“Carlos, um, not a bad name.”
“It’s okay. Compared with this, what are you going to have for dinner later? Look at you, you are so skinny, how can you not eat more? Why don’t you find a place to pile things up now?”
Luo Mo didn’t hide at all that he wanted to eat, but Lana still didn’t get angry. Instead, she covered her mouth with her hands and giggled, and readily agreed to his proposal.
In fact, even Luo Mo occasionally misjudged people.
The third princess of the kingdom, Lana, is not a normal child to a certain extent, and that’s why she suddenly developed a strong interest in him.
Because Lana has long been used to seeing herself as a freak, and she is also used to seeing her cute eyes, but this is the first time she has encountered Luo Mo’s cold eyes.
Although this may be normal for ordinary people and feel disrespected, for her, this is an unparalleled surprise.
Her talents lie in thinking, insight, observation, imagination, understanding, etc. All thinking-related abilities have been far beyond ordinary people since she was born.
Because of this, she herself is troubled by her intelligence, because the only thing she doesn’t understand is why others don’t understand what she understands.
Others even regarded her speech as weird words with unknown meaning, and found her incomprehensible and even a little scary.
This lack of similar and communicable objects made her mentally stressed even more, so severe that she lost weight day by day after eating, and even made people wonder if she would just die like this.
But now… there is someone who is not intoxicated by his own cuteness, and is not intimidated by his own intelligence. Those eyes are clearly looking at “people”! Looking at the same kind who are not valued!
(However… not being taken seriously is a little bit unpleasant. Shouldn’t I tie it up with an iron chain and let him watch me from below?)
With an innocent smile, Lana took Luo Mo to the best restaurant in the capital, looking at him with her hands on her cheeks and thinking about how to deal with him.
Just like children would break the wings of birds and put fireflies in plastic bottles to keep them in captivity, they had no intention of doing any harm, they just simply didn’t want the birds and fireflies to leave themselves.
Lana’s thoughts didn’t contain any malice, so Luo Mo didn’t pay much attention to the gaze staring at him intently, but sighed in his heart while eating a big piece: I am really a sinful man.
And Lana didn’t try to take action, because she was also worried that doing so would make Luo Mo change her view of herself, and it would be meaningless to become fear.
But if it can’t be locked directly, what should we do better? Now, Lana has new troubles.
After a full meal, Luo Mo, who knew nothing about Lana’s thoughts, was taken to the center of the kingdom, the castle in the royal city without accident.
His appearance naturally aroused the disgust of almost everyone in the castle, and everyone resolutely opposed this tramp of unknown origin to the palace.
It is impossible for people from humble origins to get the honorable and responsible position of personal protection of the royal family. Only the nobles can protect the safety of the royal family, but… the king agreed.
People look at the value of appearance, even if their biological parents will not dislike their sons and daughters being ugly, they will prefer more or less good-looking ones, and the king regards the little princess who has inherited the beauty of his mother as the apple of his eye, and his love for her is far away. better than other kidsSon, and thus allowed her wayward behavior.
Although the origin is unknown, Ke Luomo was arranged to be Lana’s personal bodyguard that day.
On the outskirts of the royal city, the lower floors of the twenty huge towers are mainly used to house guards and servants, and one of the rooms is not too spacious…
“Even if it’s my daughter’s request to let someone of unknown origin follow her daughter, the king must be a daughter-in-law, right?”
After taking a bath, Luo Mo, who was completely relaxed, lay on the bed, sighing lazily that the king was too talkative.
And this is in his favor, so he doesn’t intend to say anything.
The floor and walls of this room are made of stone, and a thin carpet is laid on the floor to relieve the coldness of the floor.
Although the wooden bed is a bit rough, there is a rather large wardrobe, a table with drawers, and rough wooden chairs. Although it seems a bit shabby to him, the average soldier’s living in this royal city is more similar to that of a school. The dormitory is almost the same, the bunk beds are still six people in a room, and the treatment can be said to be quite good now.
“It’s also thanks to little Lana~ I have to thank her in the future, but now…”
Looking at the ceiling and muttering, he quickly closed his eyes sleepily, turned over and rolled under the bed, turned over two more times and rolled under the narrow bed and fell asleep.
The next morning, the princess who came to visit in person was startled by the empty room because of this, worried that his own kind had escaped, and the whole castle was called to look for him, so he crawled out from under the bed After walking out of the room, he was taken to a luxurious room in the palace, but it was quite spacious without being pompous.
“—Carlos! Why did you suddenly disappear? I’m very worried!”
The blond girl sitting in front of the tea table rushed over quickly when he entered the room, grabbed his hand tightly and looked at him with tears in her eyes.
“Sorry, I just accidentally rolled under the bed, I will pay attention next time…”
(Do I really have the ability to make children fall in love at first sight when I get younger?) Lana clearly knew herself, but she was so nervous about her demeanor that Luo Mozhen began to wonder if the other party would fall in love with her at first sight.
But… No matter how you say it, is it too precocious? It’s impossible to think about it, right?
The strange situation made his heart full of doubts, but when Lana got his assurance, she immediately broke through her tears and showed a smile like the warm sun in winter:
“It’s an appointment, Carlos, it can’t be like this next time.”
“Compared to this, La…how should I call you? Your Highness Lana?”
“Lana will be fine.” Lana seemed very close without any sense of distance.
“Okay, Lana when you are alone, and Her Highness Lana when you are alone?”
“Well, that’s it!”
(This child is quite smart.) Luo Mo’s distinction made Lana a little surprised, and she seemed a little surprised and even happier.
The two chatted like this.
And apart from chatting about trivial matters at the beginning, it became endless after that, which far exceeded the children’s chatter.
The more you talk about Lana, the more surprised you are, because even if you don’t hide your thoughts, Luo Mo can still chat with her. In the past, Luo Mo knew things that others didn’t understand, and Luo Mo even understood things that he didn’t understand. She understands, and can give suggestions for improvement, which made her feel that she is really a child for the first time.
…In fact, compared with Japan, which once ruled the near future, and Luo Mo, who stood at the pinnacle of power and was educated in a top military academy in Russia, this world that still uses slavery is behind a thousand years.
As far as knowledge is concerned, his knowledge is a complete dimensionality reduction blow to this world.
And during the conversation, he also found that many of Lana’s ideas clearly surpassed the limitations of this era, although many still had limitations, but no matter what, children would not understand them.
A reincarnated traverser? But normally, even a traveler in the 21st century should not have such a comprehensive view…just engaged in political management?
Lana was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of her compatriots, but Luo Mo suspected that Lana might be a person from around the eighteenth…ninth century, who was lucky enough to be reincarnated here as a transmigrator who was a princess.
It’s just that two months after such a time, he also discovered that Lana was really a child, and the reason for his misunderstanding was completely caused by being too clever.
At the same time, through Lana and the people in the palace, I finally figured out the general situation of this country and this world.
The kingdom is located in the central and western region in the northwest corner of the mainland. It is said that it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on two sides.
The geographical location is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It looks good, and the land is quite fertile. It is said that the population exceeds 8 million, which is second only to the Theocracy with a population of 15 million among human countries.
However, the overall national strength of this kingdom seems to be the weakest among the surrounding countries, and its urban infrastructure generally lags behind the surrounding human countries of the same size.
And the human beings in the countries dominated by demihumans are also food and slaves. If the weakest kingdom among human beings fights with foreign countries, it will bring shame on itself.
“This world is unexpectedly unfriendly to humans~ However, this has nothing to do with me,”
Luo Mo, who was used to staying in Lana’s room, was studying the world’s human geography and world history while holding a book in his hand. After being a little surprised by the status of human beings, he discovered another thing that caught his attention. , unconsciously beepingGoo:
“…every hundred years, there will be a group of unknown but quite powerful beings in this world? They can’t really be people from other worlds, right? But there are a large number of people from other worlds? Is it so simple?”
“Probably between worlds… let’s treat it like a membrane and a barrier, because that thing is very fragile, so outsiders can easily break in?”
Obviously she doesn’t know magic and martial arts, but Lana, who is more familiar with this world than Luo Mo, took a sip of black tea and said something that made him quite concerned.
“…Is that so?”
“I don’t know~ just guess casually.”
“Speaking of which, is summoning magic easy to perform? No, maybe I should ask, does the kingdom have magic for summoning alien creatures?”
“Yes? There are many magicians in the capital who can summon creatures from other worlds.”
“That’s it, if that’s the case…”
He nodded slightly, but didn’t fully agree with Lana’s previous statement.
He has also seen the magicians here in the past two months, but they are not very powerful. He can kill several of them with just one pistol.
If this is the case, it is not so much that the barriers between worlds are very fragile, the accurate explanation should be that the barriers of this world are very fragile, so it is easy to summon creatures from other worlds, right?
It happens to be the magical world of medieval science. The Dragon Kingdom Lugnica has a population of 50 million. In this world, the kingdoms, empires, church states, holy kingdoms, and so on, all human countries combined are not as many as the Dragon Kingdom… This, coupled with the fragility of the space barrier, is it possible that this is just a creature like the phantom species?
That’s right, maybe this is really the body of the fantasy species.
The race rank of the fantasy species is only lower than that of the gods, and the city in the sky where the Flügel live is a fantasy species, and it is also a fantasy species with its own world; knowing the existence of that creature, he couldn’t help but suspect that it might itself be a fantasy species. In a fantasy-like creature, this world was created by the monster for its own amusement.
But if this is the case, it would be very convenient for him. The magic of summoning alien creatures that Xin may use at will has always consumed a lot of energy for him. Although he wanted to try it, he still couldn’t afford that consumption.
But this consumption is mainly because the world is too repulsive. If the barriers of this world are weak and repellent…doesn’t this mean that you can summon some strong people from other worlds?
Forget about Azrael and Jibril, they are very powerful, but I am afraid that my chastity will be lost. If Xinke is concerned, I am worried that he will be wiped out first.
If it was Teresa, it would definitely be quite suitable to be a bodyguard for a while.
The only problem is, he doesn’t know how to summon at all!
That is to say, he can only summon randomly to see if he can summon any good goods.
Of course, the current body is not suitable, and he has to return to the adult stage, otherwise, if something happens out of control, he may be the first to die.
“Carlos…Carlos? Hey…Carlos—Carlos!”
Luo Mo was immersed in his own world unconsciously. Lana yelled several times in a row before finally recovering and looked up.
The blond girl who looked like a doll, her blue eyes were covered with mist, and she felt like she was about to cry if she disagreed with her.
This made him quickly stand up and comfort him: “Sorry, sorry, I thought of something inadvertently, what’s wrong?”
“What are you thinking? Why ignore me!”
“I was thinking about how to make the world peaceful.”
“Really? You still have such great ambitions? That’s amazing!” Lana clasped her hands in front of her chest and looked at him with admiration.
But he shook his head with a melancholy expression: “Unfortunately, my wish is doomed not to come true. This world is too sinful. Humans and demihumans hide in their hearts a darkness that a child like me cannot understand.”
“Is…? Me too, why do people kill each other, why can’t they live in peace.” The melancholy seemed to be contagious, and Lana also showed a melancholy expression.
In the spacious and gorgeous room, two children who were only in the kindergarten age were discussing the topic of world peace with melancholy expressions.
No matter how strange this looks, after all, these two children seem to be quite serious, not at all like playing house, but…
(What a boring topic, isn’t this guy really interested?) Under Luo Mo’s melancholic disguise, he was speechless to the “same age” girl in front of him.
(He doesn’t care about world peace at all, but he still pretends to be very interested. Is this guy occasionally boring?)
After getting along for two months, Lana thinks that with Yiluomo’s character, it is impossible to care about world peace or something, even though he agrees with his mouth, he still finds him boring, and even worries about what is going on, so he is willing to put the collar on her neck.
Although both of them seem to be harmless to humans and animals, but in terms of the degree of ulterior motives, there are few people in the entire capital, even the entire kingdom, or the entire world, who can compare to them.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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