Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 950: Following The Path Of Immortal Soul~ A Woman Who Is Interested In Sex! (Seeking Subscri

hear this.

Xiang'er, who was in the ignorant period, immediately thought of the script.

His face turned red immediately.

some kind of relationship?

Ah... is the "relationship" here serious?

"Yun Zhou was able to break through the Tao at the age of double ten, and he also fought against the six high-ranking Taoists.

"That proves that he has talent and strength far beyond ordinary people.

"For many top powers in Immortal Domain, such people cannot be kept!"

"Besides, he also offended Linmen and Tiandiyu at the same time."

"When he arrives in the Immortal Realm, he will inevitably be hunted down by two major forces."

"Yun Susu alone cannot keep him."

"At that time, I can make a deal with him."

"On the grounds of protecting him, in exchange for the possibility of proving the emperor!"

"He has such talent, so he may not be able to bring me the opportunity to prove the emperor."

"And, he's still my grandson, isn't he..."

There was a shimmer in Mu Xueyun's beautiful eyes in the mist, looking at the faint opening of the sky.

The deal of her mouth.

It is sojourn!

Immortal souls enter other people's bodies, absorbing the Dao Yun of other people's Dao Sea to enhance their cultivation.

At the same time, fight side by side with others at critical moments and act as a life-saving power.


It's the same way as the other Yao Lao who is playing bone fire.

This is indeed a good method for immortal souls without bodies.

At least it is easier to improve your cultivation than "surviving in the soul orb".

However, after hearing this, Xiang'er was stunned.


As someone close to Mu Xueyun, she knows Mu Xueyun's character well!

Her suzerain, she thinks other people's bodies are dirty!

Why do you suddenly want to trade with Yun Zhou in this way?

To know.

Back then that old fellow Chen Fusheng promised to let the suzerain enter the emperor rank, but the suzerain didn't go into his body.


Just change to Yun Zhou?

Hiss——Could it be that the Suzerain thinks that big brother is good-looking, so he is playing tricks?

Ah this... Sure enough.

The suzerain is just like himself, she is also a woman who doesn't care about her status, she will be attracted to her when she sees her!

"The suzerain is wise and decisive`々!"

Xiang'er took a deep breath and gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, you go down first, and pay attention to when Yun Zhou will come to Xianyu."

Mu Xueyun didn't notice her strangeness, and waved her hand casually.


Xiang'er gave a salute, then beeped something softly, turned and left.

"Yun Susu......"

"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that Yan'er's disciple is actually my best friend's nephew."

"It's quite messy."

"By the way, there is also Jiang He, she seems to be thinking about Yun Zhou too."

"If I let them know that I live in Yun Zhou's body, I'm afraid they will be shocked?"

Thinking of her two best friends, Yun Susu showed a rare smile.


I don't know that she knew about her two friends.

What kind of expression would he have when he wanted to betroth her to his nominal disciple!

Extreme North Demon Land.

Yun Zhou finally recovered two to three out of ten of his Dao power through the elixir he scavenged from Qi Ling.

He stood up from the ground and took a breath.

Then, seeing Qi Ling looking at her pretty face with a bitter look on her pill bottle, she suppressed:

"I said, why don't you just take a few pills from you? As for being so stingy?"

"Take your time to feel sorry for me, I'm going to Demon Realm."

As he spoke, he rubbed the other person's little head, and he was about to leave.

But before he could take a few steps, he was grabbed by the arm by the opponent.

"No, you can't go!"

Qi Ling pouted: "You have eaten some of the seventh-level pills that I saved up after running around for a long time!"

"You have to pay me!"

A phoenix bird is the same as an iron rooster.

It's amazing.

Yun Zhou spread his hands: "Then how do you want me to compensate you?"


Qi Ling thought for a while and said: "You must have a lot of Dao stones in your storage ring, follow me to Donglin City!"

"Donglin City?"

"Well, there are many sellers of pills there, you follow me, buy them and compensate me!"

"Ah, fine too."

Anyway, there's nothing to do back in the Demon Realm. If you haven't broken through the second level of the Dao Realm, you don't have to worry about going to the Immortal Realm. Why don't you go around with her.

Coincidentally, if you encounter some pills that can restore your power, you can also supplement them.

As for alchemy by yourself?

Well, Yun Zhou is lazy, he is not the kind of person who does it himself...

"Hey, great, let's go!"

As if afraid that he would go back on his word, Qi Ling grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

above the sky.

Riding Qiling, enjoying the breeze, my mood improved a lot.

Compared to those old guys who were beheaded, and Lin Yuan who turned into a beast, Yun Zhou still thinks these birds are more beautiful.

The sharp-billed monkey cheeks...

However, the strange spirit below is very sad.

She turned her head and looked at Yun Zhou:

""] I am your mount, and you are right to ride me.


"Why don't you let me change form?"

All right.

A thin and thin girl carried a tall and burly Yun Zhou on her back.

Still flying in the sky...

How outrageous is this picture!

Yun Zhou shrugged, "Avatars are too ugly, I don't like birds."


Qi Ling was exasperated, "Our phoenix is ​​not much better-looking than your human race? How ugly!?"

"Talking to me like that? Do you want to be roasted?" Yun Zhou frowned and looked over.

(Good Nuo Zhao) Qi Ling shivered and stopped talking.

She forgot that the man sitting on his back had just beheaded six existences who had attained the Dao Realm!

Can't afford to provoke.

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

At this time, Qi Ling, who couldn't keep his mouth shut, seemed to think of something again, and tentatively said:

"Master... that... I have something else to ask you."

"Ask." Yun Zhou looked casual.

Qi Ling thought for a while, and asked in confusion: "When I was in the palace, I felt something was wrong with Wu Zhao, why would she let you go to her harem?"

After asking, she blinked her beautiful eyes, and did not wait for Yun Zhou to answer.

Looking back at the past, he said suspiciously:

"Master, you shouldn't rely on your high cultivation to hit the devil and the empress, right?"


Yun Zhou blushed and almost bit his tongue.

"What kind of beep are you talking about while riding a horse!?".

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