Although I will miss Ramrem and G Qi, but if I can’t go back for a while, it’s meaningless to think about it. I can only sigh faintly to get rid of all my inner thoughts, and then pat myself on the ground a little bit. Pants with a lot of dust….
“…Ah? Where are the pants?” He patted the pants but couldn’t feel the proper feel, which made him froze.
And even if he didn’t look down, he finally noticed that… the bottom of him, or the whole body is quite cool.
The reason is also very simple. His body was completely wiped out before, so it is naturally impossible for him to wear clothes now.
If there are people around, what they see is a naked toddler.
And it seems to be a perfect replica of the moment before the death, with many scars left on the body, people who don’t know may think that it is a child who has been brutally abused by the family.
“….How to do?”
Looking at his immature little hands, he was almost sure that the system was really just activating the marrow, and there was no sign of replenishing the energy at all.
He had just regained his body, and his energy was so empty that he exaggerated himself. Obviously, it would take quite a while to transform back.
“Why is it a child again??”
It doesn’t matter how much strength it has just appeared, but if possible, he still hopes to at least look like an adult, and now this young look really makes him a little crazy.
After all, it’s not even convenient to walk like this…children walk slowly.
Worrying on the spot for a while, forced by the unchangeable reality, he gave up continuing to worry about the child’s appearance, and looked at the situation around him.
Although he could see the blue sky when he looked up, there were stone walls on both sides. This was a veritable narrow path, but he had no choice but to carefully walk to the intersection with his hands covering the bottom, and probed to observe the outside situation.
I don’t know whether it should be unexpected or what. The architectural style of the outside world is full of medieval western flavor, or is it a medieval western city at all?
It’s just the first impression. Compared with Qinlong Kingdom, I don’t know whether it should be said to be poor or backward. The stone bricks on the ground are sparse, as if they have been chewed by dogs.
Even if he is a child, it is not a problem to always be naked. He tried every means to steal a set of children’s clothes first, and then he mixed into the bustling crowd on the street.
After a short stroll, you can find that there is an inner city in the center of the city, and the outer periphery of the inner city is connected by a city wall, and there are more than 20 circular giant towers built at equal intervals.
There is also a huge castle behind the high wall. Although it is not very gorgeous in appearance, it is surprisingly okay.
After wandering around the city, he soon discovered that only the main road here is paved with stone slabs, and many branch routes are paved with stones gnawed by dogs, or ordinary dirt roads.
If it was an ordinary medieval city, this might be considered normal. After all, it was normal for a medieval country to have no money. However, after a little investigation, he found that this city… was actually the capital of this country.
After three days of investigation and research, Luo Mo found that the city he appeared in was indeed the capital of this country, and the name of this country was “Kingdom of Re-Estige”, and there were special martial arts and magic in this world.
…. If the drunk man who was thrown out of the tavern was right, then there should be nothing wrong.
There is no hope for more information. After all, the level of education and understanding of the world among civilians in this era is quite limited, so we really can’t expect too much.
“But even if you are a drunk, the money is too little, right? The cheapest day to stay in a hotel is five copper coins… Sure enough, only robbery can guarantee your basic necessities…”
Looking at the six-year-old boy in the window across the street, even though his body was still young, the idea of ​​robbing and making money still appeared in his heart.
Although it is also because of the current state that he is a little worried, who does not know the combat power of this world, and he has not acted until the matter is revealed and people are arrested.
“Ah~ I’m obviously out drinking, so why don’t you bring more money? The two of you are so drunk that you can buy three breads with only three copper coins!”
As he walked, he tossed the copper coins for fun, and he couldn’t stop complaining.
If possible, he would really like to find a place to stay, because it has been raining in this city since yesterday, and there are very few passers-by.
And in the face of this pouring rain, even if he held an umbrella, his lower body would still get wet, and now he was even more thoroughly wet.
It’s a pity that in order to save money, even if he got a dozen or so copper coins these days, he didn’t intend to waste it on accommodation, and planned to hoard them all to buy food.
Just wandering aimlessly in the cityAs he was walking, he couldn’t help but want to find someone who was alone…he first noticed a dilapidated cabin on the side of the road.
It’s not that he wants to occupy the magpie’s nest, but there is also a little boy who is the same age as him, who seems to have just been beaten up, and feels like he is dying.
“It’s so pitiful, here you go.”
He hesitated for a moment, but casually threw the three copper coins he had just picked up from the drunk man.
“Alas…” The boy looked at Luo Mo who should have suffered the same as himself suspiciously, and didn’t quite understand why he would give him the rare money.
“Don’t look at me like that, we are not the same kind, don’t look at me like this, in a few days I can make the king kneel down and sing conquest.”
“Conquer, conquer…”
“Well, it’s generally a very cheerful song. Of course, I personally prefer to let the queen or princess sing conquest, so that it looks at least a little more pleasing to the eye.”
“…That…that, casually saying such things…is…a death penalty…”
“It’s okay, there’s no one around anyway, anyway, try to live on your own.”
He shrugged casually and left this sentence, and left here without looking back, continuing to look for prey or bridge piers and other places that could be attacked, taking a break from the rain for a while.
However…the two targets were not found, and a young man suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.
Looking up, the black-haired, black-eyed young man with a big sword on his waist was staring at him with a straight face.
This strange young man made him a little worried. Maybe he met a pervert who likes boys. He took a step back and said vigilantly:
“What do you want to do?”
“Don’t be so vigilant, I’m not suspicious.”
“I didn’t say what you said ten years ago.”
“Ten years ago? Haha, you’re such an interesting kid. I’m Gazef Stronov.” The young man seemed to want to show that he was harmless, so he announced his name, and at the same time squatted down and smiled. : “Why are you here alone at this time?”
“Let’s go for a walk, don’t you think it’s interesting to walk in the cold rain?”
“Walking…run away from home? Or a waif? No, it doesn’t seem like…”
“If you want to talk about a waif, it should be at the corner at the back. He should look about the same, but it’s not a big problem to take him back to raise him. That’s it, bye~”
Luo Mo ignored him as he said that, this man, who looked suspicious but harmless, simply walked away from him and stayed away from this place.
Watching him run away, Gazef subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold him back, but he withdrew his hand as if thinking of something, muttering to himself: “…It looks like he’s dressed in shabby clothes, but judging from his conversation and demeanor , it’s more like a nobleman who has a sudden whim, so compared to him, why don’t you go and see that abandoned child first?â€
The various preferences of the nobles were beyond comprehension, and Luo Mo didn’t seem to need to care about him, which made him hesitate to give up caring about Luo Mo, and followed Luo Mo’s previous guidance to find the orphan , directly took the other party back home.
And on the other side…
After searching for a long time, Luo Mo couldn’t find a suitable hiding place or target, but the temperature dropped sharply due to the non-stop rain, which made him shiver from the cold.
Just when he was about to spend all his money to stay in a hotel, he noticed a group of hard-to-ignore people appearing on the deserted street.
It was a group of soldiers in armor, and in the center of the soldiers was a little girl carved in powder and jade, but a little thin.
The girl who was about the same age as his current appearance was still looking at him curiously. For some reason, when she looked at him, her eyes were full of surprise, joy and even emotion.
“…I’m so handsome that even a child of the world’s nobles can’t help but fall in love at first sight?”
At this time, he didn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he murmured improbable words and took the initiative to avoid it.
However, the girl with beautiful blond hair moved her eyes following his movement, and walked towards him in small steps, gradually showing a bright smile:
“Have you nowhere to go?”
“Then~ come to my house?”
“…….if you do not mind.”
Although the other party’s proposal was quite abrupt, Luo Mo nodded after hesitating for three seconds.
Under the influence of inertial thinking, he decided not to reject the kindness of children. After all, accepting other people’s kindness itself is also a kind of kindness…he thinks so.
After all, it is inferred from common sense that the young man may have some eccentricities, but the young girl is still not.
Since it’s not a special existence like him, such a young child should just sincerely want to invite him as a guest, and he won’t have any bad intentions.
Luo Mo, who is habitually fond of eating, drinking, and living, walked away with a noble girl who was about the same age as him within ten seconds of seeing each other. Then… within a few minutes of walking, the girl boarded a gorgeous plane A bit over the top carriage.
When he subconsciously wanted to keep up, the guards on the side suddenly stretched out their weapons, and the horizontal sword blocked his way.
“Civilians still want to ride in the same car with His Royal Highness Lana?” The guard’s eyes were full of disgust for him, and the expression on his face seemed to say: Show me your identity!
“Your Highness?…Princess?”
“Don’t you even know this? Where are you from?! Your Highness, this guy is still…”
“Let him inBar. ”
“Don’t you understand my words?”
“I’m really sorry! Your Highness.”
The voice from inside the carriage was very immature, theoretically it should not have any deterrent effect, however… the guard did not dare to disobey due to his identity, so he could only get away from the respectful Daoqin and glared at Luo Mo Just get out of the way.
Luo Mo was not easy to bully, so he deliberately glanced at the other party with a smug expression before stepping into the gorgeous carriage.
To be honest, in fact, he still has a little bit of regret in his heart. He thought he was just a noble or something, but who would have thought that he would be a princess directly?
This meal… I’m afraid it’s not easy to rub.
But he has never wanted to work harder, and Luo Mo, who is based on reaching the pinnacle of eating and drinking, also has his own persistence—since everyone has come, there is no reason to return empty-handed.
No matter what, he will take off a layer of skin from this princess today!
….The little girl sitting in the carriage did not show any air of princess in her whole body. Instead, she looked at him with the eyes of observing Qizhen like a child full of curiosity.
And in order to grasp the right to speak, he spoke first before the little princess spoke, “I heard that you are a princess, right? What is your name?”
“Lana, Lana Tier Chardon Lyle Verseffer.”
“Wow… so long.”
“Just call me Lana, what about you? What’s your name?”
Even though he was speechless, his appearance not only did not anger Lana, but instead made her more interested, he leaned over and approached.
“Lo… By the way, you can call me Carlos.”
Originally, he wanted to say Luo Mo, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed strange to use the name here, so he decided to just use the reborn name in the future depending on the situation.
After all, thinking about it seriously, it is more convenient to use the name “Carlos” to pretend to be an angel or something, and there is no need for him to be obsessed with the past name at all.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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