A young girl, a young boy, a loli, and a young girl. Originally, they were only attracted by beautiful loli and girls, but the toddler holding the baby is also curious, what is the story behind it.
At first, Bai Zhi was very happy that he was finally able to enter the city.
But she, who hated other people’s eyes, felt very uncomfortable after a while, so she could only lower the hood that she hadn’t taken off all the time, try her best to avoid the sight of the crowd, and even closed her eyes and Luo Mo helped her to avoid falling.
This directly allows urban residents toShe became a weak, sick and blind poor lady… If you want to say why you are poor, it is naturally because there are only a few young servants, and you can’t even hire a normal adult.
Ariel was quite considerate, and hurriedly bought a carriage so that she could take refuge in the carriage.
After all, Bai Zhi, who doesn’t like other people’s eyes, regretfully gave up for the time being, and went to the hotel with everyone’s dream of eating while shopping.
That is, there are only three rooms for four people, one for Sophia and Ariel, and one for Luo Mo and Bai Zhi… Such a situation can’t stop the imagination.
Although Baizhi finally became a human, everyone was able to walk along the road in a carriage instead of walking in the no-man’s land in the deep mountains and old forests.
Luo Mo’s responsibilities haven’t changed much. It’s just that he has changed from a humanoid mount to a groom. To some extent, it can be regarded as… an upgrade?
No, from being a father and carrying a daughter to becoming a groom may also be considered a downgrade?
Unknowingly, Luo Mo, who was sitting at the front of the carriage and driving the horse, began to wander off and think of strange things.
Baizhi in the carriage was suffering from motion sickness and bumps on the road, and his butt hurt so much that he was almost in a state of death. Therefore, he kept unimaginably quiet, motionless as if he had completely turned into a wooden man, and kept praying in his heart Can reach the destination quickly.
And the closer it was to the demon territory, the colder the climate became, causing Bai Zhi and Sophia in the carriage to hug each other to keep warm.
But they soon discovered that the other party was not a warm-blooded animal like themselves, and had no body temperature at all, and it was the same problem holding Ariel, so they directly dragged Luo Mo who was still outside.
“—Huh? What, what?”
Luo Mo, who was admiring the snow scene just a second ago, was grabbed by four hands, and was directly used as a heater before he figured out the situation.
Bai Zhi hugged him in his arms, and Sophia squeezed into his arms. This chain relied on his body temperature to keep out the cold, and Ariel, who was not afraid of the severe cold and had no body temperature, was forced to be A groom.
Lovely Lier didn’t know whether it was on purpose or what, she opened the car curtain to chat with them from time to time:
“This area is the territory of the ice dragons. There are too many of those ice dragons gathered together to produce such a result, but after passing through this mountain range of magic, ah, no, it is the valley of magic now. The temperature of passing through the valley of magic There will be a significant improvement.”
(Hurry up, get out! Pull the car curtains~~! I’m going to freeze to death, please! Please! Pity me! Lord Demon King~~!!!)
Bai Zhi roared in his heart, but he didn’t say a word, but unconsciously hugged Luo Mo tightly. Sophia also had a lot of complaints, but when she wanted to speak, she suddenly found a blind spot in Ariel’s words, and couldn’t help but Rephrase and ask:
“Just now you were talking about mountains, right? Why did they suddenly become valleys again? Isn’t the difference a little too big?”
“Ah~ When a guy fought with Qiulidis here before, except for the dragons who were protected by Qiulidis, all the nearby villages, towns and monsters were affected, and even the mountains were turned into valleys.”
When Ariel was answering, she still looked at Luo Mo from time to time, showing a meaningful smile, which made him, the culprit, turn away silently, pretending not to understand what she was talking about.
“That’s really a fight between gods and mortals…”
Sophia plucked up her courage and looked outside against the cold wind… There are craters everywhere on this long downhill road, and the bumps have also doubled.
In the face of this, it is hard not to wonder whether she is on the surface of the moon, she couldn’t help but sigh:
“Those powerful guys really don’t think about weak people like us at all. If there is another fight, we will probably be finished, right?”
“—Who said it wasn’t? That guy messed around and the concubines were forced to rebuild their homes. If the masters of the concubines hadn’t moved to a new group of monsters, even eating would be a problem now.”
It wasn’t Ariel who was answering, a strange young female voice suddenly came from above, and the surrounding temperature also dropped inexplicably.
Then the ground shook slightly, and all the horses pulling the cart knelt on the ground, not daring to move.
――The beautiful dragon, whose body is covered with crystal-like scales and has a graceful body, landed gracefully in front of the carriage.
Chapter 18 The Happy Life of Bai Zhi, the leader of the Demon Race, and… “The End”
The horses that pull the carriage are not actually horses, but places that are very similar in size to horses, otherwise they would not be able to stand the temperature here long ago.
As far as creatures that replace horses are concerned, they can be said to be the most advanced existence, and only Ariel can afford them if she is generous.
But even in front of the dragon, he didn’t have any face at all, he just bowed his head respectfully to the ground.
“Wow, wow wow~~~” The appearance of the ice dragon caused the temperature of the scene to drop sharply, and Sophia was so scared that she spoke baby language again.
(——嘿嘿嘿~~! What temperature is this? I’m going to freeze! This is definitely no different from the center of the North Pole! Stinky Dragon! Hurry up and go far away!! I’m about to hang up if I don’t look at it !!)
Baizhi’s snot was frozen, and the trembling all over his body became more obvious, but all he could do was hug Luo Mo tightly.
“What are you doing?” Ariel couldn’t help frowning slightly as she looked at the owner of the Devil’s Valley ─ ─ Ice Dragon Niya.
If you ask which dragon has the worst personality, the answer must be this guy, so she gave the order to drive away without hesitation: “If you have nothing to do, stay away, don’t you see that we have children here?”
“Don’t get excited, I just feel a familiar atmosphere, just come and have a look.”
“Look and see, can we go now?”
“No, the concubine is not talking about you, although I have nothing to do with youShe is indeed very familiar, but now what I am looking for is—my idol! ”
“Idol?? Isn’t the idol of your dragons Julidis?”
“Master Juredis…how should I put it?” Hearing the name, Niya scratched her head with her paw in distress:
“In terms of passing over, his character is very upright and honest, but you also know the character of my concubine~ just…more flexible? So I definitely don’t hate Sir Qiu Lidis, in the eyes of my concubines, Qiu Lord Ledis is just like your father, just like your spider, so…”
“Could it be that you actually admire me?”
“No, it’s impossible, I’m looking for an angel.”
“…That’s right, I don’t even think it’s me..”
(Although I didn’t think this guy with a bad personality would adore Julidis, that serious person or me, but he actually adored Carlos? Is this the sun coming out from the west? The devil worships angels??)
Ariel looked at this acquaintance, and whatever she thought about the word that angel, she could only think of Luo Mo who was right behind.
But…I always feel that there is a big gap in personality between the two sides, basically they are people from two worlds.
Seeing that she was silent, Niya opened the curtain with anticipation and some nervousness.
The cold wind rushed in, and the temperature dropped again. Both Baizhi and Sophia were frozen stiff. The way the two women shivered and hugged the “stove” made Niya stare blankly.
Then she carefully looked up and down, always felt a familiar aura here, but she just couldn’t find it, so she silently lowered the curtains, and said distressedly: “Did I make a mistake with my concubine? Or did someone hide in your carriage? ”
“You don’t just find fault with nothing, do you?” Ariel didn’t expose Luo Mo’s identity, pretending to be dissatisfied and trying to expel the unexpected guest.
“How come~ but I’ve come here, I can’t come here for nothing, right? But don’t worry, my request is not high, just give me some wine, um~ I think your after-car drink is good, How about…give me some?”
It was obviously a dragon, but Niya quickly put aside her original purpose and rubbed her paws.
I have to say that this appearance can be described as extremely philistine, and Ariel almost laughed angrily: “…You hit me with all your robbery?”
“Don’t say it so harshly, it’s just a little money to maintain friendship~ Make it clear in advance that you don’t want to fight with the concubine! Otherwise, the concubine’s master will not sit idly by!”
“…you dragons, you really have such a personality…who did you learn from??”
Ariel felt a little sad for Qiuledis because of the dragon’s fake god power that came down in one continuous line.
Obviously he is such an upright person, but all his subordinates have the character of this kind of little gangster. Fenglong just scolded a few words, and he wanted to rob him immediately.
Even though they are all beast-level existences, BOSS-level figures who move natural disasters, their personalities always make people wonder, are they really weak?
“Forget it, if you want wine, it’s not impossible to give it to you.” Ariel, who felt that she would lose value if she was too fussy with this kind of dragon, thought for a while and pointed to the carriage behind her and said, “You take us away from here, and I can give you wine as a reward.” give you.”
“It’s done! Let’s go now~!”
Even though she is considered to be the top powerhouse in the world, Niya was easily bought by the wine without any promise of honor. One claw, two claws, one claw, two wings of a carriage, and a pair of young girls in the carriage. While screaming, they flew into the sky with them.
The Devil’s Valley is located at the junction of the territories of the human race and the demon race. Originally, this area was full of monsters, and there were ice dragons inhabiting the mountains. It can be described as a very dangerous place.
If it weren’t for the presence of a superpower like Ariel, normal people would not choose to go through this road to the demons’ territory, but it is this kind of road that is most suitable for Ariel who doesn’t want to go to the border line where the human race and the demons confront each other.
And under the condition that the owner of this place led them to fly, they crossed this icy and snowy area in a short time without any danger, which is really worthy of celebration.
It is the exaggeration of the coldness beside Binglong Niya, the cold wind that leaks into the carriage from time to time, and the freezing Baizhi and Sophia doubt life.
But Niya didn’t care about this at all. After safely sending them to the ground, she took the two barrels of wine thrown by Ariel, and took off again with her wings:
“Thank you~ Welcome to your next visit~! If you see an angel, remember to tell me!”
Just like that, after Ariel waved goodbye, Binglong left a happy voice and went home happily, but…
The two girls in the carriage were already pale, and they were so cold that they couldn’t even shake.
“You guys are so pale, no wonder one is a vampire and the other is Xiaobai.”
Ariel, who was not worried about their death at all, opened the curtain of the car and walked in, teasing them without conscience.
However, the two of them couldn’t even speak anymore, they just stared at her tensely, complaining their dissatisfaction with their eyes, but this level of accusation naturally made Ariel flamboyantly ignore it.
That is to say, Luo Mo was more conscientious. He broke free from the arms of the two of them, broke a tree on the side, made it into wood, lit it to make a bonfire, and then put two frozen people beside the fire to burn. With healing magic first aid, both of them were rescued from freezing.
But they didn’t rest for too long, and they continued on their way. The bitter Bai Zhi couldn’t help complaining to Ariel, why didn’t the ice dragon take them directly to their destination.
Because she was on the verge of passing out on the bumps on the mountain road, unable to say a word, she could only close her eyes, suppressing the discomfort and buried her head in Luo Mo’s arms, making Luo Mo feel like she was indeed a father ….It’s just that my daughter has grown up a bit.
During the bumpy journey, it took a group of people a long time to arrive at the Mozu town closest to the Devil’s Valley.
However….It is different from the dark and messy streets in the imagination, and the crowds who fight from time to time.
The streets are just ordinary streets, no different from human streets, and the people who come and go are also no different from human countries…not even the appearance.
No one grows horns or wings, so ordinary that Luo Mo and Sophia feel cheated by the name Demon Race.
“Oh~ There is actually no difference between demons and humans~ The only difference lies in lifespan, talent, and fecundity.”
Ariel, who was sitting across from the carriage, enjoyed their disappointment very much, with a proud expression of a successful prank, and it was only at this time that she spoke about the demons that were not mentioned along the way.
Demons are better than humans in all aspects, with a longer lifespan and higher talents, but the birth rate is so low that the population cannot increase. Therefore, even if they are better than humans in all aspects, the number is too small to actually eat humans.
“The population has dropped sharply due to the war. If this goes on for hundreds of years, the demons might not be able to hold on… Well, it’s not my fault.” Ariel took a sip of her drink, feeling relieved. She shrugged indifferently, making Luo Mo doubt her sense of responsibility: “Is it obvious that the devil said that?”
“I just had no choice but to become the Demon King. If the previous generation of Demon Kings and Heroes hadn’t fooled themselves to death, I wouldn’t have done such a thankless thing.”
“It’s thankless…? There are so many people in this world who want to sit in this position?”
“Devil king~ This is the devil king! Who would a normal girl want to be the devil king? Do you dare to say that your first impression of me is that you never suspected that I killed innocent people indiscriminately? Is it insidious or cunning? My image has been destroyed. !”
Ariel acted as if she was the victim, and instead complained about her being victimized: “Speak with your conscience! Am I not the victim?”
“I touched it, but I didn’t feel it at all. After all, I never thought about how sinister you would be at the beginning.”
“… At this time, if you say such things, are you trying to please me?”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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