Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 951: Donglin City On The Border Of The Imperial Realm! The Queen Who Loves To Hang Out! (See

In fact, it is not surprising that Qiling is suspicious.

In her cognition, the empress who raised her has always hated male cultivators.

Except for a few imperial guards, the whole palace is full of women.

How could Yun Zhou run around in Wu Zhao's harem swaggeringly... and even ran to feed him pills?

Looking at Qi Ling's increasingly weird eyes.

Yun Zhou thought about it, and coughed lightly: "With my talent at the time, she was thinking of accusing me. Do I often have problems after I go to her place? She is eager to let me go!"


Qi Ling shook his head: "Based on what I know about Wu Zhao, even if she appreciates you, she won't let you wander around in her harem."

"And... I remember that Shangguan Wan'er told Wu Zhao about the lord..."


Yun Zhou rubbed his chin, Wu Zhao really had such thoughts in returning "650"?

Shaking his head, he glanced at Qi Ling's big eyes seeking knowledge, angrily and funnyly said:

"Don't think too much, how could I rush at the empress."

"Is it impossible?"

Qi Ling pursed his lips and said, "Based on the night I observed outside the magic hall, it's entirely possible for you!"

Not to mention the two little princesses in the palace who often meet her, even the majestic demon lord Yuechan has something to do with him!

If it is a fine button, this guy seems to have never lacked female nuns around him.

Yue Chan, Wu Zhao, and his master, the two princesses, Ling Weiyang......

Those who have a close relationship with him are all beauties who are ranked high on the stunning list!

And looking at it like this, the ones at the bottom of the ranking can't satisfy him anymore.

He didn't know who was number one on the stunning beauty list, and he didn't let go of Wu Zhao who was second.

Yun Zhou frowned, and looked over dissatisfied:

"I ask you not to be so grinning. Yun has always been human and has no opposite sex. He is upright and brave. He has never been close to women. How can he be like you said, who will be arrested and who? What do you think I am? I am a serious person ah!"


Just you, or a decent person?

Qi Ling didn't know what to say.

This man is really thick-skinned!

"Okay, let's not talk about Wu Zhao first, master, tell me about you and the two princesses?"

During the days when he was kept in captivity in the palace, Qi Ling flew around when he was free.

They saw Yun Zhou coming out of Wu Shiyao's or Wu Anran's bedroom more than once.

To know.

These two princesses have always been honest with the opposite sex, how could they let Yun Zhou into the palace?

It's clear that they are all hooking up with their own master!

Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows: "I'm looking for Wu Anran to discuss business matters, is there a problem?"

"has a problem."

Qi Ling didn't turn his head back, "When I didn't transform, Wu Anran and I had a good relationship. She was very smart, and she was very conservative. There was never a member of the opposite sex around her."

"Letting you into her bedroom must be because she has a good impression of you..."

Speaking of this, she looked back at Yun Zhou who was riding on her back.

Although it is said that she is the mount now, the other party is the master.

However, she is also very curious.

What is the magic power of the master?

Can hook up to the empress, and can hook up to the princess?

Isn't he afraid of being turned on his back?

Hearing this, Yun Zhou didn't think too much about it.

He knew that Wu Anran liked him, and Wu Shiyao was already his woman, so there was no need to say anything.

But looking at Qi Ling's big meaningful eyes, he still felt a little emotional.

【I'm obviously a very unpleasant person, why do people like me when I develop?】

【This should have nothing to do with me, right?】

Thinking of Sister Wu Anran, and Empress Wu Zhao, Yun Zhou shook his head.

Maybe he was being a bit ruthless.

After all, in the last life I could only watch, but in this life I was holding back my anger, so I played a bit...


Yun Zhou took a picture of Qi Ling's back:

"I am the master and you are the master? Set yourself up, when is it your turn to question me?"

Qi Ling blushed and spat out:

"Master, you are really riding a horse and not a human being. I am a phoenix bird, but I also have human rights after my transformation. What's the matter with asking you a few words?"

"You still dare to be stubborn, I'll give you face!?"

Cut the cooking!

After three blows, Qi Ling didn't dare to make a sound.

He sped up his speed angrily, and headed towards Donglin City...

The manic gust of wind almost knocked Yun Zhou down.

Yun Zhou raised his hand angrily and hit him.

Shy cursing and melodious drumming can be heard endlessly...

Donglin City.

The city on the northernmost border of the dynasty is connected to the Hebei Province.

The area is not small.

The scenery...

Connected to the Demon Realm, the scenery is not much better.

Moreover, the cultivators here are of strange shapes, there are all kinds of them.

Because the magic door was unsealed and the magic way returned to the vast land, many demons also disguised themselves to come to other forces to play around.

However, due to the alliance between Zheng Huang and Dao, they did not dare to make trouble.

Just wandering around and playing around town.

At this time, on the street, the two women's steps curled up.

They were dressed in light-colored skirts, and a faint mist shrouded their faces. Because they couldn't see their faces clearly, they gave people an unreal feeling.

However, their figures are extremely graceful, and their temperament alone has attracted countless passers-by to stop.

No way, good things are always attractive.

Not only for things, but also for people in general.

Wu Zhao calmly ignored the astonishment of this group of people, and looked around with calm phoenix eyes.

Originally, she also noticed the powerful aura of the Extreme North Demon Land.

Get ready to take a look.

But before she arrived on 1.2, the commotion over there ended.

So she was not in a hurry, and immediately came to the town on the edge of her own power.

I want to see if the demon domain breaks the seal and affects Donglin City.

On the side, Shangguan Wan'er looked puzzled and said doubtfully:

"Your Majesty, didn't you say that someone who has verified the Dao realm wants to attack King Yun, and we came here to save him? Why did you come to Donglin suddenly?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhao glanced at her plainly, and said lightly:

"The auras of those strong men who have attained the Dao Realm have disappeared, and they either escaped or died."

"As for that apprentice..."

"People must be saved, but there is no need to rush."

"I sensed a familiar aura, and I am going to visit an old friend first.

"You come with me first."

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