The only difference is….one is a physical problem and the other is a psychological problem.
Although this spider is smart, its brain is definitely very problematic! ——At first, he even doubted whether there would be someone living in the spider, but now he is convinced that this is just a guy with an abnormal head.
Smart but also perverted.
The spider was moved for a long time, and then he slapped Luo Mo’s buttocks several times before finally recovering from his embarrassment and recalling the current business.
He quickly lay down on the edge, observed and found that the ape was crawling very slowly, and finally heaved a sigh of relief before he climbed up.
(Okay! For MyAngel! I’m taking action~~!!!)
Spider, who gave up the idea of ​​running away, was full of emotion and passion, determined to keep Luo Mo and this “home”, and spurted out a lot of spider silk with great vigor,Sticking to walls makes walls hard to crawl on.
Then, at the edge of the foothold, a cloud of venom was thrown on the faces of the apes that were difficult to avoid while climbing below, knocking them down one by one.
But there are too many apes, and she consumed a lot of magic power at once, but there are still so many apes below that there is no hope.
Those apes are also very smart like her, they can’t get rid of the spider silk when they climb up, and they lie there directly, providing a safe way for their companions, and preparing to use the crowd tactics to conquer the spiders above.
Some apes who climbed up were even entangled by the spider silk, knowing that they would become an obstacle for their companions, so they simply jumped off the top and stared at the two of them dumbfounded.
“Is it a lie? Just because you killed a companion? Is it so crazy?”
(——What are you doing! Is it really worth killing so many comrades for revenge for one comrade!? Ah)
The spiders who thought they would give up after a certain sacrifice, were frightened by their viciousness, and realized that they would never die.
And just when he was determined to be ruthless, an ape had already crawled to the edge below, stretching out his hand and grabbing her leg.
“…Sin is a shackle from which you cannot escape.”
Although he felt that there was a big problem with the spider’s head, which could prevent his meal ticket from being dragged down or his legs broken, Luo Mo, who realized that the spider hadn’t found the ape, whispered something.
The arrogant power was activated, and the execution of the condemnation of the ape made its lower body, as if it had turned into glass, suddenly disintegrated into a large number of irregular fragments amidst the sound of glass breaking, and fell down from the high platform screaming.
(Huh?….What? What happened? It slipped down accidentally? But I just heard the sound of glass??)
The spider discovered the abnormality after the ape fell down, but more apes around were constantly climbing up, so she didn’t have the energy to care about it at all.
But at this time, a good thing happened again. The rock wall below seemed to be unable to withstand too many apes lying on the spider silk, and they fell down together with the spider silk and the rock, smashing the dense companions below.
(——Oh! Is the rock below a bit weathered?! There is such a coincidence? Could it be that the time I have not seen for a long time has come?!)
Looking at the large number of apes who were suppressed by the falling apes below, and even covered by a large net and held down by rocks, and couldn’t get out for a while, the spider couldn’t help but danced and cheered.
“…What do you think of that music? It’s the gravity that I control, okay?”
Luo Mo, who had been with him for a long time, could tell at a glance that she was celebrating there, but he patted her on the head after making a complaint, and pointed to the upgraded version of the three apes not far away: “Come on quickly!” Come on, kill these guys.”
(——Liar?! These big ones are here too? These guys are really mobilizing, even calling parents?!)
Spider Zi looked at the three alligator-billed apes who had failed in the identification, feeling a little guilty in his heart, but… he glanced behind him and didn’t have any special expression.
Without fear or worry, she just looked at Luo Mo calmly, but she saw deep trust in his eyes.
After all, only if you fully trust her, you will not let yourself get hurt, and you can resist foreign enemies, so you can still remain so calm in this situation, right?
(This child believes in me! Believe in me and win! So——I must respond to this expectation!!) The spider ignited again, raised its forelegs and squeaked loudly.
Chapter 5 The Truth of the World・Planet-level Automatic Leek Cultivation Device
Luo Mo, who was behind the spider, looked at her raising her hands and shouting with unknown meaning, inexplicably had the feeling of seeing the kingly and passionate protagonist, and couldn’t bear to look directly at her face with one hand and shook her head again and again:
“…Does this guy have to call out like that before fighting? Why are spiders so hot-blooded…”
(――I’m on it! Watch me carefully! I will never let you down…Wait, don’t pull me!)
Spider also understood his words, and even because he didn’t look back to see his expression, he took his speechless exclamation as a whisper of worry, pretending to be brave and rushed down to fight the crocodile-billed ape…. let Luo Mo catch him Hind legs.
“What are you bastards doing? Do you really want to be a hot-blooded supporting role at the second level? It was very difficult to fight an ordinary ape just now, and now there are still three upgraded versions. Aren’t you going down to die like this!”
He looked like he couldn’t look directly at her. Although he didn’t want to complain about the spider anymore, seeing that she was about to rush down in a foolish way, he hurriedly stopped the action of the hot blood.
(Ooh! Are you worrying about me?)
The spider, who couldn’t bear to look directly at her as pure worry and didn’t want her to fight, turned around and kissed Luo Mo passionately, and said very seriously in his heart: (It’s okay! I can definitely win! Absolutely! Don’t worry! Bar!)
“Although I don’t know what you’re talking about, please be normal. I’m very tired right now. I’m really tired… I’d like to ask you to be more self-respecting—the ape meat you ate just now stinks in your mouth!”
His frowning was so fuzzy that his tears almost came out… After all, this spider hasn’t washed his face or brushed his teeth for a long time, and he will wash his face and brush his teeth secretly behind her back anyway.
(——Don’t cry! My son of the spider family! Blood, sweat, but not tears! And if you’re going to cry.. If you’re going to cry, I’ll cry too~~!!)
The hot-blooded Spider, the soul of Zhong Er was wiping tears that did not exist, and the image of himself saying goodbye to him had already appeared in his mind.
But the sense of crisis coming from below made her suddenly wake up, and she looked down suddenly… Only then did she find that an alligator-billed ape hugged a huge rock and made a throwing motion.(Oops! Now is not the time to say goodbye!)
The spider, whose consciousness was forcibly brought back to reality, quickly pushed Luo Mo down again, and then swooped down on the side cliff, distracting the crocodile ape’s attention and causing the boulder to fall towards her.
After the boulder wiped her butt and almost turned into flesh, she finally calmed down and began to fight, skillfully fighting the crocodile ape with spider silk and venom.
Facing those crocodile apes that jumped up one by one, she killed two of them in a row by relying on spider silk and venom, and just breathed a sigh of relief when she suddenly remembered that there were three crocodile apes in total in the beginning.
It just so happened that the animal intuition brought by her body made her suddenly aware of the emergence of a sense of crisis, but when she turned her head, it was too late.
The crocodile-billed ape had already rushed over from the side rock wall, its mouth full of jagged teeth was wide open, and it was less than two meters away from her.
The spider, who had no time to evade, even imagined the tragic scene of being bitten off half of his body, but…
A ground thorn emerged from under her body without warning, passed through the gap between her legs, and stabbed upwards accurately into the air of the crocodile ape.
It was also too late to defend, and even the crocodile-billed ape, who couldn’t turn around in mid-air, directly bumped into it and strangled itself on the thorns, and came out from the mouth…. It’s dead. miserable.
(Oh, oh oh…is this…?)
Looking at the miserable death of the crocodile ape, the spider couldn’t help covering his mouth and chrysanthemum and looking around in surprise, and soon found Luo Mo who was silently holding back, and flew over in a flash: (You know magic You are indeed a child of my family! It is really powerful! Hurry up and teach me how to use magic, I can’t use it except synthetic poison!)
“…What are you talking about again?”
(Hey, what are you talking about again? Why can’t I understand the language of this world? Forget it. Let’s get rid of these apes first, but..)
Looking at the large area of ​​apes that are still alive and covered by spider webs below, the spider confirmed the experience value in his ability value but found that… there is no point at all.
(I also killed a few apes just now, and there are two big alligator-billed apes, why haven’t they been promoted to the first level? Could it be that these apes have low experience? But it’s not low, it’s not at all Any experience!)
She was thinking hard, but she couldn’t figure out why her experience value hadn’t increased at all, but Luo Mo knew it very well, because the experience value–all of it was absorbed by him.
More than a month ago, Luo Mo paid a considerable price and cut off one of the black dragon’s wings. The existence of devouring the wings gained a lot of memories of the black dragon.
Although the amount of memory is huge, it is not the first time he has swallowed people, and his ability to process information is also very fast. He has already sorted out the information in his head and learned some interesting things from it.
It is also because of these memories that he acquired the language of this world, and even learned the skills of Qiu Lidis and some useful things.
The price is not bad, but…compared to what you get, it is not a loss at all.
It is precisely because of this that he, as an outsider, has access to the “system” of this world, or the “system” of this planet.
Before talking about the “system”, we must first mention the past of this world.
At first he thought this was a fantasy world, but in fact… this is a world that has been re-developed after the end of the world.
A long time ago, this world developed a more advanced scientific civilization than the earth, but those civilizations killed themselves and almost wiped out the planet.
So when the real dragons got angry, they wanted to destroy the civilization on this planet, but there was a member of the race called “Sally”, who protected all beings and fought against the real dragons for several months, and drove them out. The planet was destroyed, only Julidis was the only one left.
Things could have improved, but the surviving civilizations, even though they understood that MA energy is the source of life on the planet, still didn’t know how to stop excessive extraction, which also caused the planet to be overwhelmed and almost finished.
At this time, Julidis stood up and asked for help from the god “D” who was born from the concept of death cycle and thus managed the underworld.
D also responded to his request, and used his own concept to create the “system” that now surrounds the entire planet.
The root of this system is… Sally, who saved all living beings.
Sariel, who was avenged by many races on this planet, voluntarily served as a living sacrifice at the request of all living beings, supporting the operation of this system.
But even so, the civilization of the outside world is still seriously regressing, and now it seems to be similar to the Middle Ages, only the goblins retain the technology of the past.
Then the so-called system is the super-large magic that supports the planet and helps the planet that is about to be destroyed to regenerate.
Distorting the laws of reincarnation and endowing all things with extraordinary powers called skills.
Simply put, it is to bind the souls of life on this planet, so that they can only reincarnate on this planet.
People are strengthened with magic called “ability value”, and stuffed into a soul expansion package called “skills”.
In general, it is to use the soul to increase energy, so that all things can be strengthened quickly, and when the soul is reincarnated, the increased soul is recovered, and it is used to supplement MA energy to help the world regenerate.
The reason for letting all things upgrade and store energy, and then recycle it, can also be said-ask them to strengthen and then die.
just himPersonally, it is very similar to the planet-level “automatic leek cultivation device” he envisioned in the past.
Although he still has a lot of problems with this system, for example, the part of the soul allocated to the victor is obviously far lower than the energy required for the victor to strengthen. Normal people can improve the skill level and effect by using skills many times. Where does energy come from?
Judging from the current situation, if D didn’t get it from the underworld, then it’s probably due to the power of Sally, who is the energy source of the system.
In this regard, he didn’t swallow the whole black dragon and didn’t understand, so he could only put the problem down first, and the experience value problem in the system…at this stage, it was naturally obvious, that is part of the soul of the defeated.
.Because of his relationship, all the souls are absorbed by his essence, so it is impossible for the spider to have experience.
Under normal circumstances, Luo Mo doesn’t want to make a move, after all…his physical condition is not very good.
In order to prevent his meal ticket from being too weak and his own soul, he simply stayed away from the open field full of apes before the spiders started to kill the apes who had lost their combat power.
“…I really didn’t expect that Julidis is unexpectedly a good person? But…it seems that he really likes Sally very much? Hmm~ That guy is indeed a beautiful person, and he will become a little fan My brother can’t help it either.”
He closed his eyes and recalled the angel that appeared in his mind, and he sighed twice, but a familiar mechanical female voice appeared in his head.
[The basic situation has been ascertained. After the final individual regains his strength, please use his strength to his heart’s content, harvest souls, spread despair, and destroy this planet——The task time limit is three years, and the calculation will begin after the strength is restored. 】
The intelligent assistance system, which is different from the system on this planet, was not at all as expected by Luo Mo, who directly gave him a task of destroying the world, which was completely opposite to the system of saving the world.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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