“Why should I please you?”
“… Seriously?”
“In my eyes, whether it’s a spider monster or a demon king, they are all lives worthy of respect, and I don’t think there is anything abnormal about you,” Luo Mo said with a gentle and honest expression on his face:
“I think no matter who the other party is, you should communicate with the other party seriously and judge with your own eyes instead of listening to what others say, let alone look at people from a rigid perspective. !”
“Hey, hey…a bit of a surprise…maybe it’s not counted?” Ariel put down her wine glass in surprise and stared at him slightly sideways.
He ignored the confused gaze, walked over and touched Ariel’s head casually, and said softly:
“Although you are the devil king, I know you are a good boy, a very gentle boy, and definitely not the kind of villain in the storybook.”
“…I always feel that you are touching my head like this and reading the lines of the heroine of the girl manga, which makes me feel inexplicably uncomfortable?”
“Don’t talk nonsense, I think so from the bottom of my heart.”
“Don’t you think the lines are a bit ashamed?”
“Not at all, I won’t lie.” Luo Mo, who has long been used to playing various roles, continued with a serious and serious expression: “I just follow my heart and express what I think.”
“Yes…that’s it, well…should I say I have your style or how should I put it…”
The speaker was not ashamed, but Ariel, who was being talked about, felt embarrassed first, turned her face away and unconsciously played with the hair on the side of her face.
The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became a little delicate.
Luo Mo was staring at Ariel’s face and wanted to play with her to his heart’s content…there was a knock on the side door of the carriage.
“… Excuse me, Lord Demon King.”
With the sound outside the door, Ariel also opened the door with a spider’s thread, so that everyone in the car could see that there was already a group of ferocious men in high-end clothes standing outside.
When they saw Ariel, who pushed Luo Mo away and put away her shy expression, and looked very casual, they immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: “Welcome back, Lord Demon King. The subordinates and others , have been waiting for your return!”
As the greatest person in the demon clan, it is natural to accept the kneeling and worshiping of his subordinates, but… Ariel’s appearance that looks like a loli but is not a loli inevitably gives people a sense of disobedience.
“Well, I’m back.” Ariel, who didn’t seem to take them seriously at all, and didn’t intend to look at them, said a very casual sentence, and then pointed to the one-eyed middle-aged man wearing a blindfold in the front, Looking at Luo Mo, he said:
“I just have a chance. Let me introduce you. This guy is called Yagnar. He is the lord of this area. He can be regarded as an earl of the border. He is also the commander of the First Legion, and he is an excellent general who has resisted humans for a long time.”
The frontier earl Jagnar, known as that guy, knelt silently, even though the introduction was quite informal, he did not dare to show dissatisfaction.
However, the entourage next to the earl was already trembling with anger and even clenched his fists because of the contempt of the master, and might not be able to resist coming up at any time.The look of punching Ariel.
After all, it is said to be a demon king, but this demon king does not look like a demon king at all, and it is unbearable for them to even despise their master so much.
Cute Lier didn’t pay attention to them at all, and casually shouted to the frontier uncle who was responsible for guarding the border between the human race and the demon race, who had merged his strength and status:
“Don’t tell me all the time, stand up and introduce yourself.”
“Of order!” Agner nodded respectfully and stood up, looking at the young children and the unconscious girl in the carriage, racking his brains, he couldn’t figure out what the devil was doing, but he could only give everyone a slight smile bow:
“Thanks to the Lord Demon King’s introduction, I ask you to take care of me in the future, Agnar Lessep.”
“He’s a nice person, and he respects children like this…” Luo Mo nodded with a smile, but was a little confused in his heart. Isn’t this guy strange?
Before he left, the Demon King was still timid and cautious, but now that he has merged with Bai Zhi, he has become very frivolous and easygoing…isn’t it strange that there is such a big difference in personality? Why don’t you ask me a little bit?
But Ariel didn’t think much, and continued to ask casually: “Then? What do you want from me?”
“Although I feel very guilty for disturbing your rest, it is really disrespectful for your loyal subject not to show up in person after learning of your return, so I decided to boldly come to see you.”
Agnar knelt down on one knee again, respectfully expressing his loyalty and his infinite admiration for Ariel.
Ariel didn’t care, she just said that she was going to the Central District in two days, and she had something to discuss with him tomorrow.
As a model subordinate, Yagna naturally agreed without hesitation. When he came to see him again at noon, after Ariel asked him to leave politely, he quickly had someone pull a carriage to a nearby city, where he received the Demon King and his party in his castle.
Sophia saw Ariel, who was different from usual, who showed the word arrogance to the fullest, and couldn’t help showing a contemptuous expression:
“I understand how depraved people with power and force can become if they don’t have self-control.”
“Hmph~ Isn’t that right? I dare say there is almost nothing in the world that I can’t do. Even if I eat, drink and have fun every day, no one dares to complain! So ah~ If you don’t enjoy this power, you will lose money?”
Ariel showed a carefree appearance, and even expressed Shiraori’s dream.
But this kind of words made Sophia feel that the image of her, which was quite good, plummeted in the trend of the stock market crash.
Of course, to a certain extent, it was also because Luo Mo had a very close relationship with her just now, but Luo Mo stood up again at this moment and patted the young girl on the head:
“Sophia, can’t you say that?”
“Lord Carlos…But, she is like this…”
Sophia, who was very dissatisfied with him standing on Ariel’s side, wanted to refute, but Luo Mo preached in a serious tone:
“After all, she is a king. If she is so easy to talk to her subordinates, she must not have a bit of majesty, right? It is also not advisable to get too close to her subordinates; and she will definitely not be able to convince everyone in this way, so she is also deliberately giving her power to see who If you dare to resist, the flames of rebellion will be wiped out first.”
“…Master Ariel actually still has such foresight?” Sophia felt guilt rising from her heart when he said this.
“Well~ having fun to your heart’s content is also a…” Ariel was still smiling casually and wanted to fool her, but Luo Mo interrupted again:
“—There is also a large part of it, to prevent the demons from getting close to me, so that when people go to war in the future, it will be much easier psychologically; so for the demons, Ariel is just letting them die Bastard, so that she can accept the hatred of the demons through this position, and punish her cruelty in this form… If I guessed correctly, it should be like this.”
Luo Mo’s speculation made Ariel’s face turn red uncontrollably, and it seemed that she had been right; the inexplicable shame made her furious, kicked her and turned her back to herself, with Sophia Didactic lomo ass.
The guards outside the carriage only heard a loud noise, and a small figure smashed through the carriage and flew out more than ten meters away.
“What an exaggerated guy, I was obviously helping you speak out what’s on my mind to avoid misunderstandings, but you still kicked me… If it wasn’t for me, normal people would probably die right away? There must be a limit to ingratitude! Really are…..”
Luo Mo stood up clutching his buttocks, cursed in a low voice and climbed back into the carriage again, causing everyone around him to doubt his eyes. After all, a normal child is about to be reincarnated after being hit like this. Why is he acting like a normal person? of?
“…Huh, you deserve it.” Ariel blushed, and after a while she gave up and let out a soft breath. Without even looking at him, she poured wine into her mouth, using the wine to press down the residue on her cheeks. flush.
Sophia looked around and could only smile wryly: “I think Master Ariel is a little too aggressive, Master Carlos is obviously doing it for your own good…Although I can understand the reason for doing this, I would also want to do it instead. .â€
“Yes, I will reflect on it, can I pay attention next time?”
Being boycotted by the two women, he could only shrug his shoulders, and smiled wryly at the sky outside the car window with emotion.
To be honest, he personally felt that Ariel was too gentle as a Demon King, and even thought that he might be more competent than her as a Demon King.
After giving some orders to Yagnar, and resting for a few days, Ariel led everyone to the central city of the demons, the stronghold of the demon kings of all ages – Fisallo.
Of course it is the center, but it is actually the political center, geographically very close to the front line.
Because the devil king in this world is different from the devil king in the story, who only hides in the devil city and waits for the enemy to come to his door. He is not an ordinary king, but as the strongest of the demon clan, he needs to stand on the front line to fight.
If the devil went directly to the front line in the game, then the game would be useless… But Bai Zhi didn’t want to complain at this time, because it was also benefited from this, and they finally didn’t need to take a car anymore.
“—Oh~! This is the Demon King’s City?! But… I always feel that it is different from the impression??” Sophia lay on the car window, looking at the Demon King’s City that was about to arrive, but doubted them Is it the wrong way.
Because the castle in front of her was solemn, magnificent, majestic and even quite beautiful under the sun, completely different from the gloomy appearance in the general impression.
Outside the castle is also a city surrounded by walls, which is more heavily guarded than other cities. To put it bluntly, it looks like a city fortress.
“Well~ I want to separate you, and then let Sophia go to school to get in touch with more people and improve her personality. After all… well, but forget it.” Ariel looked at Sophia and looked again Looking at Luo Mo, his eyes were inexplicably meaningful.
As the time we spent together grew, Sophia’s sickness became more and more serious. It was a good choice to separate them, but considering that Luo Mo didn’t have much time left, she still gave up on this plan… .In case Luo Mo dies after seeing less now, she will probably hate Sophia, right?
Although Sophia felt that Ariel’s eyes were strange, she couldn’t figure out what it meant, so she just patted her chest happily.
Soon they also entered the Demon King City, ended their journey and began to live and work in peace… No wonder.
The trip is over, but a new target appears. Sophia accepts formal education from a tutor; Ariel rectifies all forces of the Demon Race, striving to hoard power and start a war with humans.
In addition to regaining the lost strength, Baizhi also discovered that he can shoot spider silk from his fingertips, and the strength of the spider silk is even higher than that of Ariel, and even Ariel can’t break it, so he created the spider silk It became her task, while Luo Mo was… just eating and waiting to die.
(Ah~ Heaven~ It’s the Demon King’s City! Even though you’re in the villain’s lair, you’re living a life like Heaven, isn’t it really good! Hmm! Very good!)
Bai Zhi regained his energy, hugged Luo Mo, and rolled happily on the bed, feeling the beauty of this life in his heart.
Because in this Demon King City, you can eat and sleep every day, sleep and eat, and occasionally spit out a little bit of mess from your fingertips. For the rest of the day, you will roll and sleep with Luo Mo in your arms. The food is also very good. what else?
(Although there is no game…but! It’s not boring to have my angel here~ No matter how you play, it’s fun! It’s also very comfortable to hold~~Ahhh~ If my angel really wants to get married in the future…huh? What if you want to get married?)
Bai Zhi, who was rolling with Luo Mo in his arms, suddenly stopped halfway through the roll, thinking of a serious identity problem.
A picture of a beautiful Yujie holding Luo Mo’s hand and bowing her head deeply towards herself appeared in her mind:
(“Please hand over little Carlos to me! I will do my best to treat him well! I will never let him suffer any grievances!!”——ha?! Are you kidding me!? No way! Don’t even think about it!! How could I give my child to a stinky woman of unknown origin like you!! Dare to think of my child! Be careful that I will kill you! No! Don’t get out now! I will kill you right away~~!!)
Baizhi was happy and careless for a while, but then thought of the problems he might face in the future, and suddenly became gloomy, and even pinched the pillow with murderous intent.
She feels that now, she can understand the feelings of an old father with a lovely daughter, and finally understands why there are daughters in the world.
…Of course, she also knows that her mood is actually a little different from that of being a father, but the idea of ​​not wanting to hand it over is even stronger.
This kind of mood was really indescribable, and it made her so distressed that she even became more depressed when she thought about it, and finally she just kept staring at Luo Mo’s face.
His thinking gradually spread out, and he unconsciously thought about something farther away.
Although there is a huge gap with D’s concept of immortality and immortality, she is already a god and can reach the level of eternal life…as long as she is not killed.
But in the eyes of the real gods, a person’s life is over in a blink of an eye. I have been pestering Luo Mo until he grows up. Will he die one day when he gets old? Just like Ariel is so strong, she also faces the problem of dying, so it’s time to…
(――Ah, no, no, no! I can’t think about such negative things! I should think about happy things!)
Thinking about half of it, Baizhi quickly shook his head, temporarily put this worry behind him, stared at the young child in front of him and looked back at the past: (Well, when I was a Warcraft, the conditions were a bit bitter, but with this child accompanying me , it’s quite interesting~ eat wild monsters together~sleep together~run away~together…huh? Wait, eat wild monsters together?)
Thinking about it seriously, she suddenly felt something was wrong, because…the raw monster meat was very unpalatable.
Although she thought it was unpalatable in the past, after trying it as an adult, she discovered that the taste of spiders is different from that of humans. If spiders find it unpalatable, people will only find it more unpalatable, while spiders find it unpalatable.People can’t eat food physically.
But Luo Mo is an exception. The spider finds it unpalatable, or even can’t eat it at all, and can eat it calmly. This makes her wonder if Luo Mo has no sense of taste, and she can’t help staring at him in disbelief. .
“…Don’t keep staring at me.” Luo Mo, who was looking sideways out of the window, hit her head with a knife without looking back.
“Ugh~~” Bai Zhi puffed up her cheeks dissatisfied, and just stared at him, expressing her inner dissatisfaction with her gaze.
Why not just complain? Of course it was too difficult to speak, and if she really couldn’t figure it out, it would be best if she hugged Luo Mo again, rolled around on the bed, and enjoyed the comfortable daily life.
The days that followed were indeed very, very peaceful.
She often fights with Sophia, who is angry because she monopolizes Luomo, and occasionally follows Ariel through the space as a magician to inspect the demon territory… In fact, except for Ariel, everyone else is traveling .
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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