“—Let go of all the balloons!”
Before Kotaro finished speaking, Mado Wuxu ignored him, activated Quink directly and rushed forward, cutting the clown closest to him.
“Kill, kill?!”
“–Ah ah!!”
Although they didn’t hear clearly what Mado Wu Xu was saying, the passers-by on this street, seeing the bloody scene, were all frightened and ran away screaming, and unconsciously let go of their hands to let him pick it up. The passing balloon flew into the air by itself.
Almost at the same time, there were shots from the nearby streets, either according to the order to shoot the clown, or firing warning shots, causing a large number of balloons to fly into the air.
Immediately afterwards, those balloons that just flew up exploded one after another in the air, but in some areas where the hands were slower, the person holding the balloon was directly blown to pieces.
Kotaro looked at the fireballs in the sky, and was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat:
“…There is really a problem. If Mr. Mado didn’t do it, the consequences…”
“Haha! It looks like that guy is quite annoying, but he also has a pretty good intuition, but… this feeling, those clowns are probably…”
“What’s wrong?”
“No, it’s okay, let’s settle the matter as soon as possible.”
Mado Wuxu did not say that most of these clowns are human affairs. For him, he joined his elder brother Shoru and his elder brother Naoji Ryoshi to say goodbye, but in order to avoid any inconvenience to Kotaro. He chose not to talk about the good influence for the time being.
In the distance, the top of the building.
Several people wearing various clown masks looked at their own people being killed below, but collectively laughed:
“It’s moving faster than expected, but that’s what makes it interesting.”
“Yes, we have to add some more fun to that angel.”
“Happy game time is just beginning now~”
No one knows exactly what the clowns on the roof were up to, but the chaos on the street quickly subsided.
After some people were killed, the clowns on the street mixed into the crowd quite quickly, taking off their masks, hats and shirts, making it difficult for patrol officers to distinguish them.
This night, after the initial riots in Tokyo, the city entered a state of emergency because of the sound of the sirens, but soon calmed down again.
The rain that had only stopped for a while, but when the tranquility came again, it fell from the sky again, as if washing away the killings that happened in the city, washing the newly added blood on the ground.
andHowever, because of his identity exposure, Luo Mo lost all the pastimes to relax and entertain. He could only sit alone on the sofa in his residence in the Star of Bethlehem, looking out the window at the rain that was constantly beating against the glass.
Even though he knew that he had to be beheaded immediately, he didn’t take any action.
Because he understands that even if he leads the corpse soldiers, going to the base of the central front team will not bring any gains. After all, the headquarters of the central front team must have been hidden, and he probably won’t be able to find it for a while. go.
Due to the pressure of international public opinion, even if the members of Black Watch want to send more troops to intervene in Japan again, it is not realistic at all, so he has no way to report in this regard to look forward to.
“What a troublesome situation…why can’t those guys wait any longer, am I just hated like this?”
No one answered his question, and there was no sound in the deserted, lifeless room except himself.
next day.
The central front team was ready to go, but was blocked by the eastern front team directly controlled by Black Watch. Since the self-defense forces on both sides were restraining, for the time being, only a few counties near Tokyo were engaged in a small-scale exchange of fire.
Hinami Fueguchi, who obtained a regular status to go to school, let Aite take him to the Star of Bethlehem on the way to school.
Letting Aite hold her hand, she looked around anxiously, and was brought to the deepest part of the military base not long after.
In the overly spacious office, a familiar figure was sitting at the desk, talking on the phone with a solemn face.
“Brother…” Chu Shi whispered with anxiety, and Luo Mo was a little surprised by her address. After hanging up the phone, he resumed his usual gentle smile and looked over:
“Are you still called brother at this time? You are really cute.”
“Brother, can you return Hinako’s father…?”
“…What, I need people to keep their old titles, but I want to.” Looking at the pitiful and begging girl, he just nodded his head as a matter of course, and then thought in surprise on Hina’s face. When he said something, he casually said:
“Of course, but in exchange, I want you to do me a favor, and I’ll let your father go when it’s done.”
“Ah, of course, but the premise is that you have to help first, how about it? Will you do it?”
“—Do! Hina can do anything!!”
“That statement of yours sounds a little touching in a strange way.”
After teasing the girl standing in the middle of the hall, he looked at U and Aite who were standing aside, and handed over the prepared mobile phone:
“You two take Chishi and go to every city to listen to it and see if you can find the voice inside.”
“Sound?” U frowned.
“Hinami’s hearing is quite powerful and radar-like, and this phone contains the voices of Kanedou Shuichiro, Kugami Ya, and the priest who were serving his sentence. Through these sounds and then relying on Hinami’s human radar search, Maybe we can spot them before they do.”
“Oh~ Little Hina is not only cute, but also has such great abilities~ My sister wants to take her home and use it as a pillow~!” Aite, who heard about Hina’s ability for the first time, hugged her in surprise She rubbed her face with her face, causing Luo Mo to throw the mouse over:
“Stop playing at this time, go to work quickly.”
“What a rough person, come on~ Hina, let’s go on a date with my sister~” Aite easily caught the mouse, then walked out of the room holding Hina’s hand, and U followed silently.
Two days passed like this.
The fighting between the Self-Defense Forces in the Middle East and the East gradually escalated as time passed, and both sides gathered their forces near each other’s control lines.
Although Hina didn’t find anyone from the funeral home, she found the clown’s priest first.
The investigators and the special forces immediately broke into it under the leadership of two SSS-level brothers, Zhong Yinshi. Unfortunately…the priest was just a worthless clone.
However, they unexpectedly found U’s adopted daughter–Kanadai Lishi. By the way, they also captured the original CCG brother Zhiwenshi Ben Wenshanta, and even gave them a pair of twin sisters as a gift.
When Jindai Lishi was brought back, Luo Mo didn’t even see him, so he had already brought him home, but the sisters with one black and one white hair and Kanami Hiroshi made him feel a little interesting. …Because the pair of sisters are both one-eyed and the elder brother Zheng is said to have been artificially created by Kana Mingbo, it seems that Kana Mingbo deliberately let him find himself.
And just as he was in high spirits, on his way to the Star of Bethlehem to imprison his brother on duty, intending to inquire about it, he felt a little tugging from the hem of his clothes.
Subconsciously looking back and following behind him, Hinako, who was pinching the corner of his clothes, let him go quickly and asked cautiously:
“Brother…Now, can you let Dad go?”
“Well, it’s fine, anyway, you have a large family, so you shouldn’t be able to escape.”
“Hina…Hina, I won’t escape!”
“Really? Even though my father has been let go, there are no hostages?…Ah, do you also understand that you can’t escape? Not bad, I like children who understand current affairs the most.”
Luo Mo smiled and patted Chu Shi on the head, looking very satisfied with her answer, but… Chu Shi looked a little unhappy, hesitating and seemed to want to say something.
However, just as heWhen Wei Chushi couldn’t say anything, Chushi raised her head again and looked at him with unconcealable sadness:
“Brother… so pitiful.”
“Huh? Poor? Me? What are you talking about?”
The girl’s inexplicable words made him a little confused, and he wondered if the other party was talking in his sleep, but… Hina’s eyes were very serious.
And this kind of gaze made him feel even more inexplicable:
“Even if there are rebels appearing now, I still control the greatest power in this country, and it won’t be a matter of time to destroy the other party. How dare you call me pitiful??”
“…Hina doesn’t know how to describe it better, but I just feel that my brother is like this, very pitiful.”
“Ha…so, what’s wrong with me? I’m…”
“Even if there are no hostages, if it’s my brother’s business, Hina will help my brother. Even if this method is not used, my brother…”
Chapter 30 Who is more important, yourself or the world?
Fluteguchi Hinami whispered her inner thoughts, but she still didn’t finish her words, her face was twisted into a pained expression, she lowered her head again and couldn’t finish her inner thoughts.
On the day when she revealed her identity, Luo Mo said that he should have actually saved their father; it was just that she was so shocked at that time that neither she nor Dong Xiang could think about it calmly.
In particular, they have indeed been deceived several times, even in quite important matters… This makes it difficult for them to trust each other for a while when they find out that they have been deceived again, or Wouldn’t it be strange to trust him again right away?
But Chishi, who is kind by nature, will choose to forgive him even if she has been played with excessively by Luo Mo many times in the past, and will never hold grudges or anything.
So when she calmed down, she didn’t take the impression that Luo Mo had given her in the past to look at him with a prejudiced attitude. After all, she chose to believe that he was real and saved herself and Dong Xiang’s father.
It is the person who is willing to believe that he has deceived himself many times before. With expectant eyes, Hina hesitantly raised her head and looked at him again:
“My brother has indeed done a lot of excessive things, but… my brother also protected us. Hina can go to school normally, and it is also my brother’s credit… Brother, he is obviously a very powerful person. Hina’s thoughts Surely you know better than anyone else?”
“…But there are too many variables in the human heart, that is to say, people themselves cannot be trusted.”
Luo Mo did not deny Hina’s words.
He really doesn’t think that Hina who is too kind will care about what he did in the past, but even if Hina chooses to believe his excuse, he habitually wants to add a layer of insurance.
Even such insurance may destroy the trust between the two parties.
Because relying on the trust of others, this kind of thing is contrary to his long-standing way of life. People who believe in him may also believe in other people’s words, so he must control the initiative in his own hands.
“Brother lied to us and the new uncle…and said that Mr. Xuandu was killed by someone from CCG, there must be some reason?”
“No, it’s just a normal establishment of conflicts, and let Kirishima Shin deal with the people of the Kazuo family, so that he can be driven to act to the greatest extent.”
“But my brother didn’t let people chase the new uncle, so he let the new uncle go, didn’t he?”
“Because I really didn’t want to kill him.” He shrugged and added:
“Although shooting in the back is also true.”
“Why is this…”
“It’s just a matter of efficiency, and if someone escapes, it will be convenient for me to move freely… Ah, please keep this matter a secret. Of course, even if you tell it, no one will believe your one-sided words.”
Now that he didn’t bother to hide the matter, he casually expressed his true thoughts at the beginning, just added a sentence casually, and then took the lead and forcibly ended the topic.
And Hinako, who was following behind him, looked at him with only helplessness, not knowing what to say.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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