Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 244: Star World! Is the protagonist a woman? (Second! Seek full order!)

Mu Yun returned to the imperial capital villa and found no one, waiting quietly for the world to merge.

The sky is getting brighter.

Mu Yun opened his eyes and sat up. He has become accustomed to this fusion of sleeping.

There is no discomfort.

Mu Yun first thing, click on the World Treasures, look seriously.

The story records belong to the scope of normal urban writing.

But this time the protagonist surprised and surprised Mu Yun.


The protagonist turned out to be a woman!

Could it be that because he killed Chen Fan this'woman, so the system added a real woman to himself?

Yang Qin, the protagonist of the story, surprised Mu Yun that Yang Qin is still his fellow.


According to the description in the story, Yang Qin looks good, and he should have a 90-point appearance.

Just a bit of a bad temper, because the director has some alternative ideas, she slapped the director in public and left the crew directly.

This Yang Qin gave Mu Yun the feeling that there is a principle, there is a bottom line,

What she did, Mu Yun felt that her brain was not easy to use.

Fan director?

Even if you don't accept it, you can leave the crew and fan the director in public. You are cool, have you thought about the consequences?

Following what Mu Yun thought, under the control of the angry director, Yang Qin, an unfamiliar little dragon suit, almost made the headlines!

Of course, it is certainly not a good thing, and all kinds of "black materials are constantly emerging."

Because of this, Yang Qin, who was in a bad mood, drank in the apartment.

Yang Qin also has no shortage of systems that are indispensable for every traverser.

Take the god-level star system with you!

You can use popular points to redeem various scripts and songs of Mu Yun's previous world.

After reading it carefully, the rewards of the god-level star system have not reached the limit of Mu Yun's death.

The so-called limit to kill is all kinds of difficult abilities, skills, techniques, and strengthening items as soon as the start rewards.

With the emergence of this kind of system, Mu Yun will definitely kill him in the first place.

Just like Ye Feng, Huang Ze, don't kill, wait for them to develop?

The whole story revolves around Yang Qin, continuously receiving dramas, filming dramas, and investing. Within three years, Yang Qin firmly sits on the throne of the world's largest star.

At the same time occupy one of the top ten richest people in the world, ranking fifth!

This is the treatment of the protagonist, and the development is rapid!

Mu Yun doesn't know whether to call Yang Qin the protagonist or Yang Qin's heroine, anyway, the heroine in the story is someone else.

A world where a woman is the protagonist has a heroine, which is amazing!

But seeing the heroine, Mu Yun was a little surprised.

This person is the Guan Qin who just made Mu Yun toss with love.

Speaking of which, Yang Qin is still Guan Qin's first-year senior, and is currently a student of Shencheng University.

Another school flower of Shenda!

I ran into Guan Qin, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, exercised regularly, had a healthy complexion, and had an online appearance.

Yang Qin didn't know why she fell in love with her.

From the beginning to make friends, to become honey in the back, and then to the back.

After it was gone, Yang Qin was warned by the mysterious person, and then a little restrained, and the entanglement with Guan Qin gradually diminished.

When I saw this, Mu Yun had a black line, mother!

A woman wants to give herself green!

Is this world really so crazy?

This is not the point!

The key is that Yang Qin wants to go to heaven!

Guanqin is hooked up here, and a few supporting boys are hanging over there.

Is this a ready-to-eat rhythm?

Is that mysterious person himself?

With the urinary nature of systemic integration, Mu Yun doesn't need to think about it. Every time he appears, he is either a mysterious force or a mysterious person.

Can't it be said directly?

At the end of the whole story, Yang Qin has no emotional progress.

After the entanglement with Guan Qin diminished, with the development of Yang Qin's career, her focus completely shifted.

Those supporting boys gradually reduced contact, and even no longer contacted each other.

The whole story is roughly like this, telling the rise of Yang Qin.

The villain is the boss of Shanghai Dynasty Film and Television.

This person Mu Yun knew him, and found out that he didn't know if he was following the villain route. Most villains appeared, as long as the level was not too low, he knew more or less, or was connected.

After reading the introduction of the world, Mu Yun exited the system.

The opening options of the system reappear.

"Heh, congratulations to the host for successfully hunting down the protagonist Chen Fan. A new world is about to open. Please choose from the following options.

[Option 1: The star protagonist has no threat to the host, and her development path has no effect on the host, so spare her life. Reward: God's punishment system!

[Option 2: The host takes hunting and killing the protagonist as its own responsibility, to snatch luck. Reward: Extraordinary Golden Light Curse [God Level]!''

[Hidden option; the host acts according to his own wishes, and as a god-level villain, he should always have his own ideas and methods. award:???]

The first option was ignored by Mu Yun, no matter how good the reward was, he would not look at it in the future, and it would respond instantly!

Alien art, is this a skill that is different from an ability?

Mu Yun had heard of the Golden Light Curse, and the most impressive was the old figure.

This strange technique is definitely both offensive and defensive, Mu Yun is very discouraged!

"System, I choose the hidden option!"

Mu Yun chose the hidden option, and his eyes were discouraged, but he was not dumb enough to make Mu Yun give up his thoughts.

Blacken protagonist!

Isn't Yang Qin a good choice?

Not very threatening, the main thing is, she is a woman!

Not a mutant girl like Chen Fan.

Yang Qin just used it as an experiment. At first, Mu Yun said that the protagonist was a woman, but it would be nice for him to think that the protagonist was a woman.

This time the system's options give hidden options, letting you act according to your wishes, which is a prerequisite for Blacken's protagonist.

Otherwise, I can only choose to kill the protagonist and go to Blacken by myself. Isn't it a waste of time?

Sooner or later, I have to die, so why waste my thoughts.

It's fine now, you don't need to kill it directly, you can try Blacken Yang Qin by yourself.

He Blacken Zhao Binger, isn't Blacken a star protagonist?

Dare to stare at your own woman?

Mu Yun wondered if the mysterious person in the story was himself!

Is he so kind?

Just a warning?

According to his own thoughts, isn't Yang Qin focusing on his own woman?

What is the use of a light warning?

I have to educate her personally so that she understands that men are always better than women for women!

"Heh, congratulations to the host for choosing! Now rewards the host villain Halo [Super]'!"

"Heh, congratulations to the host for choosing! Now rewards the host for luck + 300,000!"

As soon as the system rewards were finished, Mu Yun paused.

Super villain halo, it seems that it takes five million luck to plunder this thing.

Moreover, none of the major protagonists, villains, and auras currently appearing exceed the advanced level, and the highest is the high-level aura.

Therefore, their wisdom-reducing aura does not work at all for Mu Yun of the high-level villain aura. (Deno good)

As long as the villain's aura reaches the god level, Mu Yun is completely immune to all negative auras.

Even if the God-level Wisdom Downgrading Aura has no effect on Mu Yun, its effect is very significant compared to its own aura one level lower, and the effect of the same level is almost zero.

"Host, it is found that there is a higher-level aura, do you want to replace the current low-level aura?"

"Don't replace it temporarily!"

What's the joke, no matter how bad the high-level villain halo on your body is, it is worth millions of luck, just replace it like this?

Really consider him mentally retarded?

Mu Yun took out his phone a moment.

Now his four villains, Zhao Ling'er and Xiao both have high-level villain halo, and Mu Lao and Zhao Bing'er don't even have a low-level villain halo.

To balance the two phases, Mu Yun chose Mu Lao and gave Mu Lao his high-level villain aura, which is definitely worth the money. Things that Suzaku can't handle in the future can be handed over to Mu Lao's processing section.

As long as Mu Lao has a high-level villain halo.

Mu Yun no longer has to worry that he will be inexplicably degraded!

Loot a million, give a million.

Mu Yun of this million luck!,

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