I can only gently hug her into my arms, hold her tightly, and give her a sense of security as much as possible.
“Let’s get out of here quickly, and we won’t write a diary today.”
“…Carlos…so amazing…” The girl buried her face in his chest and hugged him tightly, trying to gain courage by confirming his existence and forget the tragedies around her Subconsciously asked: “Why… Carlos can be so calm, can I be as brave as you?”
“Well~ I personally don’t recommend you to study with me.””….why?”
“Sometimes, having memories isn’t necessarily a good thing, so let’s go now.”
Without answering directly, Luo Mo just patted her on the back gently, hugged her horizontally, and prepared to leave this village that had been reduced to hell.
But at this time, he found several magicians flying in the distant sky.
After a while, the magicians also noticed the two people standing in the square, and immediately flew towards them.
“You didn’t—vomit…!”
The female magician in the lead looked around while talking, and couldn’t help covering her mouth to prevent herself from spitting out due to the smell and the horrible scene.
The rest of the magicians who fell had the same ugly expression, and some even vomited on the ground while leaning on the wall like the previous Emnesia.
It took a while for the magicians to calm down. After lamenting that they were lucky to be late, otherwise they would definitely be attacked by the big fox, they also informed Luo Mo’s questioning of their intentions.
The reason why they came here was also because the nearby countries noticed the appearance of the dangerous creature Big Fox.
Therefore, several nearby countries formed a joint force to prepare to eliminate these big foxes, and they were the vanguard, conducting pre-reconnaissance for the large force.
The magician will investigate, and the soldiers will be the main force. They want to protect the villages in this area as much as possible.
Among them, they didn’t plan to come to this village at first, they just planned to scout it in the sky.
This was the third village that was destroyed during their investigation, and it was also kept at a respectful distance by other villages because—there was a plague here.
Because of this, when Luo Mo and Emnisia came, they saw that half of the fields had been abandoned.
“…I don’t know where the bastard came from, but he drove the big fox out of the Gobi! Now it’s only a small group around here. When the real big foxes arrive here, our country will definitely It will also suffer!”
The magician punched the wall with unconcealable indignation. The other magician, who was leaning against the wall, noticed the puzzled expression on Luo Mo’s face, and seemed to guess that he was confused why they thought Dahu must will come.
Without waiting for Luo Mo to ask, he looked towards the square not far away, and said sadly:
“Once this kind of disaster occurs…or once the big foxes go deep here, it is basically certain that they have the idea of ​​​​migration, and this situation must be that it is easier to survive here than the Gobi, and they are smart and will definitely spread Ten to ten rumors, and finally all of them ran over, so we have been avoiding the big foxes in the Gobi to come to us all these years, but now the signs have appeared…no matter what we do, it will be too late.”
“That’s it, this is really…” Luo Mo didn’t know how to comfort them, but suddenly thought of a question and asked, “You can migrate? Can’t you leave this area?”
“…Leaving is easy to say, but if we leave, the existing food is exhausted and there is no place to grow it. What do we eat and where do we live? Other countries are definitely not willing to accept us Burden.”
Luo Mo’s proposal made the magician smile wryly and shake his head again and again.
This area looks vast, but there are not many places suitable for planting.
Opening up wasteland is not as easy as it is in modern times, and the harvest depends entirely on God’s will…otherwise there would not be so many famines in ancient times.
Escaping from here will not solve the problem, and judging from their tone of voice, fighting the big fox does not seem to have much hope, or there is no chance of winning at all.
Fleeing will also face a huge price that may not be affordable, and the only option seems to be war, that is, conquering countries farther away to ensure that one’s own citizens have the land they need.
The magician who kept shaking his head in lamentation, after venting and calming down while talking, suddenly turned his head to look at Luo Mo who was still holding Emnesia, and asked:
“Speaking of which, who are you? You don’t look like people from this area by looking at your clothes?”
“Ah, um…we’re traveling.”
“That’s right…” The magician nodded thoughtfully, and said as if thinking of something, “If you encounter the group of people who hunted and killed the big fox, can you please inform us?”
“Of course we won’t let you come back in vain. We can give you 1.5 gold coins as a reward.”
“You know where those people are and what they want to do?”
“Of course it was killed! Our homeland will definitely be destroyed by those bastards! If we don’t kill those bastards, we won’t be able to swallow this breath! —— Please! Give us a chance for revenge!”
The magician clenched his fists and begged him to agree.
The magicians around heard the voice and surrounded him, all of them looked filled with righteous indignation, and begged him to agree to his request, all wanting to avenge their homeland that was about to be destroyed.
Seeing that they were getting more and more excited, Luo Mo could only keep nodding his head in agreement. Then, considering that there was a plague here, he took Emnesia and left quickly without staying for long.
The village where he was supposed to live temporarily was destroyed, and he didn’t know where to go for the time being. Going to the nearest country was also an option, but considering the state of Emnesia, it seems that going to a country where people are in panic is not good.
So he could only go back to the direction of the capital of faith, and speed up his flight, so as to stay as far away from this area as possible at a speed faster than that of a normal magician.
A normal carriage takes a day, and a magician flies for four or five hours. Luo Mo simplyCompressed to half an hour.
He drove the wind to block the front, so as to prevent the strong wind on his face from causing Emnesia, who had buried her head in his arms and couldn’t calm down for a long time, to notice anything.
In this way, after flying for about three hours, they came to the Gobi.
Looking around, the dense forest has turned into dots of low vegetation, the low hills are endless, and the land is brown, full of a sense of desolation.
Even the wind has become dry, even mixed with sand and dust.
In this gravel desert, except for a few low plants, it is just sand and stones everywhere.
“It’s so cold…”
Even though she didn’t raise her head, Emnesia also noticed that the temperature of the air had dropped significantly compared to before.
“In places like the Gobi, there is a big temperature difference between day and night. Of course it will be colder at night. Why don’t we find a place to rest for a while?”
After hearing this, she subconsciously looked down and realized that she was really in the Gobi.
But this also made her a little puzzled, why did she arrive in the Gobi so quickly? According to the map, there should be quite a distance.
It can be seen that Luo Mo has no intention of explaining at all. She recalled how those big foxes died before, and she also had her own thoughts in her heart.
So she didn’t ask, but just nodded silently, agreeing with his idea of ​​wanting to rest.
Just before circling in the sky and finding a suitable place to set up a tent, the condescending Luo Mo first noticed that there was a camp that was lighting a fire not far away.
He flew over without thinking too much, intending to go over there to catch a fire.
However, when he got closer, he discovered that there were several light brown furs of large foxes that had been completely stripped off, piled up on the edge of the camp.
Emnicia also noticed the furs when he was approaching, and couldn’t help asking: “…Are they the ones who hunted the big fox?”
“Maybe it is.”
To be precise, it is clear.
Because those intact furs were still stained with a lot of blood, which obviously looked like they had just been peeled off, and were definitely not the product of processing.
More than a dozen men and women with all kinds of weapons on the ground noticed the two people who landed next to them. One of them, who seemed to be the leader of the crowd with a big sword on his back, took a look at the two men and then turned towards them. They walked over, smiled and waved:
“Yo~ what’s wrong? Is there anything I can do for you?”
“It’s nothing, I just want to catch fire. If possible, it would be even better if you could give me a bowl of hot soup.”
“Haha! Of course it’s no problem! Shouldn’t you help each other when you’re away from home? It’s rare to meet here, so it’s fate for us.” The man smiled boldly, and led him to the fire, and put the huge meat that was grilling. The piece of meat was handed to him: “Come and taste it, we just caught it today! This big fox is too big and it should be broken in a few days if you eat it.”
“You guys are… Anyway, come drink some water and sit down for a while, let’s take a rest.”
Beside the fire, a brown-skinned woman with gorgeous black hair and a beautiful appearance, about 20 years old, kindly stepped aside and handed them the water bag around her waist.
“Thank you, Emnesia, drink some water first.” Luo Mo didn’t refuse, smiled and nodded, took the water bag and handed it to the girl beside him.
Emnesia didn’t make a sound, just looked at the woman in surprise, and hesitated for a while before taking the water bag.
She carefully took a sip and handed it to Luo Mo, and whispered: “…They don’t look like any bad guys.”
“…I just met this time. Do you think other people are bad people? Don’t you just look at the surface?” Luo Mo bit his mouth, and complained with his big fox legs: “Maybe they poisoned food and water gone?”
“—Who would do that kind of thing?” The brown-skinned woman next to him couldn’t help complaining when she heard what he said: “If you want to doubt, why are you eating so happily?”
“Because I’m used to being poisoned.”
“Haha, you are more humorous than I thought.” The woman obviously took all his words as a joke.
“Well, it’s okay.” Luo Mo, who didn’t feel any malice, brought the topic with a smile, then looked at the big fox’s fur not far away, and asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Hunting? Isn’t that obvious?”
“Of course it is to make money. The fur and teeth of the big fox are very valuable. Otherwise, why would we come here?”
“Isn’t it dangerous?”
“…How can it be not dangerous, but what can be done?” The woman’s face showed sadness, and she said slowly: “If we don’t take some risks, what will our companions and family members in the village do?”
“Hometown? Is there something wrong with your hometown?”
“There is a plague in our village, so we need medicine, but the medicine is very expensive…”
Under Luo Mo’s curious questioning, the woman told him the details.
A plague appeared in the village of this group of hunters, but they couldn’t afford the medicine and had to go outside to find a chance to survive.
So the hunters in the village and the villagers who were soldiers in the nearby countries gathered together to hunt the dangerous big fox in the Gobi.
Originally there were 23 people in total, but now there are only 16 of them left, and they finally got some prey.
Every time he succeeds, he will go to a nearby country to resell the fur and teeth of the big fox, relying on this method to raise funds, and then use it to buy medicinal materials for treatment.
“…Don’t look at us, there are only three here. We bought explosives a while ago and successfully attacked several groups of big foxes! Although the fur is worthless, the teeth are also sold a lot! And nextIf you have experience, you will definitely be able to avoid further casualties! ”
Perhaps because she noticed that Emnesia’s face became ugly as she told her, the woman immediately smiled proudly, patted Luo Mo on the back and boasted of their achievements, in order to comfort the girl who seemed to be sacrificing for them. Companion and sad kind girl.
Luo Mo didn’t tell the truth about Emnesia’s sadness, and echoed: “It’s true, it will definitely be much easier after you have experience.”
“That’s right! Ah, by the way, you guys are… traveling?”
“For the time being.”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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