couple, all the successors were dismissed.

How good do you think he is?

As a result, I never expected that there would be such a secret experience thousands of years ago!

He robbed Ah Lan by force, but was blasted by Tang Wu with a hammer?

It was also hung on the fairy gate??

This is so...

For a moment, the disciples in the four outer circles looked at Lin Sheng with changed eyes.

Sensing the shocked and disgusted gazes of those around him, Lin Sheng felt his face burning.

Originally, after he became emperor with him, no one dared to talk about this matter.

Now everyone has tacitly agreed, and this matter is no longer mentioned.

Unexpectedly, 340 was naturally exploded by this "playing different fire"?

Where does this frankly put his face!?

"Xiao Tiankuo......"

Lin Sheng paused every word, gritted his teeth and looked over: "Since you are looking for death, you can't blame anyone else!"

"This seat feels that it is also good to divide the heaven and earth of the fairyland into other forces!"

While speaking, he took a step with a gloomy face.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned dark and dark, and a terrifying coercion invaded, as if a great terror had come to the world.

"Hehe, did you become angry from embarrassment because you got stabbed in your heart?"

"Old stuff, there's no need to scare people."

"With the four different fires in hand, your realm is one level higher, and it is not impossible for me to burn you to death!"

Xiao Tiankuo walked towards Lin Sheng with leisurely strides.

The flames with different expressions in the void are burning and burning, and the terrifying power confronts them tit-for-tat!

On the other side, the corners of Chen Fusheng's mouth raised slightly.

He will not let go of beating a dog in the water.

Xiao Tiankuo is not the only one who wants to tease Lin Sheng!

Immediately, a blatant coercion fell, and Chen Fusheng walked over with a smile:

"Lin Sheng (cicf), it will take some tricks to kill you in this lower realm, but it should be possible to save half your life, Tiankuo, I can control it, you burn him?"

"Huh? That's pretty good, please trouble Patriarch Chen?"

"No trouble... Fuxian, follow along."

Chen Fusheng glanced at his younger brother.

Chen Fuxian soared into the air in an instant.

The three of them hit it off immediately, surrounded by immortal power.

"You guys are too deceitful!!"

Lin Sheng clenched his fists, his teeth creaked, and his angrily old face was full of exasperation.

Now he is also forced to retreat by the three guys on the opposite side.

If he leaves now, without mentioning the fifth or sixth elder and his great-grandson, he will be thrown into grandma's house!

But if it is tough, it is just like what Chen Fusheng said.

If they can't kill him, they can take half his life!

At that time, he will be seriously injured, Lin Sect will be weak, and if he fails, he will be attacked by a crowd!

Squinting his eyes to see the faces of these people, the atmosphere in the Yinmen was tense.

The tens of thousands of disciples outside were dumbfounded.

Are these top powers about to fight?

Good guy, do you want to run?

If there was a fight, a slight blow would be enough to kill them, right?

Just when they panicked and decided to run away.

Lin Sheng above has also made a decision!

He clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his neck were obvious.

Some said angrily:

"I will spare your life today!"

"Let no one say that I bully children!"

After speaking, he directly turned into dust and smoke and dissipated.

A group of disciples were left behind and a few masters were dumbfounded.


Compared with his age, Lin Sheng is the oldest.

But compared to being shameless, he is also the most powerful.

Several people looked at Lin Sheng's leaving figure, shook their heads and laughed twice.

The momentum around him dissipated with the wind.

Xiao Tiankuo who landed came to Chen Fusheng's side, with a slightly grateful smile on his face:

"Thank you, Patriarch Chen."

If he and Lin Sheng were allowed to go head-to-head just now.

He was really not sure that he could hold Lin Sheng.

Although he is playing different fire.

But he's also kind of self-aware.

Hearing the thanks, Chen Fusheng smiled and shook his head:

"Thank you so much, there's no need to be so extravagant."

After finishing speaking, he gave the other party a meaningful look:

"Speaking of which, what are you here for? Are you interested in the young man who has attained the Dao Realm?"

"No." Xiao Tiankuo smiled and shook his head, then looked at Chen Fu and said with a casual smile:

"I'm here to find Yaolian who took away half of my daughter's soul."

"Speaking of which, I asked Patriarch Chen to ask Emperor Xian last time, but Emperor Xian didn't have any impression, did he?"

Chen Fu twitched his mouth while he was idle, and responded with a half-smile:

"It's true, I don't care about the vast land every day..."

"Then what... Anyway, everyone is here, don't stand here, please come inside."

Hearing this, several people looked at each other.

With a smile, he followed Chen Fuxian into the hidden door hall.


Everyone sat around the table.

In the void in the center of the table is the scene of the Extreme North Demon Land.

Xiao Tiankuo happily looked at Yun Zhou's figure:

"Hehe, what is Yindi looking at?"

"This little guy is not bad, this rhyme is quite eye-catching."

Chen Fusheng and Zhou Gan pointed their fingers at the table, but did not respond.

Looking at the lingering power on this figure, his pupils froze slightly.

There was an inexplicable deep meaning in each other's eyes.

On the contrary, Zhao Qing frowned, pulled Chen Fuxian aside, and said in his heart:

"What are you doing?"

When Chen Fuxian woke him up, this young man might be the Immortal Emperor.

He hasn't checked the other party's identity yet.

How could this little guy be exposed to the eyes of several emperors?

When Chen Fuxian heard the sound transmission, a meaningful arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He glanced sideways and looked back inexplicably:

"Sometimes, once the edge is revealed, we can't hide it even if we want to."

"Besides... we need to be sure whether he is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, and they also need to be sure, aren't they?"

A faint light flickered, and Chen Fuxian's smile became deeper and deeper. .

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