“All right? How do you feel?”
“Well… Anyway, calm down first, it’s pretty cold outside all the time, isn’t it? Why don’t you close the door and get under the quilt first, and let’s talk slowly?”
“…Is that my quilt?”
“Don’t distinguish between you and me at this time, we are all victims, we should be united at this time, and I don’t dislike you…”
Luo Mo, who had occupied the magpie’s nest and regarded him as his own, felt his sight shifted suddenly before he finished speaking.
Blinking his eyes, Ding Qing took a look, only to find that his shoulders were being held down, and a petite girl with a very outstanding appearance, a laughable and quite scary girl was also riding on him.
“How can I believe that you are not that guy’s accomplice?” The girl showed a charming smile like an angel, and said something like a devil: “Sure enough, I shouldn’t help them catch you back, or I should arrest you now.” Kill it, let’s say it’s hand slipping… What do you think?”
“Of course not! In other words, why do I do that kind of thing, isn’t it not good for me? And there’s a risk of pissing you off, isn’t there? ”
“No good? Are you doing….”
Halfway through the conversation, Ekolina suddenly thought that although he appeared to be very precocious, he was actually only a ten-year-old child, so he really didn’t have strange ideas.
“What’s wrong?”
“…Tired.” She lost interest in continuing to press questions, snatched his quilt back with one hand, kicked him off the bed and said, “You don’t sleep on the bed anyway, do you? Give me Go to sleep underground, and share half of the quilt with you.”
“But even if there is a carpet, there are some…”
Putting his hands on the side of the bed, Luo Mo wanted to climb up to the girl’s inviolable sanctuary, and then his head popped out from below, and a war scythe shining with obsidian luster appeared in front of his throat, which made him stop unconsciously. Under his own action.
The girl on the bed tilted her head slightly, showing a sweeter smile than usual: “Go down, go out, die, are you going to choose the last one?”
“…I suddenly felt that the bottom of the bed is also a good choice.”
Anyway, he really didn’t have the habit of sleeping in bed, so he naturally stopped begging to share the same bed, and retracted his head back to the ground.
To a certain extent, running to her bed and not being hacked to death is already a huge improvement in the relationship between the two of them. It is unnecessary to force anything, and he really has no idea about it. I can’t do it, I can only close my eyes and sleep peacefully under the bed.
And right above him…Ekorina casually put the scythe aside, planning to settle accounts with those idle guys tomorrow, and take a good rest now.
But Luo Mo fell asleep immediately, but she couldn’t fall asleep anyway.
Because nearly a hundred years after her mother committed suicide, it was the first time that other people appeared in her room.
This made her always disturbed by the strange feeling in her heart, tossing and turning in the end…unable to fall asleep until the next morning.
But when she got out of bed and looked under the bed, she found that the culprit who caused her tossing and turning, didn’t care about the floor or the bed or anything else, and was sleeping soundly under her regardless of her mood. This also made her unable to hold back, she stretched out her hand and pinched his ear:
“—How long are you going to sleep! Get up quickly! Then go out!”
For Luo Mo, it was enough to be aggrieved to be woken up by pulling his ears inexplicably before he did anything, but for the next whole day, or for a long time, Ikelina would not give him good face.
Another six years passed in the blink of an eye.
At the beginning, the two of them ate and Ekolina never talked, but gradually she could talk to him, and she seemed to be completely used to his existence.
Even though Chief Vulcan made small movements more and more frequently as he grew up, he was almost chopped off hundreds of times.
Although the risk of life is always on the side, it is precisely this kind of environment that is unexpectedly suitable for his recovery, and the body’s energy is faster than expected.
He was released from the shackles five years ago, and was allowed to freely enter and exit the sanctuary. He was able to return to the territory to recuperate for a few days, and continue to play the real version of “simulation management” in the territory.
After coming to this world for a total of about ten years, it was shorter than the expected twelve years and basically recovered.
In the territory, even though the nearby nobles issued decrees not to allow the citizens to immigrate without permission, they still couldn’t restrict the flow of people, so that the territory of only 60,000 square kilometers accommodated more than 2.6 million people from various countries.
As if to oppose him, Lana urged the kingdom to abolish slavery half a year ago, but this did not affect the Canaanites in the established kingdom China at all.
Of course, his territory itself is not called Canaan Territory, but he just thought of it on a whim, the “Promised Land” in the Bible, a land with milk and honey.
Indeed, the Canaanite army, which has become the wealthiest place in the human race and even the entire world, has also expanded to 60,000. With the help of the artisans of the Church, the weapons in their hands have been upgraded from flintlock guns to bolt-action rifles. It’s just that because everything is purely manual, the production of bullets is still very troublesome, so there is no choice to make automatic weapons.
Because of the output and the fact that this world has magic that restrains bullets, only 30,000 people have completed the deployment. The other soldiers use cold weapons, 20,000 infantry and 10,000 light and heavy cavalry, and the rest of magicians and enchanters are considered as additional formations.
He believes that his soldiers are human soldiers, and because of the limitations of the times and the particularity of this world, as well as the high cost of handmade ammunition, the opponents are all demihumans far surpassing humans, so he is not optimistic about giving defense The Theocracy, which is restrained by the magic of projectiles and similar barriers, is not equipped with these weapons.
But it happened that the war between the Theocracy and the elves had been at a stalemate in recent years, so he chose to ask for help from him, which made him think twice and choose to send half of his troops for training.
It was he who personally led the 30,000 soldiers, bypassing the forest and preparing to cross the Katz Plain to support the Theocracy.
At the front of the neatly lined army, the Vulcan officer, who was over half a hundred years old, rode a horse, looked at the vast grassy plain in front of Luo Mo, and reminded with a relaxed expression:
“A few years ago, in order to consume the kingdom’s power, the newly appointed emperor of the empire always fought against the kingdom on this plain, resulting in too many dead. Recently, it seems that there are more than normal powerful undead appearing in the Kaz plain.”
“…Really?” Luo Mo, who looked unmotivated, was very casual.Convenience nodded.
“Well, despite this, with a rising star like you, no matter what kind of undead, they can only honestly return to the world of the dead.”
Thinking of Luo Mo’s strength, the expression of the Vulcan official tensed for a while, and soon relaxed again, and then he couldn’t help but said with anticipation again:
“Wait until you kill the Elf King! Help that child fulfill his long-cherished wish to avenge his mother, and she will definitely be devoted to you by then!”
“It’s hard to say.”
“No, I’m sure! In the final analysis, the child’s personality has changed into what it is now. It is not an exaggeration to say that all the damn forest barbarians caused it. Just wait and see her become a little woman!”
The Vulcan Chief made a strong oath, but Luo Mo felt that Ikelina’s character would not change like this after so many years.
However…. It’s pretty good if your personality doesn’t change and your attitude changes, and you even confess to yourself directly.
In other words, he has endured humiliation for so many years, but he has been looking forward to this scene.
Now I can’t even help but fantasize about that girl who looks like she’s a year older after so many years, when she confessed to herself, she glanced at her chest, and said the lines that she had hidden for many years with a face of apology.” I’m sorry, it’s impossible for us, I like big breasts, but you…you are the one with the smallest breasts among the people who have confessed to me in these years!” The scene of rejecting the other party so harshly, Just imagining the corners of his mouth became uncontrollable.
But when he was immersed in a sweet dream, the roar of an undead suddenly came from a distance, pulling him back from his daydream.
Where there are more dead and more corpses in this world, the easier it is for the corpses to become undead, and the more undead there are, the more advanced undead are likely to be born.
The recent wars between empires and kingdoms have been fought on this plain every year, making this plain the area with the largest number of deaths and corpses in the world in recent years.
In order to prevent the emergence of overly powerful undead, both sides built towns on the edge of the plain, allowing professionals such as adventurers to deal with the undead.
Today, several worker teams in the empire, whose jobs are similar to those of adventurers, also teamed up with each other on this plain as usual, risking their lives to exterminate the undead, guarding against corpse poison to deal with the lowest level of skeletons and When zombies…
A terrifying monster suddenly got into their field of vision and appeared in front of everyone.
It was about 2.3 meters tall, with a huge tower shield covering three-quarters of his body in one hand, and a large corrugated sword in the other. He wore a horn helmet on his head and a broken black hood behind him.
Since there is no breastplate, everyone can clearly see that this creepy little giant is too bluntly shriveled.
“This, this—the Death Knight!?”
The out-and-out monster in front of him instantly caused several people in the crowd to fall to the ground with trembling feet after recognizing what it was.
The strongest team in the workers, the team named “Four Advisers” performed better than the others, standing still despite their legs trembling with fright.
The captain of the Four Advisors, Hekkeran yelled, pulled his companions by his side and ran away.
The rest of the workers around were also awakened, and they didn’t even care about running away.
When the death knight noticed that the prey dared to escape, he immediately uttered a deafening roar, rushed forward and killed the workers who were limp on the ground with a single blow, and chased after the rest of the fleeing workers as if no one was planning to escape. up.
Racing against the undead is undoubtedly stupid, because along with the fact that there is no fatigue problem at all except for the excessive wear and tear of the corpse, the death knight is very large and not slow.
Even if it’s not as fast as a cheetah, it must be faster than a human, unless you use martial arts, which can only be used a few times, and you will be exhausted first.
But – it’s not a problem if you can’t run the death knight, as long as you can run faster than others!
Everyone was holding the same idea, trying not to pay attention to the desperate screams that appeared behind them from time to time, and when they ran away with all their might, the four advisers at the front suddenly noticed that there was an Constantly intruding into their field of vision… a huge army that almost drowned the horizon.
The flag of the fully armed army is neither a kingdom nor an empire, but the golden cross flag that has gradually become famous in the world over the years.
Leading the army into the Sanwu Plain, the one who walked in the front of the army was not a middle-aged general wearing a gorgeous armor, but an overly young boy wearing a pitch-black robe without any protective gear at all. Look at them with displeasure in their eyes.
Chapter 6 Overwhelming Gap・You can be a three-bedroom
Even if he asked for help from the noble army of another country, it was hard to say whether he would get a response, but regardless of whether it was meaningful or not, the four members of the counselor team thought it was worth trying.
Because the rest of the fleeing workers also found this army, and they were all rushing here, causing the death knights who had already chased others to follow them.
They looked back and found that with the death knight’s killing speed, everyone might be killed before reaching the army, so they ran hard and shouted:
“—Help, help!!”
“——Help us!!”
On a small slope.
Luo Mo was quite displeased with the daydreaming monster that shattered the boring marching road with a roar, so he led the people to make noises towards the monsterover here.
He was going to teach that monster who had nothing to disturb daydreams and spent most of the day screaming at him a profound lesson, but before he passed, he heard someone shouting for help, which made him feel even more irritable.
After all, it must be the encounter between these people and the monster that caused the monster to scream. If the monster is the main culprit, these people are the accomplices.
But even though he complained “very annoying” to the group of clamoring for help, he still drove his horse and ran in the direction of the group.
As for why he needs to go by himself instead of letting other people go, it is naturally because he has also seen that the little giant behind that group of people is obviously an invincible monster in this world for ordinary people – the death knight .
Unfortunately, the artillery of the rear army is still in the middle of the queue. Now there is no time to adjust the artillery fire to the front to try to deal with the death knight with those field artillery from the First World War. Although he really wanted to test the enchanted shells, for that What role can the undead play?
In other words… Even if the artillery is placed in front, before the angle is adjusted and the shell is loaded, the monster will have already reached the front.
He would march with the troops by himself, that is, to avoid the current situation, he also only planned to pass through this ghost place, and leave here temporarily to visit Lana when he reached the border of the Theocracy.
But as a lord, he is escorting his own army. This kind of thing puts the cart before the horse…Thinking about it, he feels that it is meaningless to cultivate an army. After all, he can level the world, so why bother to train a younger brother?
“Why is this… It’s like looking for something to do for myself…” The horse was running hard, but Luo Mo, who was sitting on it, was holding his head in trouble.
The workers rushing towards him on the opposite side couldn’t quite understand why he didn’t lead the army over, but ran here alone to die.
The blond girl in the crowd looked at his behavior that was no different from sending him to death, and subconsciously held a trace of anticipation to see his strength, and her blue eyes radiated a strange light.
“—Uh uh uh uh!”
The girl’s face changed suddenly, and then she fell to the ground, throwing herself on the ground with both hands.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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