“What’s wrong?!”
“Get up quickly! Are you overdoing it? – Cure!”
The other members of the Four Advisers immediately noticed the situation of their companions, and their feet stopped unconsciously. Among them, they were obviously priests in heavy armor. They mistakenly thought that she suddenly ran too far and caused stomach discomfort, so they quickly released her. Healing magic.
But the death knight behind this delay also followed up, piercing the stomach of the woman who was less than ten meters away from them with a single sword.
“—Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The woman with half of the big sword protruding from her stomach turned the last remaining air in her lungs into a scream and vomited out, and her whole body was directly worn on the sword like a candied haws.
“…Please…Puff!…Please…someone help…!”
The woman who was pierced in the abdomen but didn’t die on the spot tried to raise her hand with blood bubbles spitting out of her mouth, and stretched it in the direction of Luo Mo and the four counselors, but… she was thrown to the ground by the death knight. Let the iron hoof wearing heavy armor stomp on his head.
But just like this, the death knight was completely unsatisfied. It intended to kill all life, exuding resentment towards the living, and continued to rush towards the girl not far away who was still on the ground.
But when it reached the blade, it also noticed that Luo Mo, who had jumped off the horse and came leisurely, changed the attack target and swung the blade at Luo Mo.
The big rippled sword sliced ​​through the air and swung a powerful slash, which made people subconsciously fill up the bloody scene in their minds.
However… the huge blade stopped suddenly just as it was about to cut off his head.
There was no sound, not the sound of blocking and the sound of sharp blades cutting flesh and blood. The quietness made the surviving survivors all attracted by this strange situation, and they looked back unconsciously…then they collectively lost their voices and were shocked The passion reached its peak.
After a long while, because of excessive shock and surprise, someone finally blurted out:
“–how is this possible!”
“So… actually grabbed that sword with his hand??!”
What was displayed in front of everyone was a scene that completely subverted the previous cognition. The undoubted death naturally pinched the edge of the Ripple Sword with ease, and even made it impossible for the Death Knight to withdraw the blade.
It was such a shocking scene that everyone couldn’t help but think of the game between the sword master and the three-year-old child.
Because relying on the tyrannical defense that basically no one can break through, this powerful and tireless monster can almost wipe out a small country by itself, and it can be called a super monster at the level of destroying a country.
However, such a monster… is as powerless as a child in front of a young man who seems to have never passed his twenties.
The tall death knight’s powerful and heavy sword can completely split a person in two. Unfortunately, facing the Luomo death knight gives people the feeling that they are as weak and powerless as a child holding a toy sword.
Not only did he easily grab the edge of the sword, but he still couldn’t move the blade forward even an inch.
The death knight was also stunned by this situation. He subconsciously wanted to draw out his sword, but he couldn’t pull it out no matter what.He pulled out the blade, and pulled it out with all his strength, but the muddy ground under his feet was flattened by more than ten centimeters, but the blade still did not move at all.
As the person involved, Luo Mo didn’t look at the poor monster. He kept his eyes on the girl who was lying on the ground and hadn’t gotten up until now, and asked with undisguised displeasure:
“I said you, look down on me or what’s the matter?? Seeing me throw up??? There should be a limit to being rude? Or is this a provocative method unique to your country? Seeing others spit out first Spit to show disdain?”
“No, no! Absolutely not like this!” The girl shook her head crazily, and quickly explained with tears in her eyes: “It’s just that I was born with a magic eye that sees through, and your magic power is too huge! My body is out of control just…”
Under the pursuit of the death knight, the girl who was already overly nervous and frightened, was stimulated by the magic power beyond imagination, and unconsciously vomited out… She herself was quite depressed about this situation.
On the other hand, the priest at the side pointed blankly at the death knight who was retracting his shield to charge up, trying to knock him into the air with the shield, wanting to remind him that the death knight was attacking again.
But Luo Mo didn’t need to be reminded, even if he raised his leg without looking at it, it was just a kick.
——Boom! !
The shield that had just been smashed over was kicked back and hit the death knight’s head, causing it to fall to the ground… only the ripple sword in his hand had changed hands.
Luo Mo, who didn’t care about the death knight, muttered to himself: “The magic eye that sees through? I always feel like I heard it somewhere?”
“The guardian of the empire, Mr. Fuluda also has the same natural ability. That is my teacher… used to be.”
A girl who once attended the Imperial Academy of Magic and was the favorite student of Fluda, the strongest magician in the Empire, is not lying about this point.
“Ah~ no wonder I have heard of it.”
“Compared to this…that…won’t you deal with it?”
“If you didn’t say it, you almost forgot about this guy.”
Is this person serious? How could a monster like the death knight forget? …. After hearing his words, everyone couldn’t help but have such doubts in their hearts.
But looking at the death knight who was getting up from the ground, he thought of everything that happened before, and didn’t know what to say for a moment, only feeling that his world view had been completely subverted.
And Luo Mo waved his hand very casually, and flung the ripple sword he was still holding, piercing the death knight’s knee as accurately as a dart, causing him to fall to the ground again.
“Ah~ What should I do next? It’s a waste to kill it directly, but it’s too inappropriate to keep such an ugly pet… By the way! If you have enough strength, why don’t you just become an engineer? You don’t need food, drink and wages, and it is The undead who already existed in this world only need to control their magic power once, they are simply born slaves!”
The people who have been shocked to the extreme looked at Luo Mo who was talking to himself numbly. They couldn’t react to the words that were too unimaginable. They just felt that the shock of a lifetime was spent in this short period of time. It’s over.
In the territory of Canaan, the army called the Crusaders because of the style of the military flag appeared in this area that should not have appeared.
Moreover, the appearance of a large-scale mobilization made all the remaining workers instinctively doubt whether the Canaanites wanted to finally provoke a war to annex the kingdom and empire.
The Crusaders haven’t done much in these years, but they have also participated in some demi-humans who destroyed monsters, reinforced the Holy Kingdom, and fought against the demi-humans who crossed the Great Wall built by the holy kingdom. .
The Crusaders are completely different from the kingdom’s strong army, and are more well-trained than the recent reforms that gave birth to professional soldiers. They are equipped with magic weapons in large quantities with strong financial resources, so that no one doubts their ability to conquer the countries.
Even the kingdom is in charge of Canaan, and disobeying the dispatch to participate in the war against the empire turned a blind eye, it can only be regarded as not realizing that the other party has completely escaped control.
Facing such an army, even the workers who were more conceited than ordinary soldiers seemed unusually honest.
And if the team of the Four Counselors is rated by the adventurer level, it also has the strength that can rival the Mithril level. It can be regarded as the top worker team second only to the mountain copper and fine steel, but they are also honest and dare not cause trouble here.
However, they are originally from other countries, and they are naturally a bit jealous of foreign troops, otherwise they would not make sense if they were killed, especially…
“Axe, what happened to you just now? Why did you throw up when you saw someone else’s lord???”
The girl named Aixue just vomited so loudly that the lightly armored warrior with two knives on his waist, the captain of the Four Counselors, Hekkeran, was frightened, fearing that the other party would hold grudges and kill people like himself to vent his anger.
The remaining two members also had ugly expressions on their faces. They stared at the vomiting girl named Arche with worried faces, and made her hug the iron rod that could be used as a staff or hand-to-hand weapon, feeling guilty. head:
“I’m sorry… I couldn’t bear it for a while…”
“Why? He’s not an ugly or monster. He should be rated very high by the public standards of women, right? Why did he vomit?”
The female half-elf archer with twin ponytails, Imina looked incomprehensible, scratching her head vigorously, but couldn’t imagine how she would have such a strange problem at this time.
“Ai Xue, you don’t know…have that hobby? So there is a contrasting effect?” Obviously heavyThe middle-aged uncle priest who pretended to be a soldier, Robatiku crossed his arms and asked suspiciously.
“Huh? Really? Don’t tell me…you always look at me like that every day? It’s also because of this that you always walk with me when you go out and sleep on the street…?” Imina subconsciously stepped back Taking a few steps away from Arche, with a look of horror on his face, Hekkeran immediately stood up in front of her and glared at Arche, saying seriously: “Imina is my woman! Even you are too Women, I will not forgive either!”
“——No! Why do I have such a strange hobby? It’s the problem of the magic eye! Didn’t I explain it just now when he took the death knight’s sword?!”
Faced with the strange doubts of her teammates, the red-faced girl waved her hands in a panic, trying to defend herself with all her strength, trying to tear this strange hobby away from herself.
“Ah… seems to be there?”
“Hmm…not sure.”
“It seems there is?”
Because Luo Mo grabbed the death knight’s sword casually, it was too shocking, and the three of them didn’t listen to what Arche had said at that time.
But Arche couldn’t help complaining: “When is this, do you still think I like girls?”
“That’s just to ease the atmosphere a little bit.”
“Yeah, even if you really want to die, wouldn’t it be more uncomfortable to die in a panic?”
“Well, anyway, I want to escape now but I can’t escape, so it’s better to calm down first.”
The three people in the team took a look at the soldiers around them who were vigilant against them. After expressing their true thoughts, they could only give each other a wry smile.
The atmosphere, which was originally slightly relaxed, became dull again after the confession. Everyone just waited nervously for the trial to come like a criminal who had committed a heinous crime.
…This is of course not their unfounded worry. Even in modern Thailand, a constitutional monarchy, there are still crimes of disrespect. If you are not careful, it will start in three years.
In this day and age, civilians who behave disrespectfully to the nobles will have to be imprisoned for a few years. If they are killed, they can only admit it. Even the other workers are worried about being punished by the fish pond, and their faces are getting uglier than each other. .
the other side.
Luo Mo used the unique magic of controlling the undead in this world to turn the death knight into his own, and let him pull the cannon with the horse.
Then I came to the previous group of asylum-seeking workers, and I was going to ask where there were undead nearby that I could use as slaves for myself, or I was going to simply hire these workers as cannon fodder.
He himself also knows something about the special group of workers. Normally, if he is an adventurer, he must not accept the employment of nobles from other countries, because this obviously violates the regulations of the Adventurers Guild, and not only will he be expelled from the guild and become a Adventurers may even encounter assassins hired by the guild.
But the workers are different. Even if there is a lot of overlap in the job content, not only do they not have the badges that adventurers usually wear on their necks, but it also means that they are not bound by guild rules. Killing and arson can do anything, as long as they have money. do all.
Of course, there are many reasons for becoming a worker, so it does not mean that being a worker is a bad person, but the only thing that is certain is that most of them are short of money, and they are more short of money than ordinary people. As long as they are given money to live normally, they will not refuse.
“But there is a life-saving grace in the first place. If you don’t want to help with such trivial matters, you can only let the death knights chase them down and let everything before happen as if it didn’t happen?”
Smiling and talking to himself, he came to the group of workers, but…
For some reason, most of the workers had bad expressions. The four who ran the fastest at the beginning were even more gloomy, anxious as if something was imminent, and when they found him, their expressions immediately became uglier. Made two tunes.
“…I was still vomiting at me just now, and now I have this face again, am I just not welcome?”
“No, it’s not…that… I don’t regret dying, but that’s my own behavior, please let my companion go!” The vomiting girl got up from the ground and walked quickly after hearing that. Come over and beg.
“Does that mean you are begging to die? It is really a strange request, but I have always been kind-hearted, and it is difficult for others to refuse me, so…. Am I the one who meets your request now?” it is good?”
“—That’s not the case! Ah, no…I didn’t question your thoughts, it’s just that I have two younger sisters to raise at home. If it’s possible…please don’t kill me. willing to do!”
“Anything is fine…I always feel that I have heard this sentence many times over the years, but in the end there are always people who get in the way, and I can’t do any good things.”
Hearing the familiar lines of begging for mercy, he unconsciously let his eyes move up and down on the girl while complaining.
This little girl looks like she should be around fifteen to seventeen years old, with bright golden hair cut short to shoulder length, and her facial features are very regular.
Not only is she a beautiful girl, but she is also a beautiful girl with a temperament, but the overall appearance is a kind of doll-like coldness, but this is quite good, and the voice is very soft, which sounds very comfortable.
If such a beautiful girl can say anything, as a normal man, it should be…
“—You can be a three-bedroom, and since you look good, your two younger sisters should also be good, so you can act as a four-bedroom and five-bedroom.”
Just when Luo Mo was about to speak, the Vulcan officer who came along without authorization also looked at Aixue, nodded satisfied with her appearance, and said the request first.
“Thirty-threehouse? Also, I have to bring my sister…? Arche was so frightened by this unexpected request that she became dizzy and didn’t even know how to beg for mercy.
But Luo Mo shook his head with one hand on his forehead: “….Where did you come from? You even want a sister that no one else has seen. Isn’t it a bit too greedy??”
“Your progress is so slow. I can’t just help you find some good women and find some shortcuts? You have to know that you are under a lot of pressure not to give birth to me.”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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