Talking about her leaflet, Estelle’s vigilance eased a lot, and she even smiled.
“I have the will to make money.”
“Willing to work?”
“This guy has.”
As he spoke, he stretched out his hand hard, and patted the cheek of the girl in his arms.
“…Actually, I wanted to ask from the very beginning, is this guy like this? You are not trying to sell me a human trafficker, are you?” Estelle looked at the unconscious Irena and raised her hand. The wand in his hand was pointed at him, and he scolded vigilantly:
“—Who the hell are you? Is this child a slave? But is she a witch? What drug did you take?!”
“No, no, no, don’t treat me as a criminal. Look at my pure and innocent eyes and this sincere look. Is this what a human trafficker would have?”
“…I’m sorry, your eyes are so cloudy that you can’t see anything at all, just tell me, what is your relationship with her?”
“The relationship is very good, even like brothers and sisters.” Luo Mo replied without hesitation, but Estelle still kept a distance from him and asked:
“Friends? Really? Then how did you meet?”
“On a sunny afternoon, we met at a cat cafe by chance. We both fell in love with the same cat, and when we subconsciously reached out to touch it, we touched each other’s hands. Then we got to know each other.”
“Did you copy the beginning of some bad street love story??”
Estelle couldn’t believe the stories he made up casually, and felt that there were suspicious elements everywhere.
“Well, actually, I was on my way to work, and she happened to be riding a broom with bread in her mouth. She was in a hurry and didn’t know where to go, so she bumped into me. Then she admired my physique, and we became friends.”
“…You’re a witch, but you can bump into someone after eating a piece of bread? And you admire your physique just by hitting it? And how low did she fly at that time?”
Estelle held her forehead with one hand and shook her head again and again. She no longer knew how to complain about this story with too many points, or what point to complain about.
But in the end, her eyes were fixed, and she said sternly: “Tell me the truth, what is going on! You are talking nonsense and I closed the door!”
“Well, we actually met in prison, and we were inmates from the beginning.”
——Boom! As soon as Luo Mo finished speaking, Estelle smiled and slammed the door down.
The strong wind generated by the sudden slamming of the door made him stay for a while, and then he kicked the door again, shouting:
“Hey! You haven’t heard me yet, have you? And don’t you want to hire someone?”
“I don’t want anyone with a criminal record.”
“I’m just joking! It’s just a joke like the previous one! Why did you believe this instead of the first two? Does she (Irena) look so much like a bad guy who has been in prison?”
“——You look a lot like me!”
Estelle slammed the door open, and couldn’t help complaining about him again.
In the end, she seemed to be tired, and gave up with a sigh, and let him open the way to the room:
“Anyway, let’s go ahead…she’s still a witch no matter what, so I can’t leave her alone.”
“Thank you~”
Luo Mo was not polite either, and carried Irena into the room with a smile.
Normally, a woman’s house must have a lot of decorations, especially when the owner of the house is still a girl, there must be a lot of girly decorations.
However, Estelle’s house is tidy at best, but barren at worst.
Because there is almost nothing, naturally it can’t be messed up.
The walls are only scratched and white, and it is a luxury to find decorations. In the living room, there is only a cabinet for books, a low table with bottles and cans, and a set of seats.
These furniture are all in the most primitive state, not even painted. They are simply put together and composed of things. They are only practical and have not considered any decorative functions.
The only embellishment is the lavender pots on the table and the windowsill.
In addition, I don’t know if it can be called an embellishment, but there are five color photos fixed on the wall with thumbtacks in the corner.
There are only two benches next to the table in the center of the living room. These seats also directly take into account the dining table and the tea room.Few, the function of the sofa, there is nothing on the table except a pot of lavender.
It’s so shabby that people can’t find any breath of life, and the oversimplified decoration makes Luo Mo doubt whether she has the ability to pay the salary.
Estelle, who walked ahead and made him a cup of tea, didn’t pay attention to his scrutiny of her family’s actions, so she let him sit on the sofa, then found out the biscuits baked in the afternoon, and went to make two more teas by the way. cup of black tea:
“Please use.”
“You’re so polite~” Luo Mo casually put Irena aside, ate biscuits and drank tea, and said casually:
“Actually, I haven’t had dinner yet. If possible, can you prepare a dinner for me?”
“…Do you care about food, not work?” She raised her eyebrows slightly, wondering if this guy just wanted to have a meal.
However… the next moment, she found that her pattern was still small.
“If it’s convenient, I hope I can temporarily stay here for one night.”
This guy not only wants to eat, but also wants to live? Estelle, who refused on the spot, already regretted a little, why did she let this extremely suspicious guy with the unconscious witch into her house.
“Don’t say that, aren’t you looking for someone to work? I happen to have someone here, but I haven’t woken up yet, so I ask you to take care of us, and you can take care of us while giving the money, wouldn’t it be fine? ”
“It’s not convenient at all, and how do I know if this witch will agree? After all, she is not abducted by you to cheat me for food and drink. I haven’t figured it out yet.”
“…do I look like that?”
“You came here with an unconscious witch in your arms. You are so suspicious, how dare you ask this question?”
“…I swear to you, I have asked her beforehand, and I have obtained her consent.”
Luo Mo raised his hand to swear and swear.
This swearing look does not seem to be lying. Estelle was a little hard to judge for a while. She took a sip of the black tea in front of her and asked:
“How can I trust you.”
“Actually, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. We can put this question aside.”
“Don’t put it aside! This is the most important thing, right?”
“The important thing is the reward, how much can you pay?”
“…five hundred gold coins.” Estelle hesitated for a moment, but still gave him a rather exaggerated figure.
Estelle nodded seriously, but Luo Mo didn’t speak again, but silently glanced at her overly simple living room.
This made her smile and explained: “Don’t get me wrong, although I haven’t done much decoration, it’s just that I don’t have time to do it, so I just put it away, and it just so happens that I have left a lot of money. ”
“Is that so… The content of the commission is to ask for the waist of the magician? You see, she doesn’t even have the ability to resist now, that is, she can cut the waist without anesthesia. Let’s pay the money and deliver the goods?”
That’s what I said, but Luo Mo has made up his mind in his heart. If he really wants to cut his waist, he will cheat the money first and then take Irena away. Otherwise, he will threaten to find out what the other party has done. Take the opportunity to blackmail.
But what he said made Estelle question marks all over her head: “…cut the waist without anesthesia? When did I say I wanted the waist of a magician? What is a kidney after all?”
“It’s the kidneys.”
“—Are you really a human trafficker?! No…you are a pervert who sells human organs?!” Estelle stood up abruptly, raising her wand like a policeman raising a gun.
“No, it’s because you didn’t have any good intentions, that’s why I asked.”
“I’m not in the mood?”
“That’s what it is! Look at what you wrote? Isn’t this a template for asking for a child with a lot of money?!”
Luo Mo slapped the flyer he had caught earlier on the table.
“A lot of money to ask for a child?!” The strange misunderstanding made Estelle blush with shame, and said angrily: “…I never thought about having a child! What nonsense are you talking about?! If you are here Hooligan! Please get out now!”
“Ah, I’m sorry, you don’t need to be so excited. Asking for a child with a lot of money is actually a common method of deception in my hometown. It’s either cheating money, cheating sex, or cheating to cut the waist.”
“…Why did my leaflet give you such a strange misunderstanding?”
“Because these are very simple ways to earn huge amounts of wealth, almost like pie in the sky, don’t you think this is a trap?”
“Well… Indeed, it’s not normal for you to say that, then…” Estelle nodded suddenly, and then changed her words: “Just five gold coins, after it’s done I’ll give you five gold coins.”
“…then I’ll go?”
It felt like Luo Mo, who had accidentally tricked him, stood up and made a gesture to leave.
Estelle didn’t hold back either, she smiled and waved: “Goodbye~”
“No, wait… let’s talk again, shall we?”
“There’s nothing to talk about, leave this witch behind and you can go.”
Estelle, who thought he was carrying a drunken witch, was suspicious no matter how she looked at it, and naturally refused to continue communicating with him.
“…Are you sure you want this?”
“I’m sure, please don’t force me to use force.”
She turned her head slightly, causing the witch’s brooch on the hat to sway along with it… This emphasized her identity as a witch to him.
Seeing this, Luo Mo could only raise his hands as if surrendering, and sighed: “Okay…Since you say so, what else can I do? Irena will ask you to take care of me.”
“This youYou can rest assured, as the Lavender Witch, I assure you that I will never harm this child. ”
“Well, I can actually see that you are as good a person as I am.”
“Uh…Sorry, I can’t see that you are a good person at all.” Estelle didn’t know what expression to make for his sudden praise and boast, and was even a little embarrassed.
However, Luo Mo, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around at this moment, and rushed to keep a distance of three meters from her. She was always on guard and showed a bright smile:
“—Then you are really accurate.”
Estelle froze for a moment.
In a state of high alert, she subconsciously wanted to use offensive magic to attack, but found that… her wand was missing.
He looked down at the empty palm, then looked up at Luo Mo who was still three meters away, only to realize that his wand had appeared in his hand at some point.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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