Seeing that she seemed to be seriously injured, I was troubled for a while and felt that if I wanted the horse to run, I still had to feed the horse some grass, so…
He quietly ran to a distance, reached into the void and pulled out a frozen roast turkey, then silently removed the ice from it.
And just as he was bringing the turkey over, Spider’s eyeballs caught his eye, and he suddenly turned over and rushed towards him.
(――This, this is!? Ooh!! Could this be, could it be the legendary turkey――!?)
“Well, it seems that this spider also knows that it is delicious?”
(You made it?! Where did you find it? Is there a turkey here? Or some similar creature? Is it some kind of special skill that can create things out of thin air?! Or was it left by a human adventurer?! — Forget it! I’m not welcome Already~~!)
The spider circled around Luo Mo and the turkey, and the corners of his mouth shed tears of disappointment again.
At the same time, after asking a lot of questions about Luo Mo without answering, one of them couldn’t control it, took deep breaths repeatedly, and jumped up and bit.
In a sense, this made the spider happier than upgrading, and even tried his best to taste the cooked food he got for the first time in this life!
But after taking two bites, she remembered how to bite off the turkey’s leg, and with some reluctance, she turned her head and handed over the turkey leg she was wearing.
“…Give it to me, just give it to me, can you stop biting it with your mouth every day… To be honest, it’s weird for me to eat like this, and the distribution is too uneven, right?”
Although he was complaining, Luo Mo calmly ate the turkey leg that was handed over, and the spider didn’t listen to him at all.
(――delicious~~~so happy~~!!)
The spider, who calmed down a bit, stopped the urge to gobble it up amidst the cheers, and tasted it carefully until it was all eaten, and there was really not even a bone left.
After eating, he even touched his forelegs, posing to the place where the turkey used to be: (Hoo~Thank you for the hospitality! Thank you! Let me understand the meaning of existence again!)
However, she just wanted to ask again, where did Luo Mo get the turkey, but when she got the turkey, she found that Luo Mo had thrown away the leftover leg bones.
This made her rush forward and grabbed the bone in mid-air…Although normally she doesn’t eat bones, and she is a little hesitant to eat what others have eaten, but…at first she didn’t even The “brother” corpses that the “brothers and sisters” were eating all wanted a piece of the pie, and later they did eat their own “brothers”, which is now much more acceptable than the “brother” corpses.
The spider even raised its front paw and waved at him, complaining that he was so reckless: (—this is a rare delicacy~! Why are you so wasteful, kid? How did I tell you! What are the conditions of our family? Know!)
Then, under Luo Mo’s surprised eyes, he ate the bone that was already clean
…To be honest, Luo Mo’s first feeling was that it was weird.
Inexplicably, there is a feeling that he has raised a dog, and the spider has a similar heart to him to a certain extent… There is a feeling that he is raising a worry-free son.
Originally, she likes to sleep after eating delicious food, but… a turkey has been hungry for so long, and it really can’t fill her stomach.
So the spider, who understood that they couldn’t communicate with each other, and couldn’t ask anything, led the way again.
He also stared at him with stern eyes every three steps, and just warned him not to mess around again, for fear that he would run around and eat something that was more terrifying than snail worms and eat himself to death.
“…This guy doesn’t really treat me like a child, does he?”
For the spider’s obvious warning action, Luo Mo only felt a little amused, but still chased after the spider in front of him.
It’s not easy to have someone who is close to me, and I am willing to be close to him, and he is still a child who likes me very much. It is normal to be a little overprotective…at least for the spider.
While looking for the way to the middle layer, I was still thinking about the turkey spider, and I was basically sure that it should be something left by a human adventurer.
After all, she had also seen before that the human adventurer lost some things and picked up some food in order to escape. This time, she probably couldn’t be wrong, because she didn’t think there was anything hidden on Luo Mo’s body, and she didn’t absolutely know how to hide it. Has an outrageous ability to create things out of thin air.
The most reasonable judgment made her feel a little regretful, thinking that there would be no way to eat delicious food in the short term… If it weren’t for this rocky ground with no footprints at all, she would definitely follow up and fight humans for 300 rounds.
However, she was still hopeful while looking for a way, while praying that she could meet humans, but…she didn’t meet humans, but she encountered monsters standing on two feet like humans, and even a large group.
Those ape-like monsters looked similar to sloths, but their mouths were full of fangs like a crocodile, and they were four or five meters tall.
(Appraisal to see…Whoa! Sure enough, there is only one crocodile-billed ape’s name! All the rest have failed in the identification! But it looks very strong! This kind is still in groups, how can weak guys like us live? ! There is really no balance at all! ! )
The next moment he encountered these monsters, the spider quickly grabbed Luo Mo, shot silk from his buttocks and stuck it to the roof of the cave at a height of more than 20 meters, and used the spider silk to perform three-dimensional maneuvers in the sky just like Spiderman , thus avoiding encounters.
Then he landed on the ground, and when he wiped the sweat that didn’t exist on his forehead, he noticed a strange-looking ape behind him.
The ape is about two meters tall, looks like a child of a crocodile ape, somehow looks like Maitreya Buddha, and…
(What are you doing? Are you a master of dancing? It’s so ugly~! Only good-looking people can dance to see that kind of thing! You have hot eyes, don’t you know it!!)
Spider, who didn’t have any self-knowledge, watched the bouncing and bouncing golden rooster from time to time, as if the ape was dancing a great god, and couldn’t help complaining about the unsightly posture of the other party.
But just complaining in his heart, the ape rushed up quickly.
The speed made her click her tongue, and reflexively pushed Luo Mo away, and started fighting with the ape.
“How should I put it…Although I guessed wrong last time, do the monsters in this world really have the habit of jumping to the big god before eating?”
Luo Mo, who fell to the ground, looked at the ape fighting the spider, and once again sighed in his heart that there are so many wonders in this world.
After a while, the spider, who did not live up to his expectations, wrapped the hands of the ape with the characteristics of silk, tied it up without any risk, and bit its neck to inject venom.
Under the action of the toxin, the ape died with a miserable howl, and the two happily shared the ape feast.
(Although it’s a little late to notice now, this kid is really powerful, he is not afraid of any poison… Mmm! He is indeed my angel!)
Spider, who was lying on his back and tossing the ape’s head like a ball, glanced at the side, and Luo Mo, who was still chewing and eating the ape’s hand, couldn’t help sighing in his heart.
But his pitiful appearance of eating raw meat also made her inexplicably sad:
(I blame my sister for being useless. I can only let you eat raw meat. When my sister becomes stronger and knows fire magic, I will treat you to roasted food! ——Just wait! My sister will definitely become stronger soon!)
Just like seeing his own child suffering, Spider, who feels like being a mother, is filled with the urge to work hard, and then…
(But now that I’m full, I’d better take a nap first, and after I recover my energy after sleeping, I’ll work hard again!)
The front foot vowed to work hard, and the spider on the back foot built a simple nest at the end of the tunnel, on a raised rock wall about ten meters high in an open place like a hall, and fell asleep happily. .
After all, her biggest hobby now is to eat delicious food, and… sleep well when she is full.
Luo Mo rested on the spider’s stomach just as usual.
Unique to children, the warm body temperature is transmitted through the clothes, and the appropriate weight makes the spider feel very comfortable.
A steady sense of satisfaction filled her chest.
It is precisely this sense of satisfaction that even though Luo Mo occasionally looks at Luo Mo because he likes to take a long nap, Spider still refuses to give up this hobby, and even hugs him tighter when he doesn’t want to take a nap.
At this moment, she was hugging the restless Luo Mo tightly, feeling his child’s warm body temperature, and the spider’s heart was filled with satisfaction again, and she couldn’t help but think in her heart:
(Even if you don’t get enough to eat occasionally, you still need to sleep well! Our family’s conditions are a bit tough, but carpe diem in time is the most important thing! Hmm! Long live the squatting at home~!!)
Although she also understands that she is not up to date, she still doesn’t care about it at all, and even very consciously believes that this is probably the root cause of the useless person being a useless person.
After such a clear understanding…she still felt at ease, and happily hugged Luo Mo and fell asleep.
Luo Mo, who originally thought this spider monster was very smart, had some expectations for it, but also felt helpless because of its routine that was not much different from ordinary beasts.
After trying to push her for a while, I just thought that I had misread the spider, so I gave up and continued to spend time with her in vain, living a life of fattening, eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating.
But before he could sleep for a while, he woke up suddenly, and noticed a lot of malice approaching him rapidly.
“…It’s really an alarm clock that makes people feel happy. What is it? Is it a small one or a big one?”
Luo Mo, who was lying on the spider’s body, rested his elbow on the spider’s chest and rested his chin, observing the depths of the dark tunnel.
Although he couldn’t see anything yet, he also sensed that a large number of monsters were about to appear, so he stretched out his hand and “slapped!” and slapped the spider twice, but…
“——It’s so hard! Are exoskeleton creatures so hard on the outside??” His little hand was a little red, and the spider opened his eyes in a daze.
(…What? Did you have a nightmare? Be good~ My dear baby~ Go to bed soon~ Mom is very sleepy….)
Spider shook her head and looked around, but found nothing unusual. She sang twice and sang a lullaby that only she could understand, then patted Luo Mo’s back, trying to fall asleep again.
This made Luo Mo couldn’t help thinking, should he give up reminding her… At the end of the dark tunnel, as he expected, countless apes that looked exactly like the previous apes appeared.
TooWhen the apes reached the bottom, the spider woke up suddenly.
At this time, she looked down, and the dense numbers directly blocked the open space below.
(—Could it be that the screaming of the monkey just before his death attracted these companions to take revenge?? Just for one companion?! These monkeys are too united?! No, I don’t think about these things now Time, now must escape immediately!)
The spiders, who didn’t think they were invincible after seeing the number, noticed those apes climbing up the stone wall, and quickly arranged silk on their backs, dipped them on Luo Mo, and took them away. Before they acted, they still turned their heads and told them:
(Don’t move around! Mom now—bah! My sister will take you away now! If you move around, we will both fall!)
“Although I don’t know what you are talking about, please act quickly.”
(Very good! Great answer! Then mom….sister will take you away!)
Although he couldn’t understand, the spider quickly carried him along the wall, planning to escape from the ceiling, but…
Climbing up the protruding stone slab, when she was almost at the top, she found that the rock wall above was obviously abnormal, and she couldn’t continue to climb up at all.
She even slipped a lot when her feet slipped, and the silk could hardly stick to the overly smooth rock.
In desperation, she had no choice but to give up the ceiling and walk along the wall to slip away from the side, but… as soon as she got out of the shelter of the raised wall and entered the “shooting” range of the apes below, the apes below picked it up directly from the ground. Pick up the stone and throw it up.
(—Wow?! It hurts? It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!!)
Spider, who was hit by a large number of stones in an instant, quickly withdrew, and put down his concern to look at Luo Mo: (Is it okay! It must be painful… right? Huh? Looks okay?)
After a lot of ups and downs, the spider found that his head was about to bleed, but Luo Mo was like a normal person.
But soon she knocked on the head, and realized that it must be covered by clothes and pants, so she immediately wanted to take off his pants to check, but… this time Luo Mo grabbed her two jointed limbs, and Shaking his head at her with a serious expression, he warned:
“If you dare to take off my pants again, I will slap you on the spot, believe it or not!”
(Oh oh…do you mean it’s okay? No, no matter how you say it, it’s impossible not to get hit, this is… this means don’t worry about me! This child… this child is also It’s too sensible~!!)
I didn’t think that the dense stones would completely miss Luo Mo’s spider, and I was so moved that I kept wiping tears in my heart, and even because he was too sensible, I was so moved that I choked up tears in my heart: (——It’s my mother’s negligence to hurt you !! It’s mom who is sorry for you!! Mom swears that she will never let you get hurt~~!!)
“Hmm…can communicate occasionally? Although I don’t know what I’m excited about, ah, does my urine have the effect of exorcising evil spirits? I’m afraid I will be exorcised?”
Looking at the slightly trembling spider, Luo Mo stroked her chin, puzzled, and finally squatted down and patted her on the head, comforting her softly:
“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, brother, I’m just joking with you, even though you want to take off my pants and moleste me, but no matter how I say it, I won’t really piss people, well… Although you are not human.”
(Ah~ this child is so gentle~! Although I don’t understand, but she is so gentle~! Angel! This child is indeed an angel! Even though he is in pain, he is still comforting me~~!! I am so touched~ ~! I cried! I really want to be warmed and cry!! God~! Thank you! Thank you so much! It’s so great that I was born in this world!!!)
Feeling Luo Mo’s gentleness, Spider, who was always left out in the cold on weekdays, was so moved that he hugged Luo Mo and rolled on the ground, waving his extra hands and feet while cheering and shouting.
If she could cry, tears would fill her eyes right now, and she even felt that if it was for this child, it would be wrong to squat her at home! Even work hard to raise children.
It is worth mentioning that Luo Mo felt the same way, if he could cry, he would probably have tears in his eyes.
Because his wound is not completely healed, she hugged him tightly and rolled back and forth on the ground, hitting the raised rocks on the ground constantly, he was so painful that he almost shed tears…of course it was just a metaphor , after all, he can’t cry like an arthropod.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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