…Dong Xiang, who showed Heyan and Hezi, stared blankly under his “advice”, and his teeth chattered because of the extreme disappointment and anger.
But…she and her father, who also wanted to do something, looked at each other, but they were both concerned about the existence of the other party, and there was no way to really attack him.
Because of Luo Mo’s advice, the reality frightened them, giving up their father for their younger brother, or giving up their daughter for their son…how should they choose?
Of course, the more important thing is that if they do something, none of the three of them may survive, and all the decisions are in Luo Mo’s hands.
Even the SS-ranked brother Du Muzhao has no way to resist, even Arima Kisho can kill people.
…In fact, it’s not that Luo Mo didn’t think about letting those two people go, but he wasn’t sure that the twoWill I want to get revenge on him if I let him go?
Dikou Chaoshu can investigate first, and Kirishima Ayato beat him too badly at that time, and he is essentially a stunned second-year student.
I just let him go, and then I think he will have to find him again to get revenge… Rather than doing this, it is better to continue to lock him up, and find someone to train and teach him when he has time. Let’s talk about when he is as good as a big rabbit.
Before that, the clown, V, and the funeral club should be able to guess his identity in the temptation through the avatar. He really has to make a lot of preparations. No matter how you look at this coffee shop, It is also a place that can no longer be visited.
Chapter 29 Rebellion and Unrest
“…Mo, why…”
G, who was being dragged by Luo Mo, looked forward to his back, but couldn’t understand what he was doing, and wanted to break free from his hand but couldn’t.
Luo Mo silently looked back at the girl behind him, but quickly withdrew his gaze and walked ahead wordlessly, because it was not impossible for him to guess what G Qi wanted to say.
Why do you want to do this? Why deceive people? ….Probably that’s it, so he doesn’t intend to have meaningless communication with �G Qi.
In fact, this happened only occasionally, and it wasn’t his intention. After all…he just wanted to find a place to relax.
On the contrary, G Qi was cheating from the beginning, but he just wanted to gain some trust, and then go to the funeral parlor to have fun… It’s just that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and this idea was finally shelved.
As for Dong Xiang and Chu Shi, I just got acquainted with them in a general way, and I have never planned to deceive or hurt anything.
So why on earth did it develop into the fact that his real identity became an enemy?
position? or action? Or maybe his own character itself will unknowingly lead things to this way?
For example, when he was Michael, he kept doing bad things? Or did he use Michael’s identity when he did something bad?
“…Sorry, in fact, you were the main target from the very beginning. This carelessness made a lot of irrelevant things, and even said some boring things.” After thinking alone for a while, he Only then did he stop, pressing his left hand to the side of his head as if he was enduring a headache, but soon he looked at the girl who was being pulled forward by him, showing a regretful smile:
“Although I don’t want to do this myself, your identity is very important, so your freedom must be managed by me. If possible, please cooperate, Miss Qi. If possible, I don’t want to be too rough with you.”
After he finished speaking, he ignored the many sharp eyesights in the distance, and the gaze of G Qina, who was dragged away by him behind him, staring at him blankly, and just went into the armored vehicle parked by the side of the road against the heavy rain. .
After returning to the Star of Bethlehem, Luo Mo and Qi Qi looked at each other in silence for a long time, but finally left alone, still did not explain what they did, and directly selected two female soldiers as guards to confine them .
Why? How could this be? ….These useless questions floated in the mind of Qi, who could only watch him leave blankly, and kept spinning in his mind in the form of no answer.
When night falls.
Luo Mo, who didn’t know what to do next after finishing his official duties, could only sit alone on the office chair, looking at the night view outside the window boredly.
But not too long, Yingman’s real name suddenly appeared on the window glass, looking at him with a gloating expression:
“You bastard, you are really a scum, you actually used a false identity to deceive the girl’s heart.”
“What are you talking about now that you already knew? And you have always regarded her as a counterfeit? You still care about such things for her? Could it be that you…” Halfway through the sentence, he lost his intentional anger The other party’s interest waved and said:
“Don’t bother me if you have nothing to do, what should you do?”
“…Really? Then I have to do it myself.”
“It doesn’t matter, but you know what the consequences will be if you betray me, right?”
“You only use violence to coerce others…you, what a boring man.”
“Thank you for the compliment.”
He stared at the night scene outside the window without squinting, and accepted the blame nonchalantly, and his real name also stared at him for a long time before disappearing after making fun of himself.
The room became quiet again, but he didn’t care about it, he just stared out the window in a daze as before.
But after a while, the door behind him was knocked suddenly, and Alexander rushed into the room with unconcealed anxiety, reporting to him:
“——General! The results of the interrogation have come out! Those young soldiers are actually from a high school drama department, they were just hired to act in a play, and they thought they were acting until the end. There were only two clowns in the group “Brother is on the Thumb Tomb. But most of them are human and have no weapons, and their mouths are sewn up, so they should just be forced to go there.”
“Really?…But the moment they pulled out their guns in public, it meant that they were suspected of terrorist attacks, and they were very likely to assassinate active military officers. Who would find out that it was true in a hurry? A gun or a toy gun? They can only blame themselves for being stupid.”
Faced with the situation that was similar to the expected result, Luo Mo just said with a blank face:
“Then? Even if there are still people who will criticize in the public opinion, it’s enough to suppress this level of matter. Why are you so anxious?”
“But there are Ground Self-Defense Forces among the students.The son of the deputy commander of the army! ”
“Even if the commander’s son was killed, he was stupid. Who can blame him for being used to such an extent?”
“He just received the news and persuaded the commander, and now he will deliver a speech on the local TV station, and he will use force to seek justice for all the dead.”
“Please look.” Alexander operated a little on the tablet, and the news was immediately sent to Luo Mo’s computer.
It is not the TV station in Tokyo that inserts urgent news into this plain TV series, but the Osaka TV station in the Osaka area controlled by the Central Front Team.
In the picture is a middle-aged man in military uniform. As soon as he appeared, he got straight to the point, and said in a solemn voice:
“——I am the director (commander) of the Central Department, General Masao Nakamura (Lieutenant General), the sudden insertion of urgent news is not for anything else, but for our country—for Japan!
Not long ago, Black Watch sent special forces to plant a large number of bombs in the 1st Helicopter Brigade for no reason, and carried out brutal terrorist attacks, killing countless innocent soldiers of our country.
And at around three o’clock this afternoon, they once again created a horrific massacre! This time the target directly became a high school student! A group of children in their prime of life! ”
In the middle of Masao Nakamura’s speech, a group of corpses lying on the ground covered with mosaics, even toy guns could not be seen, was inserted into the news. When the screen was cut back, he roared and beat the table:
“We will never forgive! Trample the people we are supposed to protect like this! We will bring all villains to justice!
So I hereby declare – from now on! The Kinki region, Tokai region, Hokuriku region, Chugoku region, and Shikoku region controlled by the Central Front have entered a state of war! All police officers are unified under the command of the Central Headquarters, and they will thoroughly check any personnel coming in and out!
All for the freedom and justice we have lost for many years! And our freedom! And …. the future of all Japanese! ! ”
After the image of Masao Nakamura disappeared, the host of the TV station appeared in the emergency news again, and changed the direction of praising Black Watch in the past, and began to condemn Black Watch in all aspects.
But Luo Mo didn’t watch it, just turned off the video indifferently, tapped the table lightly with his index finger and muttered:
“…This is completely a declaration of war, just like what the local self-defense forces did to GHQ ten years ago, but…ten years ago they just wanted to be independent, but now they should want to be kings by themselves?”
“What to do? General.”
“What can I do, the action is so fast, it is clear that it is a planned thing from the beginning, the deputy commander is also pitiful, his son has been used by others as a prop for the uprising.”
Although the sudden declaration of war made Luo Mo feel very bad, he didn’t show it, and he was more sympathetic to the poor deputy commander than anger.
No matter how you think about it, the actions of the eastern front team were so fast that it was abnormal. It was obvious that the deputy commander’s son was sacrificed to calm down the opponents in the headquarters and create conflicts.
The commander was probably promised to help him climb to the top of the country, and he himself has been dreaming of that kind of dream. He is a little hard to predict what will happen to the persecuted deputy commander.
“Alexander, go and find out if the son of the deputy commander joined the drama department recently, and then find a way to contact the deputy director… No, forget it.”
Luo Mo, who was just about to investigate thoroughly, shook his head after speaking halfway, giving up on investigating the complete truth, or contacting the deputy director to hope that the other party can take over the power of the chief commander.
After all, no matter how you look at the current situation, it is not suitable to waste time on that. It will take a lot of time to really get the truth out and then let the deputy commander take power. Even if the deputy commander had real power in the past, he must now It’s also empty… if the other party is not stupid.
In this way, instead of wasting that time, it is better to…
“…Contact Colonel Dan of GHQ, and then ask Joseph to join him, in the name of both Black Watch and GHQ, to ask the Self-Defense Forces to assist in countering the rebellion. By the way, we have been controlling the Eastern Front, the Central The forces of the response group are all concentrated, especially the Central Response Company, the Special Operations Group, the Central Special Weapons Protection Team, and the 1st Airborne Regiment….”
Luo Mo, who gave up the detours, changed from his usual amiable face, and directly ordered the special forces to be assembled first, and at the same time, he was going to let the self-defense forces encircle and suppress the traitors by themselves.
Although there are quite a few Self-Defense Forces now, just like the early days when GHQ landed ten years ago, they are all around Japan ready to move and want to become independent.
But now it’s not just GHQ that exists here, so he doesn’t feel that the Self-Defense Forces in other places dare to challenge the authority of GHQ and Black Watch, because…that’s almost against all countries on this planet.
The declaration issued by the Central Self-Defense Force instantly shook the absolute status of Black Watch in Japan.
Not only the central part of Japan, but also other regions caused an uproar, and even Tokyo fell into a little chaos.
But the night hadn’t passed yet, and Luo Mo, who was about to put Tokyo into a state of emergency, suddenly thought of something and quickly put down what he was doing, and accessed the city surveillance through his highest authority.After careful screening, he called up the most prosperous street surveillance in Tokyo, and immediately noticed that there were many clowns wearing clown masks, red hats, and red and white striped tops on the street, completely dressed like circus clowns.
Obviously the heavy rain has just stopped, and there is still a lot of water on the street, but the number of those clowns is quite large, and if they see people, they go to the top to share a balloon.
This appearance, no matter how you look at it, is quite abnormal, so…
“—Listen to all those patrolling the streets, I am BW Supreme Commander Michael, my brother who is in league with the terrorists. The clown has taken to the streets and immediately killed everyone wearing the clown mask, and …there’s something wrong with those balloons, let the masses throw them away!”
He didn’t have time to care about whether he would be killed by mistake, so he directly connected the radios of all the patrolling personnel assigned to the street.
After all, in this special period, wearing the mask of a hostile organization’s clown to do strange things… If he is really innocent, he can only say that they deserve it. What is this stupid behavior?
Chief of Staff Joseph, who also heard his order, couldn’t help but connect to his communication, and advised:
“Sir, they still haven’t done anything. We don’t have any evidence that those clowns have anything to do with the clowns of my brother. Isn’t it inappropriate to kill them directly?”
“There’s nothing wrong with it, trust my instincts, there’s something wrong with those clowns.”
“However, we have killed many people by mistake at noon.”
“They are taking advantage of such worries, so they acted so quickly. You should also prepare to issue martial law orders, and do a good job in the defense of Tokyo, as well as the special forces of the Self-Defense Forces and the brothers of the CCG. Please use your sense of smell to search for suspicious unregistered frames!  
The enemy’s quick actions one after another made Luo Mo understand that the other party must have been preparing for this action for a long time. In order to prevent the disaster from being expanded, there was naturally no hesitation in issuing orders.
At the same time, fortunately, he realized that the other party would have all kinds of strange tricks after this trial, so when he came back at noon, he canceled the vacation of the police, the army, and the investigators, increasing the three parties on the street. patrol strength.
This night, as usual, the first-class investigator Yamen Kotaro, who was patrolling the streets, naturally received the attack order from Luo Mo as a patrol officer.
But he didn’t execute the order right away, but frowned and glanced at his partner next to him. The senior investigator Mado Wuxu asked:
“Mr. Mado, what should we do? This order is really ridiculous!”
“No, from my intuition, that guy’s order is correct.”
“But! Just…”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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