Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 976: Both Of You, Make Peace! Give Yun Some Face! (Seeking Subscription)

Wu Zhao gritted his teeth and looked at Yun Zhou:

"This bastard..."

She cursed secretly, and then, she looked at Yue Chan coldly:

"Lord Moon Demon, would you like to tell me what it means for you to bring King Yun of my dynasty into the palace for a day and a night?"

"What do you mean? Do I need to tell you?"

Moon Cicada looked over with playful eyes, not afraid of the sun.

Not to mention that Wu Zhao is not like Yan Yi, he is a cute master.

She didn't pay attention to this woman's combat power alone.

Seeing Wu Zhao clenched his fists, he wanted to make a move.

Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth, and quickly took over the conversation and said with a smile:

"Then what... Xiao Chan Chan and I are just practicing in the bedroom, um... we are going through a magic rhyme in a disguised form, haha."

Seeing the cute look of embarrassment, "157" Yuechan couldn't tell anything in front of a group of elders, so she raised her eyebrows and said:

"You say it's cultivation...that's cultivation."


Wu Zhao looked over with a smile that was not a smile: "I really can't think of the majestic devil master and the man entering the bedroom to practice, Yue Chan..."

After speaking, she looked at Yun Zhou again:

"And you, when did you work so hard? You are so "attentive" to cultivation!"

The word "cultivation" is extremely heavy, obviously mocking.


She couldn't be more clear about what Yun Zhou was like.

When he was in Dynasty, this guy never practiced seriously!

Still practicing in the bedroom with others?

Why don't you talk about practicing under the covers with others!?

"Ah this..."

Yun Zhou scratched his head and smiled: "Everyone knows that I am serious in cultivation, otherwise how could I have attained the second level so quickly? Right?"

"Bah, shameless disciple!"

Wu Zhao spat softly, and the phoenix eyes shimmered faintly, which is called a deep resentment!

I had sex with her before, but now I don’t know each other well with Yue Chan......

What a jerk!

And at this time, the fourth child below thought of something.

He tapped his left palm with his right fist, his eyes brightened: "I said that day, why did the Demon Lord tell us to study the formation and try to trap the Demon in the palace......

"It turns out that it is to practice with the devil every day!"

As soon as the words came out, it was not Shitake Akira.

Even Yun Zhou was dumbfounded!

You also explained this to them!?

Moon Cicada had a sick look in her eyes and a smile on her mouth, not meeting her schedule.

A phantom suddenly condensed in midair.

According to the face of the Fourth Elder, it was a big-eared thunderbolt, who was slapped and flew out:

"People with broken mouths are easy to die..."


With a scream, the hall fell silent like a cicada, unworthy of it.

Wu Zhao's cold voice came over:

"Yue Chan, intends to trap Yun Zhou in the bedroom... just for the sake of pure cultivation!?"

The black lotus in Yue Chan's eyes gradually closed, her little face was slightly red:

"I said it was for cultivation, do you believe it?"

Wu Zhao's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrifying killing intent burst out from his body: "Do you think I should believe it?"

Moon cicada: (—_—a)

At this time, he stared at Wu Zhao's fiery red phoenix eyes full of anger.

Moon Cicada was somewhat embarrassed.

The reason she wanted to trap Yun Zhou was indeed for cultivation.

But this practice is not that practice

After such a questioning, although she is not afraid, she still has the newly acquired shyness.

His little head drooped down, his face was reddish and he didn't make a sound.

This time, Wu Zhao was even more angry!

Damn bastard!

Seeing this little face blushing, her heart skipped a beat!

This apprentice has something to do with her!

There must be something!!

She looked at the silent Yue Chan and couldn't stand it anymore.

The imperial power rose all over the body, and the imperial prestige permeated the air, and there was a rumbling sound.

At this step, she feels that she is green and shiny!

A kind of impulse hits the head, if you can't fight, you have to fight!

"Yuechan, a few years ago, when Zhengdao Mu Xueyun fought with you, I was still young, and I felt that your magical power was overwhelming at that time."

"It's hard to see you today, just let me experience it.

"These years you've been trapped, what progress has been made!!"

"Huh? Do you want to do it?"

Yue Chan's beautiful eyes lit up for no reason: "Xiao Wuzhao, your decision is very unwise, I will kill you and tear you apart......"

She held her chin with her left hand, the dark devilish energy flickered in the palm of her right hand, and the terrifying aura filled the surroundings.

There are more than two people, and the coercion collides layer upon layer.

The elders in the middle of the hall only felt their scalps go numb, and retreated one after another.

It's not that they don't want to help Yuechan, it's just that in this kind of confrontation, it's the same with or without them!

Even the Great Elder with the highest cultivation base is not strong enough here.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, they all swallowed their saliva.

This Nima's!

I just saw that their attitude is not bad.

How can I start working after a few words of chatter?

They don't know if the Empress can defeat the Demon Lord, but if the two major Dao realms do their best, the demons in the Demon Realm will suffer!

"The you want to do it in another place?"

"Empress, it's not Ao, I'm here as a guest. We, Moyu, welcome you with both hands. What's going on with Tian?"

A group of elders smiled and comforted them.

However, it is of no use.

The two of them had pointed their needles at Maimang, and they had already adjusted their strength to the peak.

Once shot, it is the strongest blow!

Belongs to the deadly kind!

Yun Zhou watched from the side, and he took the grape that Shangguan Wan'er was holding in her hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then his figure flashed, and he lay between the two of them.

"Two, give me 1.7 Yun a certain face, what is this for? Even if you can't scare people, it's not good to scare flowers and plants. Get it soon."

"No!" Wu Zhao's pretty face was burning with anger: "Today, I and she must be together, either she dies or she dies!"

Yun Zhou:???

Good guy!

Either she dies or she dies?

If you touch your words, you don't say a word!

Yue Chan was also stunned for a moment, and the smile in his eyes became even bigger after realizing:

"Okay, I want to see how you let me die."

"You are a T-shaped thing, I want to fuck you, it's extremely simple!"

"...Turning into a T? Little thing, you're trying to die."

"You can do it if you have the ability!"

The two of you said something to each other, and they started fighting directly.

The eyes are getting sharper....

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