Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 975: Can You Believe Me When I Say We Are Just Practicing? (Seeking Subscription)

All right.

Going to Xianyu must not be clearly stated.

Otherwise, if these old guys know that they are not here, they will go against the sky?

Using the term "retreat" is obviously more deterrent.

And she also deliberately added a "ten years" limit, which can make them more honest in disguise.

As for whether I can come back from Immortal Realm after ten years...

Let's talk about it then.

Anyway, with the cutie's speed of entry, it should be about ten years to rise in the fairyland...

When her voice fell, everyone present was dumbfounded.


ten years??

How many days have the demons just broken the seal?

They are still waiting to conquer the vast land under the leadership of the devil, and they are all gearing up!

At this time you told us to retreat for ten years?!

Isn't this bullshit? It's not!

When you co-authored us and were sealed, you retreated, and you still have to retreat after you come out?

Then what's the use of us coming out?

A group of elders were dumbfounded, they couldn't accept it, and they were too scared to speak.

Moon Cicada seemed to see what they were thinking, frowned and said:

"If you have any opinions to raise now, if I go out and hear that you don't accept Chan Yilan's control, everyone present will die.

When the voice fell, everyone froze in unison.

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment, and the leader elder whispered softly:

"That demon are kidding...are you kidding me? Didn't you just enter the second floor of Proving Dao? Why do you want to retreat again?"

A group of elders nearby also looked at Yuechan eagerly.

I just hope that the other party admits that they are lying.

However, Yue Chan didn't bother to beat around the bush with them:

"It's not enough to enter the second floor to prove the way. I want to retreat and hit the third floor. Is there a problem?"

Is there a problem?

Big problem!

The elders looked miserable, and they didn't dare to say anything, and they were so anxious that they were helpless.

At this moment, the third elder beeped cautiously: "Since the devil is mainly about letting Mozi Yun rule the realm?"

"Yun Mozi is strong, he should be better than the Blue Devil..."

Upon hearing this, the elders looked at Yun Zhou with a "swish" look.

Indeed, after Yun Zhou's battle against the six major Dao realms, they were completely harvested by this powerful young man.

Demons admire the strong, and so do they who are elders.

With Yun Zhou leading the way, it is not a dream to unify the vast land!

However, Moon Cicada shook her head:

"No, cutie wants to retreat with me, and I can only leave the matter of the Demon Realm to Chan Yilan.

"Ah this..."

The last hope was wiped out, and the atmosphere in the hall was not right.

"No, Demon Lord, you can retreat, you have to leave someone who can stand up for us in the Demon Realm.

"It's not that we look down on Lord Yilan, it's just that her cultivation..."

"Major Lord, please think twice!"

"You and Mozi are both closed, isn't our Moyu going to be bullied to death by the Emperor?"

A group of people were chattering, like a bustling market.

Moon Cicada looked displeased, "Shut up."

In an instant, the cowardly elders quieted down.

Her voice was rare and cold: "Who is this seat going to retreat with, and do you need your consent?"

The Great Elder below said fearfully: "Demon Lord, don't get me wrong, we don't mean that..."

"It's just that our demons have just broken the seal and are not yet stable in the vast land. You have retreated, and the power of the emperor may bully you..."

Moyu has always been Yuechan's talk.

Even the Great Elder never dared to go against Yue Chan's wishes.

It's just that the situation is different this time, he can't let Yuechan do whatever he wants and put the whole Demon Realm in danger.

Moon Cicada frowned slightly, her eyes flickering sickly: "Whoever dares to enter the Demon Realm will end up with a shark? As for being afraid of becoming like this?"


The Great Elder scratched his head, "We can beat ordinary cultivators, but if the authentic Yanyi comes in person... we will suffer!"

He can still vividly remember the fear of being dominated by Mu Xueyun, the Supreme Being of the Righteous Way!

This Yanyi is Mu Xueyun's disciple, so she must be no different!

Now that I have proved the Dao Realm at a young age, they are no match for this group of people tied together...

Yue Chan's voice was calm, "Don't worry, I'm in retreat, and she will also be in retreat."

Little cutie said before that he had to bring his damn master with him when he went to Xianyu.

……ask for flowers…

Although it is said to be a place of life and death, but for the sake of cutie, she can bear it.

"As long as Xiao Yanyi doesn't commit suicide, for the sake of the little cute master, it's fine to save her life."

On the surface, Yue Chan was calm and thoughtful.

There was a long silence below.

Seeing that Yue Chan seemed to have made up her mind, she could only grit her teeth and admit it.

That's right, they know the demon lord's temperament clearly, as long as it is something that is recognized, no one can change it.

If you want to retreat... then retreat!

The Fourth Elder thought for a while, as if he had thought of something, his eyes lit up:

"Devil Lord, I know why you took the devil to retreat!"


"At that time, you and Mozi stayed together in the bedroom for a day and a night, and after you came out, your Xiu Yin increased!"

"Presumably the two of you are retreating together, and your cultivation will definitely improve faster?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present suddenly realized.

That's right, before the devil and the devil entered the bedroom together, they knew about it.

When the devil master comes out again, the magic rhyme will be much more refined. There must be some way for these two people to improve their strength together!

Then as long as you give them time to hide their strengths and bide their time, the future demons will definitely rise up!

Thinking of this, a group of elders came to a realization.

"Ah this..."

Yue Chan twitched the corners of her mouth, her face was slightly reddish.

Her pure magic power really has something to do with Yun Zhou spending the night together.

However, does this have anything to do with improving strength?

emmm...should have?

She doesn't know either.

On one side of the seat, Wu Zhao was beeping in a daze.

"In, in the bedroom together? One day and one night..."

In an instant, a kind of imperial majesty was rippling, and fireworks danced in her majestic phoenix eyes!

The elders around were taken aback, only then did they notice this woman in a light-colored skirt!

"Hiss—isn't this the empress?"

"Why is she here?"

"Good guy, enemy attack!?"

"Shut up, the devil didn't say anything, why are you so excited!"

"I'm just talking about why Deng Tuzi protects the demon lord everywhere. It turns out that he has one leg... six."

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