But even though many fields were normally planted with crops, for some reason, nearly half of the land was uncultivated, and it was so deserted that it was covered with weeds.
In the house closest to the entrance, the light smoke rising from the chimney is still endless, but there is no sound inside.
Even the door was open, and there were several breads and plates inside. It was obvious that the owner of the house was still preparing dinner a moment ago.
However, they have all disappeared now due to unknown reasons.
The interior decorations were messy, as if the people inside had fled the place in a hurry before they arrived.
The strange situation made Emnesia’s excitement disappear, and she clenched his hand subconsciously.
Although the flames not far away were still there, she couldn’t feel the presence of anyone——the whole village was enveloped in a strange atmosphere.
However, in such a depressing atmosphere, the expression on Luo Mo’s face did not change at all. He patted her on the head and comforted her in a calm tone:
“It’s okay, I’m here.”
“…Well…but let me find the way.”
As if affected by his unchanging composure, Emnesia gradually calmed down and let go of his hand.With the saber out of his waist, he walked in front of him.
The knight is in the front, and the magician is in the back. From a normal logic point of view, this is very in line with the professional positioning of both parties.
“Do you remember how to use a weapon?”
“Not sure, but it feels okay?” Emnesia waved the saber in her hand a few times without confidence: “The feeling is still there, I should know how to use it.”
“Hey, don’t be brave, let me take the lead in the front, and I can do a little melee combat for the time being.”
“Believe me.”
Emnesia instinctively wanted to stop him, but Luo Mo’s firm gaze made her smile helplessly after a short silence and choose to believe him.
Walking along the road at the entrance of the village, the quietness along the way was a bit scary.
Not to mention people around, I didn’t even see a living dog… but I saw three dead dogs.
But those dogs seemed to have been attacked by ferocious beasts, leaving only shapeless wreckage.
The doors of most of the houses were open, but the inside was the same as before, no one was there, and they had gone somewhere to take refuge.
When they crossed over the obstacles blocking the way and came to the place that was considered to be a bonfire, the two finally understood… It was not a bonfire that was burning, but a house that was on fire.
To be precise, it should be the warehouse on fire.
However, a large number of obstacles were temporarily piled up in front of the warehouse, and many fires were raised in the square, but what caught the eye was a horrible scene.
The corpses of men holding simple weapons were scattered around the outside of the square in such a mess. Some of the corpses of women could be seen inside, and children… couldn’t be seen.
But Luo Mo could smell the familiar disgusting burnt smell from the warehouse smoke.
When he smelled that smell for the first time, he almost threw up because it was – the smell of human oil.
What was it that ravaged this supposedly peaceful village with merciless tyranny and brutally slaughtered these villagers?
The answer is not difficult to understand, because beside the dead bodies of people is the culprit who caused all this.
Six fox-like creatures, big enough to swallow a person in one bite, are gnawing on the corpses of the dead in this square. If he remembers correctly, the names of these creatures are – big foxes.
Judging from the situation at the scene, it should be that the villagers gathered in this square when they discovered the attack of the big fox.
There is no way, even if they run away, how can they, people who walk on two legs, outrun a monster with four legs? So don’t you have to choose to hold together to keep warm and resist as much as possible?
The children should be placed in the thickest warehouse in the village, but because the warehouse is also made of wood, the men among the adults formed the first protective wall on the outermost edge, and the women supported the inside, and then lit up a lot of fires to illuminate and drive them away.
It’s a pity…. Their resistance was all in vain. The messy flames even burned the warehouse directly.
But it is reasonable to say that the big fox should not live here, but in the desolate Gobi. Why do creatures that should be in the Gobi appear here?
Before Luo Mo could figure it out, one of the big foxes raised its head and stared at him closely.
The people who died in peace, their bodies were gnawed and their internal organs scattered all over the place, many of them turned into inhuman pieces of meat, which were scattered all over the square.
A large amount of blood even turned the ground under his feet into mud.
There are a lot of weapons and agricultural tools scattered here, and the people who have lost their lives wet their homes with their own blood.
Emnicia ran across the whole body of the unprecedented cold, instinctively wanted to escape but could swallow a person in one bite, the big foxes, which were about two to three times the size of tigers, raised their heads one by one with blood on their faces , Staring at the two new prey that broke into the hunting ground.
“—Quick, go! I’ll block them!”
Standing in front of him with her back turned to him, the voice of the girl who didn’t turn her head back was trembling uncontrollably. The end of the raised saber kept shaking in a small arc, perhaps because she was frightened by the corpses everywhere. Still afraid of these big foxes.
However, Luo Mo did not run away. Instead, he stepped forward and held her trembling shoulders:
“It’s okay, Emnesia, just leave it to me to deal with it. Don’t look at me like this. In fact, I still have a little experience in hunting monsters.”
“Don’t be brave! You are a man! Hurry up!” The girl raised her knife and confronted the monster, scolded anxiously.
“Why do men want to leave instead? Don’t look down on men casually, okay?”
“But you are a magician!”
“That’s not a problem, I won’t do something like leave the girl and run away.”
“….It’s obviously a little boy….” At the same time she was angry at him for being disobedient, Emnesia was filled with strong emotions in her heart, and she couldn’t help herself under the emotion of wanting to cry and laugh at the same time. He clenched the saber in his hand, determined to block these monsters no matter what.
But Luo Mo seemed very unacceptable, and at this moment without any sense of tension, he refuted again: “So, don’t look down on the little boy, it’s a man’s dream…!”
Before he could finish speaking, the big foxes on the opposite side collectively let out a roar of “Aoooooo!!”, and finally couldn’t hold back and rushed towards them, intending to kill the two guys who got in the way.
Emnesia yelled “Go!!”, raised her knife to meet her, and when she was about to hold her back…
The six big foxes stopped in an instant, as if being pinched by an invisible hand.
Boom! ! Boom! ! Boom! ! Boom! ! Boom! ! Boom! !
Only six heavy muffled sounds that were almost superimposed together were heard.
Under the irresistible and absolute violence of the invisible hand, the big foxes were crushed and exploded together literally.
The battle without any suspense has yet to start, and it is completely over under the force of destruction.
On the corpses all over the place, there were only six balls of rotten meat that had been crushed into minced meat, but there were no more.
Only the charging girl maintained her previous movements as if she had been immobilized, and asked tremblingly for a long while:
“F, what happened?”
“I don’t know, maybe it’s God’s punishment? God’s hand sanctioned the big fox who killed innocent people indiscriminately?”
Amnesia was silent.
Of course she didn’t believe that kind of nonsense, but now she didn’t have time to argue with him. She glanced at the dead bodies all over the place, shook her head vigorously and didn’t care about those things anymore, turned around and threw herself into his arms…or rather Put your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself from falling down.
Then fiercely…to vent out the discomfort that he had endured because of the danger that was close to his eyes, simply put——
She threw up.
She regarded Luo Mo as a wall and spat on Luo Mo’s feet.
Subconsciously wanted to escape, but Luo Mo couldn’t bear her to fall into a pool of blood like this, but could only repeat the discomfort of being held by the prince’s thigh in the past, looking up at the sky and lamenting his misfortune.
I can’t even help thinking, why is it that beauties throw themselves into the arms of other heroes to save the beauty, but when it comes to him… either they are hugged with a lot of shit, or they are kicked?
Is this really a matter of character? ——He couldn’t help but reflect on his past behavior.
Chapter 23 The Causal Cycle of Despair
After vomiting profusely, Emnesia wiped her mouth and tears, and took deep breaths to adjust her state.
But Luo Mo could feel that her hands on her shoulders were still trembling slightly.
Obviously, the tragedy caused by the bloody massacre has exceeded the limit that this young knight can bear.
But there is no way, for a young girl…or even for an ordinary person, the scattered corpses and the human bones and internal organs are a bit beyond the limit of tolerance, far more than just seeing the corpse This scene is more impactful.
But she still staggered over the body of the young man who had been gnawed in half, avoiding the old man who was lying on the ground with a big hole in his chest, and glanced at the bitten head not far away.
Just so cautiously avoiding all kinds of corpses, stepping on the mud caused by blood, hoping to find the reverberation of life from the wreckage gathered here.
It’s a pity that no one survived. The scattered corpses were all subjected to ferocious violence, and almost no original shape was left. No matter men, women or children, they all lost their lives completely, and there is no possibility of survival.
The damage to the body was so miserable that it was impossible to look directly at it, but Emnesia pushed open the burning warehouse door with the last ray of hope——the gate of hell seemed to be opened at this point.
The old man unable to fight, the sick person lying on the ground, and a large number of children gathered together under the pressure of the flames, and automatically piled up into a small mountain of corpses.
The people with black smoke on their bodies gathered together and burned blazingly, and even the struggle had long since disappeared, and the people outside… just knew at a glance that they were utter corpses.
The strong visual impact, as well as the scorching strong stench mixed in the air, almost made Emnesia’s sense of smell useless. vomit.
It’s a pity that she has already vomited out the contents of her stomach, and there is no way to vomit anything out.
“Are you okay?” Luo Mo temporarily put aside his thinking about his character and the reasons for his misfortune, and walked up to her and gently patted her head.
“It’s okay…I’m fine…” The girl’s voice kept trembling, and she instinctively grabbed his hand unconsciously, but she kept shaking her head.
“It doesn’t look like it’s okay at all…”
“…Carlos is the one, are you okay?” She raised her head with a forced smile.
“What can I do? I’m not hurt.” Luo Mo pressed his hands on the face of the girl in front of him, forcing her to look up at him, and with an unchanged smile, said calmly: “Calm down, it’s okay Yes, don’t look at other places, just look at me.â€
“Yeah, um…” Emnesia, who still had tears in the corners of her eyes when she vomited, reluctantly nodded:
“Don’t worry….I’ll forget about it in a minute…so, it’s okay….”
Her voice was trembling, but Luo Mo was silent when she spoke, and she didn’t know how to answer.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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