“Of course it’s true~ My lovely best friend~ How could I lie to you? Hahahaha~~”
Laughing just like when she was abusing the villagers, Irena, who was sitting on the ground, asked him to sit cross-legged, and then put her legs on his lap like this, silently signaling him to give her a massage with her eyes.
“Okay! Then I won’t be polite~”
Although he feels that this is quite different from his own demands and the situation he imagined, but now there are only Irena’s legs, so even though he is actually reluctant, he can only forcefully smile and stretch his hands towards her. Girl’s calf.
Originally, he thought that he accidentally capsized again, but actually pressed it…he found that he didn’t seem to be losing money?
One of the softest parts of the girl’s body, the position of the calf feels surprisingly good to the touch, soft and smooth, and has good elasticity.
It’s obviously not a strange part, but he can’t put it down for no reason.
“Ah~ this game might be addictive?”
Others say that the legs are good for a year, and he really thinks that Irena’s legs are good, but well, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a year.
But now…maybe it’s really addictive, maybe even playable for years?
Just when he was thinking about it, Irena, whose face was still red and whose vision was quite blurred, pursed her lips and scolded:
“—Don’t play! You are a masseur!”
“…When did I have this setting?”
“Don’t talk back!”
“Ah~ yes, I have worked as a masseuse before, please don’t hesitate to leave it to me~”
Luo Mo, who originally just wanted to lick Irena, simply accepted this setting, kneading casually and pretending to be a massage, and had a great time.
But even if it was pinched casually, it actually relieved the soreness of Irena’s legs and made her feel a little more comfortable.
So she withdrew her feet, crawled over directly at a fairly close distance, looked up at him for a long time, and suddenly said:
“—Others are already drunk, why are you not drunk?! Don’t drink! No way! Sober by yourself!”
“No, they were knocked down by you, right?”
“Don’t talk back~! Drink quickly!”
“Where is the wine? By the way, it’s thanks to you for daring to drink. I’m really not afraid of drinking big man’s wine?”
“I snatched it from Rosemary! She stepped on it herself before! And…don’t change the subject!” Irena crawled forward step by step, pressing her hands on his thighs, just like that Brow bumped his nose:
“—If you don’t drink it! I’ll smash your head flat!”
“What a cute threat…” Seeing the girl’s cute face so close at hand, he couldn’t help but endured it, and asked:
“Speaking of which, why do you want me to get drunk? Does it do you any good?”
“Because! You man! There must be a lot of secrets hidden! What happened to Miss M. Rose last time! And before Miss M. Rose, I felt this way!”
“Don’t talk back~! Don’t underestimate me! I’m a witch?! An omnipotent witch!” Although her words were a bit naive, and even her words were slurred, she felt quite serious when she spoke.
“Yes, yes, my omnipotent witch, but you are almost sleepy after being tired for a long time, aren’t you? Why don’t you go to sleep first? How about I talk to you after I wake up?”
While talking, he reached out and touched Irena’s head, repeating the previous action of stroking the cat.
Because practice makes perfect, Irena narrowed her eyes comfortably:
“Hmm~ This… seems good… I’m really sleepy…”
“Then? Have you decided where to sleep?”
“Ha, huh? Here?”
Luo Mo glanced around.
The people who were still awake were all worried about being affected and fled, but now, apart from the smashed grapes everywhere, they were people who had been knocked out. No matter how you think about it, it is not suitable for sleep, so he couldn’t help but say:
“Isn’t it better to change places?”
“—Don’t talk back!”
Irena, who was full of dominance after being drunk, raised her head again for a moment, lowered her head and bumped into his nose.
“Well…Although there is no reason to talk about it normally, it is even more unreasonable now that I am drunk. I really shouldn’t give legitimate opinions to drunk people…”
Mixed with the girl’s sweet and soft hair fragrance, the taste of wine and the pain are transmitted from the nose together, making him regret why he should reason with the drunk.
But Irena didn’t mess around anymore, but after bumping into him, she simply fell into his arms…and fell asleep.
As someone who couldn’t get drunk, he looked at the girl lying limp on his body, feeling a little at a loss.
“…is a normal alcoholic broken like this??”
No one could answer his question.
In desperation, he could only carefully lift him up horizontally, and just like that, before the villagers woke up, he quickly led the people to evacuate the place.
otherwise they turn backHead, I guess I have to ask myself to claim the money for the grapes that Irena broke…or find out that Irena’s wine was stolen.
Because Irena was in a comatose state, Luo Mo simply speeded up the flight and arrived at the next country on Irena’s travel route – a beautiful country named Clock Township Rostrov.
Due to his shyness in the pocket, he wanted to enter the city but didn’t have the entry fee, so he reached out and grabbed Irena’s purse, but…
The moment the purse was touched, the girl in his embrace bit his arm without opening her eyes as if a switch had been activated.
“Wow…is this guy so keen on money?”
Forced to stop taking out money, he glanced at the girl in his arms and shook his head amusedly. He could only give up the idea of ​​getting money from her, and simply leaped over the city wall, saving the step of paying the city fee.
In the sky, looking at the neat and beautiful streets paved with bricks and stones, he confirmed that the Clock Township advertised was indeed a beautiful and rich country.
“However, if you can’t get money from Irena, can you only use some taboo methods?”
Just when he was sitting in the deserted square, feeling the warmth of the girl in his arms, worrying and looking at the distant streets, looking for “friends” who might be out in the middle of the night…
A cold evening wind blew.
The drunk Irena hugged his neck subconsciously to keep warm, and the fallen leaves all over the ground were blown loudly. Was blown away.
Noticing that the leaflets on the wall seemed to have the same content, he, driven by curiosity, used his invisible hand to grab the leaflets in mid-air.
The content on the flyer is quite small, and it says [Recruitment! Super short-term part-time magician! 】ã€Great opportunity to make a fortune! ] The next small line is the address.
“I don’t say anything, and there is a huge reward… It always feels quite suspicious. Is it because you want to cut your waist? And the kind that cuts your waist without giving anesthesia?” He stared at the words above, always It feels like an advertisement for a lot of money to seek a child.
But looking at the girl in his arms again, he felt…
“Well! Anyway, Irena wants to work. I’m just an ordinary passer-by. It’s not my waist cut, so it’s not a big problem! The accommodation is also guaranteed, eh! Let’s take a room and dinner tonight Bar!”
Chapter 38 Estelle’s Disaster Night·Black Broker
Luo Mo, who made up his mind to find a job for Irena so that he could support himself, looked at the flyer carefully, and confirmed that the client was Lavender Witch Estelle. After thinking that the other party should have enough financial strength as a witch, Then he looked down at the girl in his arms:
“Irena, I have always respected your opinion. If you don’t want to work, just tell me. If you want to work, you can keep silent…Okay, I understand, you want to work ! You don’t need a waist!”
After negotiating with the drunk girl and reaching an agreement, without saying a word, he followed the address of the flyer to the residential area, in front of a house with an unremarkable appearance and a bit too monotonous and simple.
He kicked the door directly without thinking much, but there was no movement inside.
This made him worried that the people inside had already fallen asleep, so he tried to mend a few more feet, and the girl’s voice was full of sleepiness and dissatisfaction from the door:
“—Stop knocking! The door is about to break down! Wait a minute! I’ll be right there!”
After waiting for a while, at the door, I heard the scattered footsteps inside who seemed to be dressing while walking, and then… the door opened.
“Who are you? What’s going on so late?” The girl who opened the door abruptly glared at him angrily.
He said it was a witch, but the girl’s age was about the same as the witch he had seen. She was very young, and her age should not exceed twenty.
With beautiful shoulder-length purple hair, paired with a pretty face and amber pupils, she is undoubtedly a pretty girl.
It’s just that the hair is a bit messy, and I feel a little sleepy, it must have been woken up by him,
And the robe the girl was wearing and the three-cornered hat on her head were all purple to match her hair color.
The inside is similar to the uniform of a British-style female high school student, with a small black jacket, a white shirt and a red tie on the top, a coffee-colored short skirt with knee-high black silk, and black boots.
The brooch of the witch’s symbol was not hanging on the chest, but on the three-cornered hat, which was shaking with her rushing movement at the moment.
“What? What are you doing staring at me?” According to the information on the flyer, it seemed that the girl named Estelle took a step back vigilantly, and a wand appeared in her hand.
But he calmly withdrew his scrutiny and said with a harmless smile:
“Please don’t get me wrong, I just suddenly thought of a question.”
“The witches I’ve seen are basically in their teens, or in their twenties. If you think about it, if the witches don’t take special measures, will they die in their thirties?”
The Saya sisters are already witches, and Saya is younger than Irena, which also means that her sister must be in her teens.
Emilia’s age can’t be seen, but it is said that she has lived for a long time, but she is taking the lives of other witches to ensure her youth.
Although Irena said that becoming a witch in her teens was a genius, all the witches he could see were such geniuses, which made him suspect that Irena was just a genius.I was bragging to myself, so while she was not sober, I asked the new witch in front of me:
“To put it simply, normal female magicians with better talents can become witches in their teens, because they have spent their lives burning in those ten years?”
“…Huh???” Estelle looked dazed, as if she was shocked by this strange statement, and couldn’t turn her head.
However, the stranger who normally wakes himself up from the bed in the middle of the night suddenly asks an inexplicable question, and anyone would be stunned.
But Luo Mo asked on his own: “Isn’t it right? Or did I say something strange?”
“…I’m surprised, where are you talking heresy??” Estelle looked at him speechlessly, as if looking at an idiot from the countryside.
“Well… put this aside for now, it’s getting late, let’s go straight to the topic.”
“Ah, that’s right! I almost forgot about it! Why did you smash my door in the middle of the night?”
“I saw your flyer.”
“Oh~ In other words, you are a magician? Does coming to me mean that you have the will to work?”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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