The same blue and white runes appeared in the hands of the two, and Luo Mo spoke first:
“I need your strength and your knowledge. This is very important to me, but it’s not absolute. I can choose not to.”
“I need a resurrection, I need a new body, I need to get out of this grave, it’s … required.”
“I still need the help of other witches in this tomb, but this belongs to a third party, so it is only a subsidiary condition.”
“I want immortality and immortality, and I want to know all the knowledge in the world.”
The two of you said one sentence to another, in this contract of fair cooperation, they stated what they hoped to get, took this as their own expectation, and set the basic “weight”.
Both parties have already realized that the other party is not someone who is easy to fool, verbal traps are meaningless, and everyone knows what the other party wants.
If you continue to test and play tricks, you will only break up once again. In this case, it is better to have a rare exchange with the other party… the contract of your own soul, there is no way to lie, even if it is important The emphasis on being unimportant is meaningless.
Therefore, under the constraints of the contract, both cunning parties can trust each other.
And the special thing about this contract is that the other party has paid the value…for example, after the 100 things, the other party should also pay the corresponding things.
When the two parties pay unequal, the one who paid more can be forcibly recovered, that is, according to the contract, the soul of the other party will be burned according to the degree of debt, and even enough can destroy the soul of the other party.
However, compared to punishing the other party, the greater benefit is to reach a certain level. When the ratio is too out of balance, this contract is basically equivalent to a slave contract… Of course, this benefit is mainly for the party who gives more.
But on the other side, as long as you can also give, you don’t just sit there and wait to die, and you don’t need to worry about this situation if you only want the other party to give.
After the basis of the contract was determined, the two parties held each other’s hands tightly, and the contract rune flew to the other’s chest, and then gradually disappeared after sinking into it.
But the two who were laughing originally lost their expressions and looked at each other coldly after the contract was completed.
…not that the relationship has become worse, but simply because they don’t need to put on a show anymore.
Just like after a couple has obtained the certificate, of course there is no need to pretend any more. The superficial image project is meaningless.
Of course, this metaphor is not quite right. In short, the relationship is guaranteed, and there is no need to waste each other’s expressions.
“You want to know about Pandora and the witches, right? Then I’ll talk to you now, about me and that woman, and about the witches.”
Echidna is not a kind person, but restarting the conversation this time has many benefits, so she no longer hides anything, and directly tells him what he wants to know, and what she said is much more accurate than what Beatrice said .
Among them, there is another thing that surprised Carlos…. As the first two leaders of the Witch Cult, Pandora actually wanted to establish a “no pretense, no lies, no estrangement, and everyone treats each other honestly” four hundred years ago. Datong world.
The specific implementation plan, simply put, is to unify the world directly, laying a super-large enchantment to cover the world, so that the world has no lies… This was her original plan.
Of course, there will definitely be a lot of problems in that way. The biggest possibility is that everyone will simply stop talking, so as to avoid causing bigger troubles by telling the truth.
Echidna naturally did not approve of this plan, because she wanted to know all the futureKnowing and observing the possibilities of all things, if there are no lies and barriers, many unknowns will be stifled.
At first it was just a conversation, but gradually the conflict between the two intensified over time. Pandora directly overturned the table and drove Echidna away, and even designed to make her lose the eternal life she should have obtained by holding the great sin factor, forcing her to only Find another way to pursue eternal life…and then fall to the present situation.
It was supposed to be completely dead, but Shenlong intervened afterwards, hoping that she could bear the restraining power of the jealous witch Satila.
But Beatrice didn’t know that the meaning of this restraint was not to seal Satila, but to prevent Shatila from having a helper after her resurrection.
In the future, if Satila is resurrected, she will be resurrected immediately. At that time, I will add the sword master of that period to cooperate with the witch, and the sage who may appear, and once again fight against Satila to protect the world.
Of course…the combat power that Shenlong expects should be the strongest lazy witch except for jealousy in frontal battles, not her who mainly wins with technology.
However, the Lazy Witch had beaten Shenlong severely, and even though Shenlong finally killed the Lazy Witch with the help of Pandora, she still had a fear of the Lazy Witch, so she chose her as the next best option.
That’s right, in fact, the witches were not killed by Shatila as in the legend, but were all designed by Pandora to kill them one by one.
In the end, the reality was rewritten to make everyone in the world think that she was killed by Shatila, making Shatila bear the blame for her for hundreds of years.
The other witches would appear here after she died, but she was drawn here by Echidna, because all the witches were actually friends from the beginning.
There are many flaws in their personalities, which have become their common characteristics. They are like birds of a feather, so they gather together to keep warm with each other, and they can chat for a while after death without being lonely.
After Echidna explained everything that Carlos was curious about, Carlos was not in a hurry to do anything, but asked her to wake up and recruit the other witches.
The witches who were quite boring in this spiritual world have been sleeping all the time. Only when the jealous witch Satila comes occasionally, if the personality of the jealous witch wants to make trouble, the lazy witch will rely on the home court advantage It hits back.
“Six witches gathered together, and they are still together with the apostles in disguise. It’s a wonderful scene.” Echidna looked at her five companions, and then at the young man raised by the enemy, and couldn’t help revealing Playful smile.
“—Sinner!!” The arrogant witch Typhon, who looked like a little lolita, wanted to rush over to Carlos, but the lazy witch Sekhmet, who was lying on the ground, summoned an invisible hand to hold him down. With a weary sigh, he said, “Ha… calm down… Echidna, there must be something wrong?”
“Call everyone out, is this a tea party? Donna Donna? Daphne wants to have some snacks first~”
The girl whose body was erected in the coffin, was restrained by restraints, and even her eyes were covered by a hard black eyepatch, the gluttonous witch Daphne twitched her small nose, and drooled from the corners of her mouth.
“Hey, sisters, please be quiet for a while, and listen to me.” He looked around at the witches who were outstanding, or Yujie or Lolita, and showed a kind smile with his hands pressed down:
“Although I know that the aura of Pandora on my body may not be very popular with you, but I am not here under Pandora’s instructions, but out of my own will! I came here to seek justice for everyone who died tragically—everyone! I was persecuted by Pandora and killed by a despicable design! The village that raised me was also slaughtered by that witch, so we are all companions who should help each other! We should unite…”
“Boring! I thought you were going to say something, but it turned out to be revenge? It’s so boring!!”
Before he finished speaking, the Wrathful Witch interrupted him with an angry face.
The other people seemed to have the same expression, and they didn’t seem to care much about this matter. The lazy witch even heard that she was about to fall asleep, and no matter how she looked at it, she looked unmotivated.
(…These guys… are really witches, they don’t take the usual way at all, don’t they care about being killed??)
He was depressed that there was a problem with his plan from the very beginning. The girl who lowered her eyes and seemed to be huddled in the farthest distance also expressed her thoughts softly intermittently:
“I-although… I don’t like Pandora sauce, but you, everyone, are my companions, revenge… I haven’t thought about it, and… the feeling you give me is just It’s the same as Echidna sauce who always likes to lie to me…and Pandora sauce…are you trying to lie to me? I hate to lie to people, and there are people who lie to me, absolutely, absolutely not Forgive…those who used me as a prop.”
Obviously this voice is weak, but the girl with pink long hair and waist–the lustful witch Camilla’s voice can’t see any feeling of showing weakness and compromise, even though when she said this sentence, her gaze Swimming restlessly, he looked at Echidna several times.
“Tsk… are they really troublesome people?”
The characters of the witches became more and more strange, which made him a little confused. He couldn’t help rubbing his painful temples, trying to find a suitable way to deal with them.
There is no way, he just needs to show his hole cards.
Glancing at all the witches in the middle, he said: “——I don’t want to waste money in circles with all of you.It’s time, if I say, I can resurrect you all, what are you going to do? What conditions are you willing to give? ”
“Ha…resurrected? I’m not interested….Living is so tiring, why do you want to live?”
“Oh? Resurrection? I want to be resurrected! After so many years, there must be many sinners waiting for me to convict!”
“It’s been so long, Daphne is very concerned about how many delicacies will appear in this world!”
“I, I forget it… Anyway, a person like me… Even if I go out, there is no point, it will only hurt everyone…”
“Hmm~~ I don’t know anymore, as expected, I should care about the situation of the world!”
The lazy witch lived up to his expectations and gave a lazy answer beyond imagination, and the other four witches only wanted to go out with gluttony and arrogance.
And with so many witches, these two are the ones who like to mess around the most. Their lust and anger characters are much better, and they all indirectly bring disasters to the world.
But no matter what, it’s better if someone wants to go out than no one wants to go out. You can start with three, and wait for the rest when you have time later.
So with the help of Echidna, he reached a similar contract with the two witches but with additional terms, and then withdrew from the city of dreams.
When he appeared in the tomb again, he punched the wall without hesitation, and just like that, with violence opening the way, he walked into the depths of the tomb little by little.
In Echidna, he didn’t mobilize the barrier to resist at all, and it didn’t take long for him to arrive at the strange space hidden underground, a relatively small stone room.
In the center of the stone room, there is also a crystal coffin made of special magic materials.
The transparent crystal coffin was covered with blue shimmering flowers, and lying on the flowers was a woman he had never met at first glance.
“Is this dress… Echidna? It’s really quite different from the one in Dream City.”
If the woman sleeping in the crystal coffin hadn’t been dressed exactly the same as Echidna in the City of Dreams, he probably wouldn’t have been able to accurately identify her.
After all, Echidna was an 18-year-old girl in the City of Dreams, and now this… is not a girl at all.
“People always like fantasy, even the witch likes her youngest state… Forget it, it has nothing to do with me.”
After looking at the corpse in the coffin a little more, Luo Mo didn’t intend to do anything about it, and turned to look at the crystal beside him.
Echidna and the other two witches will temporarily emerge from the crystal, and all he needs to do… is resurrect.
Resurrection magic is not applied to the body in essence, but to the soul.
Low-level resurrection needs to protect the integrity of the body, at least there must be a complete body, but top-level resurrection only needs to have a soul.
And Echidna has repeatedly emphasized that she doesn’t want her original body anyway, and he has no choice but to reshape her body.
Considering the reshaping of the body, Echidna would definitely not appear wearing clothes, so in order to avoid the trouble of finding clothes, he directly broke the crystal coffin and stripped off the clothes on the corpse.
“…undressing a dead body…it feels weird.”
Enduring the feeling of nausea, he threw the clothes aside, then took out the uninscribed spell document, burned the corpse to ashes, then summoned strong acid to completely corrode it, and then set fire to completely burn off the remaining residue of the corrosion.
After confirming that the corpses had been completely destroyed, multiple magic circles were launched, preparing for the super magic—resurrecting the witches.
According to Echidna’s information, after a bug appeared in the world, the origin of the great crime factor was born.
Although the Sin Witches have lost the Sin Factor, they can still exert a certain degree of power. After all, it is not the Sin Factor that ran to them, but they “created” the Sin Factor under the “mistakes” of the world.
Although it is impossible to compare with the heyday after losing the great sin factor, it does not directly become an ordinary person, otherwise their soul state would not be able to resist Shatila.
And I also know that even if Shatila’s body is still sealed, but her soul is out of her body, she can still display extremely strong combat power… At least it is not a problem at all to summon a shadow to engulf the sanctuary.
It must be said that they are probably on the same level as Petichius without a major crime factor, and they can exert certain powers but are not as good as normal holders.
After the white light of super magic disappeared, three girls were constructed out of thin air… and just appeared in front of him.
“This…new body is awesome~!”
Echidna, who had recovered to eighteen years old and was in a state of mind in the City of Dreams, couldn’t help hugging Luo Mo beside her with uncontrollable joy when she saw her hands that had become immature again. Come and observe your regained youth.
“It smells so delicious, did you just cook a barbecue here? Hurry up and give Daphne a share!”
“Huh? Where is this? Donna’s tomb?”
Gluttonous Witch Daphne and Arrogant Witch Typhon still look like legal lolitas, the only difference is… Daphne doesn’t have restraints.
To be more precise, none of them had any clothes on, and they just stood in the cold tomb with their buttocks naked—including Echidna, who was holding him and observing her.
“…Is this a test of human nature??”
Looking at the huge dangling in front of him, he was a little dizzy.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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