Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 929 : The Best Temptation! Master, Ride Me Fast! (Seeking Subscription)

The fairyland is chaotic, and all living beings are buried.

At this time, let them see the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor.

There will be a wave of invisible constraints on this group of lawless people.

Of course, while spreading the news among various forces in the Immortal Territory, Chen Fuxian also considered everything.

If at that time, someone in the Immortal Territory conspires against the "Reincarnated Immortal Emperor".

He and the two immortal guards also have the strength to protect each other comprehensively.

So this wave, seemingly incomprehensible, is actually intertwined!

But now the most important thing.

It still depends on whether Yun Zhou has any means comparable to the Immortal Emperor.

Can you kill two elders at the fourth level of the Dao Proving Realm with the cultivation base of the first level of the Dao Proving Realm!

This is the best temptation!

At this moment, Zhou Gan, one of the immortal guards who had been silent all this time, suddenly looked at Yun Zhou in the light curtain.

"Nine Eighty-Three" "He's about to make a move."

Hear what Zhou Qian said.

Several people present followed his line of sight.

With a playful smile on his face, the young man slowly stood up from the edge of the cliff facing the breeze.

"This son..."

"Six Ways!!"

"Xiao Langyue, look after it."

"I'm not bragging to you, are I?!"

Jiangmen, on the main mountain thousands of feet high.

Jiang He raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Lin Langyue who was on the side with a proud face.


Lin Langyue didn't know how to answer the conversation, she nodded lightly, looked at the boy in the picture, her expression was still indifferent.

On the stunningly beautiful face, there is no emotional fluctuation at all, just like an iceman.

However, Jiang He on the side was in high spirits.

She stared at Yun Zhou's face with beautiful eyes, lying on the table with burning eyes:

"Emm... I have lived for so many years, but I have never seen such a beautiful little guy."

"It's really handsome like a star, and you can drink when you look at it."

"Furthermore, the addition of these six Dao laws gives people a feeling that they can't see through him.

"Xiao Langyue~ Do you think such wonderful people really exist in this world?"

"High talent, good appearance, and such a young age..."

As she spoke, she didn't know what to think of, and hesitated a little:

"I don't know what his real combat power is."

"Can you beat the two elders who proved the fourth level? If not, I will go to Xiasi to help him

Jiang He muttered over there.

But before she finished speaking, Lin Langyue on the side directly interrupted:

"You don't need to do it."

"This boy's combat power is comparable to that of the ordinary seventh-level Dao Proving Realm."

"It's the fifth elder and the sixth who are in danger."

ah this...

Shoulder to shoulder to prove the seventh level of Dao Realm?

When Jiang He heard this, there was a look of shock in his eyes.

Her autumnal eyes were slightly condensed, and she looked at Yun Zhou in the phantom with a rare seriousness.

In an instant, pupils quake.

She didn't look carefully just now, so she didn't notice.

Looking at it now, the Taoist rhyme surging all over the opponent's body is pure.

The reflection of the six great ways is really not necessarily inferior to the powerhouse who has proved the seventh level of the Dao Realm!

For a moment, Jiang He was dumbfounded.

Even in the Immortal Realm, you can't find a Dao Proving Realm in the past 20 years!

And this young man is not only in the Dao Proving Realm, but also possesses a combat power comparable to the ordinary seventh-level Dao Proving Realm.

This level of talent and strength, even if it is thrown into the fairyland, has the possibility of becoming the suzerain of a small force.


"These two elders of your Linmen..."

"The real combat power is more than the ordinary four-level Dao Proving Realm, right?"

There was a glint in Jiang He's eyes.

Indeed, those two old fellows in the light curtain were able to win the position of elders in Linmen, it was by no means as simple as it seemed on the outside.

Especially with the power around him, it is really difficult for Yun Zhou to win.

"The fighting power of the fifth and sixth is indeed..."

Lin Langyue lightly parted her red lips, looking at Yun Zhou in the picture, hesitant to speak, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

There is an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

This time, the fifth child and the sixth child will be discounted.

"Huh~ But it's okay."

"When the sky falls, I will support it. When this little guy can't bear it, I will help him myself."

"The person I value, Jiang He, must not be killed by two old guys!"

"If they dare to do evil, I will kill them!"

"Who dares to stop, I will kill whoever!"

Jiang He swept away his depression and smiled with a corner of his mouth.



Still that unreasonable tiger out!

Looking at the lower bound.

Yun Zhou stood on the edge of the cliff, his long hair fluttering and his power surging.

But Qi Ling beside him was a little nervous:

"That...Master, we don't need to take such a risk, do we?"

She tugged on Yun Zhou's sleeve, and cold sweat appeared on her beautiful forehead.

"What, are you afraid?"

Yun Zhou looked sideways at the little phoenix with mockery in his eyes.

"Not afraid."

"It's just that the strength of these two must be very strong."

Qi Ling told the truth.

As a holy beast, her perception of danger is far beyond ordinary people.

The real combat strength of the two old men below is definitely at the level of crushing Haotu.

In fact, it is the same.

If the third elder who died at the beginning didn't get to the position by virtue of connections.

Compared with his real strength, he may not be able to beat any of these two people.

The fifth elder majored in just cutting, and his murderous aura was majestic.

The sixth child majored in sneak attacks, well, he was an "assassin" as his name suggests.

The two joined hands, the long watch group in Linmenli.

Except for the First Elder and Lin Langyue who can resist, the Second Elder's strength in proving the eighth level of Dao Realm is only 50-50.

Realizing that something was wrong between the two of them at this time, Qi Ling was really scared.

"Master, why don't we 3.3 think about it?"

"If you want to retreat, you can ride on me, I run fast, they can't catch up!"

Good one rides on you!

"Don't worry, the strength of the two of them is not enough.

Yun Zhou glanced at Qi Ling whose face was a little pale, smiled and shook his head.

Don't look at this phoenix's stubbornness, it pouts when hugged.

But this courage is really small.

Rubbing her head, Yun Zhou turned around and looked at the two long-timers with playful eyes.


The fifth elder looked at each other with his hands behind his back, and his voice was flat:

"Are you the mortal enemy of my Young Master Linmen?"

"Ah, you say yes."

Yun Zhou picked out his ears, and then his calm eyes flicked slightly.

There was a meaningful arc at the corner of his mouth.

"The means of you people are quite good..."

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