Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 930: Xiao Tiankuo: Oh, The Horse-Riding, Magic Lotus! (Seeking Subscription)

on the cliff.

Yun Zhou looked up at the void thoughtfully:

"Hey, the one who just came, are you an invisible baby?"


A question mark flickered on the heads of the five and six.

Invisible baby.....

Old Eight is here?

The two old guys looked happy and looked up at the sky.

In the void, a "Jie Jie" laughter came.

Then Yin Ya's scalp-numbing voice sounded:

"How did you find me?"

Yun Zhou's pupils froze.

It is another fourth floor of the Dao Realm.

To be honest, the combined real strength of the two old guys below is not enough to put him under pressure.

But if you add such a thing, it will be a little difficult.

But he is still calm now.

These three, in terms of real combat strength, are all strong men who are close to the seventh level of the Dao Realm.

But correspondingly, there are definitely a lot of treasures on them.

If you kill them all, you will plunder the pills that improve your cultivation.

One's own strength may be improved even more T!

Moreover, if they are all eliminated, the strength of Xianlin Sect will definitely be greatly reduced.

At that time, when I board the Immortal Realm, the pressure will definitely be much less.

Thinking of this, Daoguang surged behind Yun Zhou.

He looked at the three people who ascended into the void, and said lightly:

"If you want to kill me, then come together."

The voice fell.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Everyone who paid attention to this place stared round their eyes!

No one expected that a teenager in his twenties would dare to be so rampant!

Even Chen Fusheng, who was sitting in the hidden door, didn't hold back, his mouth twitched.

The teacup in his hand fell to the ground "Kangdang".

"Haha, your kid is called Yun Zhou!"

"You're crazy!"

Lao Ba was originally unwilling to send him down by Emperor Lin in every possible way.

Seeing Yun Zhou's urea, he was happy.

What he is most willing to do is to pretend to be a little kid!

A cruel smile crept across his wrinkled old face.

Facing the sky with one hand, immortal energy lingered from the palm every time, as if forming a vortex, extremely turbulent!

Terrifying dao power condensed from his body, as if the real murderous aura formed a knife shape beside the vortex!

"The Book of Killing Immortals—Kill!"

The sixth child watched from the sidelines, his figure disappeared like a shadow.

Seeing the "invisible baby" make a move, he couldn't stand up anymore.

The young master has transformed into a beast, if this dog is not killed, I am afraid that he will be scolded by the sect master after returning!

A long sword flickered in his hand, and his figure burst out.

Then, a terrifying power enveloped him!


That's right, tm is hidden!!

This sixth son, he really lives up to his name!

On the other side, the fifth elder pondered slightly.

There is no wind in the robe, it is automatic, and there is a hunting sound.

Vaguely, he felt weird.

But no matter how confident this kid is, the three of us can't be frightened by a brat!

An evil spirit flashed across his eyes, and beside him was a spear engraved with a golden dragon looming.

At the same moment, there was a deafening sound of dragon chant between heaven and earth.

"Tsk, this little guy is interesting."

Inside the hidden door, Chen Fuxian held a teacup in his hand and said with a smile.

He and Zhao Qing are the only ones who can laugh out of these peerless powerhouses present.

Because they are the only guesses.

This little fellow is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor!

"Wu Tian hammer, now!"

Yun Zhou frowned slightly, and the giant hammer in his hand flickered.

The terrifying Lei Wei wrapped around the giant hammer.


The ear-piercing thunder sounded, and Yun Zhou stood alone on the edge of the cliff.

The eyes, which were always black and white, now shone with golden light.

The word "卍" appears on the surface of the hammer, reflecting the power of nothingness!

Holding the hammer, he made a lotus in one step, and walked away from the void!

The temperature of the four outer rings suddenly rose, and the heat wave rolled.

The boundless power spreads!

The six principles of the Dao are condensed into a Dao phase behind you!

The atmosphere is in full swing!


"How can it be!?"

Xiao Tiankuo sat up from the chair with a "chuckle" and stared at the figure in the light curtain with rounded eyes.


Lin Langyue, who was in Jiang's house, was also surprised, with an inexplicable light in her beautiful eyes.

If such an arrogance can practice the ruthless way...

And living in Haotu.

Thousands of demons who hurried over with the demon lord Yuechan were stunned at the figure above.

The jaws of each of them almost fell to the ground in shock, and cold sweat dripped down.

Yue Chan, who came back to his senses, waved slightly at Liu Manyin.

Tens of thousands of demons immediately backed away, and it was not until about a hundred miles away that the throbbing of the demon soul was eased!

At this time, looking at the radiant figure in the sky, they couldn't help feeling afraid:

Thanks to Yun Shengzi is the demon lord's man, if this is really a righteous man......

They're done, they're all thumping to death!!

same moment.

In the hidden door.

Xiao Tiankuo, who was staring at the light curtain, was feeling the boy's talent.

Suddenly, something is wrong!

He didn't care about the group of demons who came over.


"Oh shit, the demon lotus!!"

His eyes turned sideways, and when he noticed the "Yue 083 Cicada's shadow" below, his pupils froze instantly.

He is too familiar with this lotus!

After all, taking away half of his daughter's Dao soul caused him to search for it for thousands of years!

He twitched his palms, rubbed his eyes, and laughed out loud after making sure he read it right:

"It's her, it's her!"

"It's her!"

"Snatch my daughter's little demon lotus!"

"I found you by stepping on my horse!!"

The laughter was deafening, mixed with excitement and majestic murderous aura.

When Chen Fusheng heard this laughter, he felt extremely dizzy.

And when Chen Fuxian saw Xiao Tiankuo's "happy and excited" appearance, he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.


For the three pillars, for the future of Haotu, and for the hardworking people to live in peace.

Moon Cicada, she can't die!

If she died.

Wu Zhao, who was so ambitious, was fighting Yan Yi.

At least half of the living beings in the vast land are dead!

He was thinking about how to persuade Xiao Tiankuo to act lightly.


I have to stop Xiao Tiankuo, I can't let him go down!

Thinking, he touched his chin and grinned.

The old embarrassing laughter interrupted Xiao Tiankuo's surprise.

"Haha, then what......Old Emperor Xiao, it may be useless for you to find her, you can't go down in Haotu..."

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