But Carlos didn’t really want to mix with Beatrice’s longing for her best friend left over from so many years, and he didn’t want to let him say that this is actually a matter of replicating people… After all, it would feel very troublesome.
So…he turned around, put his hands on Liuzi’s shoulders, and pushed her in front of him.
“Lord Carlos?!” Luzi exclaimed and looked back at him, but when he turned around, he found that…he had disappeared.
When looking back at the past tremblingly, Beatrice still pursed her lips as before, staring closely at her eyes as if searching for her inner thoughts.
the other side.
It wasn’t long before Carlos left the two elderly lolitas, but Petichius showed up by himself before he came to the door.
And stood in front of him, looked at him solemnly, and said in a low voice with a tone that would rather be broken than broken:
“What is the purpose of your cooperation with Lady Emilia? If I can do it, I will do it, even if it is killing…but don’t involve Lady Emilia!”
“Don’t keep looking at me like this. We used to be golden partners too? How about trusting me for a little bit? It’s not good for everyone to make the atmosphere so stiff, right?”
“…Please answer honestly.”
“All right, all right~ Collaborate to create the future, specifically…” He walked over with a smile, but stopped when he was about to pass by: “Compared to my affairs, don’t you want revenge?”
“You don’t have any thoughts of revenge on Pandora and Regulus?”
“I…I’ve let go.”
Facing an enemy that could not be defeated at all, Petichius gritted his teeth and turned his head away, avoiding his sight.
At the same time, try to persuade yourself in your heart that you must let go of your hatred and not fall into his trap, otherwise… Emilia, who is already with him now, will definitely be involved, and what awaits them at that time will definitely not end well , and he cannot afford such a price.
“Hey~ You’re such a good person, you’re about to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right away, that’s okay, although it’s not the same as your direct forgiveness, but I also like to forgive others, but ah…that woman put it down too ?”
Carlos wasn’t surprised either, but the smile on his face became even brighter: “Regulus…ah, he used to be called Fortuna, right? You let it go too? Don’t you want to save her?”
The familiar name made Petichius tremble all over, raised his head uncontrollably, and grabbed his collar suddenly: “That Regulus is Lord Fortuna?! Don’t say such things. Stupid words!!”
“You are really as dull as you were a hundred years ago~ Think about it carefully, although the other party is insane because of the serious crime factor, why don’t others just pick you as a partner, and want to call you your surname, and even have silver hair and purple pupils, It also has the fire attribute magic that is so powerful that it can be called the top in the world?”
“That woman…that guy is Master Fortuna? No, that’s impossible! Didn’t Master Fortuna already…killed by me!!”
Although the clues given by Carlos made him more and more suspicious the more he thought about it, but he still couldn’t forget the feeling of being under Pandora’s power and using his own power to take Fortuna’s life.
“Let me tell you~ Pandora’s power is to distort cause and effect. At that time, Fortuna was only seriously injured, right? Even if she took 10,000 steps back and died completely, is it strange that Pandora revived her?”
Petichius listened to his words, his eyes widened in astonishment, unable to say anything, just stood there blankly.
He didn’t recover from the shock until Carlos pushed his hand away, patted him on the shoulder, and walked past him.
He knelt down on the ground covering his face with his hands, and wept loudly…just like the crybaby that Emilia made a hundred years ago, he didn’t know what to say, just ecstatically crying like a child .
Carlos, who left without looking back, listened to the wailing sound behind him, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously: “Very good, another thug is in place~”
Carlos, who completely pulled Petichius into his chariot and prepared to let him do things for him slowly, did not go to the guest room, but came to Echidna’s grave again.
In addition to Petichius, if he wants to deal with the strongest witch, the jealous witch-level sword master, he will naturally need a lot of helpers.
…and now the best targets to win over, besides Emilia, Parker, and Petichius, are those dead witches.
Although, he was not at all sure what the witches without the great crime factor could do in the reality of the outside world… But since Shenlong regards them as restraining power, they must still have corresponding value.
So he just lay down in front of the huge tomb, looked around for a while, and began to engrave the engraving formula on it.
After spending the whole night engraving the floor tiles at the entrance and instilling magic power, he swaggered into the tomb again.
It was exactly the same as last time, and after a while, the surrounding scenery began to change.
It’s still the familiar grassland, the familiar seat, and the familiar silver-haired girl under the parasol.
Echidna was not at all surprised by his appearance. She first took a sip of her tea in a leisurely manner, then looked at him and narrowed her eyes slightly. She just stared at him for a while, it was easy He loosened his shoulders knowingly, showing a sweet smile:
“…Really, not only do you refuse to show me a sad gesture, but you also directly use violence against girls. You are really a person who is good at making witches cry. It’s really——————————————————————
Chapter 10 Reaching the Contract・Resurrecting the Sin Witch
Carlos, who was already prepared to be attacked, looked at the smiling Echidna on the slope, and was a little skeptical by her statement, whether she might be a dick.
But after all, it was the witch who couldn’t think about it from a normal perspective, so he also walked forward with a smile, and sat directly opposite Echidna.
“Let’s have a nice talk? Seriously.”
“Ara? Have we talked about sleazy things?”
“What you say is not serious and what I think is not serious, are they the same thing?”
“That depends on what you’re thinking, of course I don’t mind even if it’s an indecent topic?”
Echidna put down her teacup, leaned over slightly, and the smile on her face became intriguing.
“Let’s put aside the unserious things, let’s talk about things seriously.”
“Oh~ Don’t all men like to talk about indecent things? You don’t talk about it anymore?”
“It depends on who it is for. I prefer to talk to a pure girl, rather than a witch who is like a monster in her heart… After all, I can’t imagine what fun it can be.”
Echidna may go along with the indecent topic, and even pretend to be shy, but after knowing what kind of person the other party is, she will be excited to see the other party’s acting skills stupidly… Luo Mo thinks that she should still Not so casual interests.
But Echidna didn’t get entangled in this topic, she smiled and sat back down again, and pushed the tea and exquisite snacks on the table over:
“Before the formality, do you want to eat something?”
“…No, no, no, who knows what you are.”
“I didn’t let my hair down!”
Echidna, who was questioned, was like an angry little girl, puffing up her cheeks and angrily protesting.
It’s hard to say whether it’s cute or not, but after all, it’s a beautiful girl who did it, so it’s quite pleasing to the eye.
But Carlos, who knew it was a disguise, couldn’t quite appreciate it, and just retorted coldly:
“Yeah, because it’s probably made of your hair.”
“In my time, my hair was hard to come by.”
“I don’t have their over-compatibility fetish. After all, what can you do with your hair?”
“I don’t know, but since it is a part of me, it has extremely high value.”
“Let’s put this aside…I’m not interested in your hair or body fluids.” He was not sensitive to the weird food that the girl actively promoted, and he shook his head with one hand on his forehead, and said straight to the point: “We are not the first either. God knows….Maybe it is true, but basically I know the basics, so don’t lie to me about ‘you’, you don’t really fall in love with me at first sight, so now let’s talk about you, and Things about other witches.”
“Maybe I fell in love with you at first sight?” Casually teased, the expression on Echidna’s face was very different from the kind of smile she had seen in the past, which matched her appearance age. Can make people feel ominous, can be reminiscent of a smile that only belongs to the “witch”:
“However… you don’t want to know about that woman now, but want to know about us? Is it a better choice to finally know about us?”
“Don’t put gold on your face, you can’t call it a good choice, I just have no other choice.”
“The words are really ugly. Should I settle the matter with you first, the matter that you pinched my neck hurts?”
“Then should I also settle with you about your breach of contract?”
“Just kidding~ I’m not the kind of person who holds grudges.”
Echidna smiled generously and waved her hands, as if she really easily let go of her previous suspicions and didn’t care about their previous conflicts at all.
He just laughed and said nothing about this, and he no longer wanted to waste his saliva on this kind of debate.
All people with great crime factor compatibility, that is, qualified people, basically have personality flaws, and the difference is only in degree.
Even if the Wrathful Witch treats people for free every day, she seems to be a good person, but…the principle of treatment is not ordinary treatment, but to heal injuries by distorting cause and effect.
This will make the magic power of the world unbalanced, making natural disasters and mutations more likely to occur. It can be said that every time a person is cured, the world is closer to destruction.
Everyone understands this point, and of course the Wrathful Witch herself knows it very well, but she is still stubborn in saving people, and will save others if they don’t want to be saved, completely abandoning the future of the world and sticking to her own principles.
As a result…. If it is not already dead, this world will definitely not be able to continue to the present.
Because of this, if he wants to use the witch, Carlos doesn’t have much psychological burden. On the contrary, getting along with these people makes him somewhat stomachache.
After all, comparing Emilia and Echidna, it is estimated that no one would choose to be full of lies and basically not respect life and anythingLife, Echidna, who is only interested in people and can easily sacrifice others, stay together?
But he doesn’t have any good choices either… Except for a few strong people in this world, most of them have problems with their personalities.
But because of the obvious personality problem, Echidna really didn’t care about the little conflicts in the past, she just looked at him with her hands on her cheeks, smiled at him and wanted to wait for him to speak first.
But he didn’t speak for a while, and Echidna smiled and shook her head as if giving up:
“Okay, I’ve thought about what happened last time, so let’s be more honest this time. I can tell you everything I know. But in contrast, what can you give me?”
If you want to gain any benefits from the witch, you will naturally need to pay the corresponding price.
Echidna’s lovely face showed a sadistic expression as she looked up and down Luo Mo’s body, as if she was thinking about what to get from him.
But it was such a malicious look that made Carlos smile and nodded in approval:
“Is there a price? If you can really follow the principle of equivalent exchange, it will be much easier to talk about. If this is the case, then let’s conclude the contract directly.”
“What contract?”
“Of course it belongs to the soul, and you only have the soul now, right?”
Looking at the silver-haired girl in front of him, even if he said she is a soul…but this girl with a protruding figure does not look like a soul at all.
“What about the content?”
“The contract of equivalent exchange, what is the specific content of this equivalent…Let’s reach a consensus first, as a basis?”
“Let’s begin then.”
The two reached a consensus without a trace of malice, full of friendly smiles, and stretched out their hands together.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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