Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 245 gives Mu Lao aura! Mu Yun is ready to join! (third more! Ask for customization!)

After receiving the call, Mr. Mu quickly rushed to the villa in the imperial capital, and when he saw Mu Yun who asked him to come, he seemed to be thinking about something.

He walked to Mu Yun and stood respectfully.

At this moment Mu Yun is communicating with the system.

"System, give me the ability to upgrade the volume (intermediate), upgrade the ability to heal itself."

Inquired about the system, it takes 200,000 luck to grant intermediate abilities.

Mu Yun intends to improve his primary self-healing by keeping the useless ability promotion volume (Intermediate).

Then rob Mu Lao's primary self-healing, and then give him the promoted intermediate self-healing.

Intermediate abilities are of no use to him. Random abilities are at full level, and random abilities that have been promoted to intermediate abilities are pure waste.

Might as well give the advanced point ability to Mu Lao, a powerful helper in the future.

Primary power plunder requires one hundred thousand luck.

-Plunder, one grant, three hundred thousand luck back and forth.

One million is spent, Mu Yun is no less than three hundred thousand.

As for the 1.3 million lottery, it can be drawn 1,300 times, which Mu Yun skipped.

The shadow of being pitted by the system last time he hasn't completely dissipated yet.

Mu Yun doesn't want to touch this mysterious and mysterious thing like lottery for the time being.

The promotion of Mu Lao is so that he can smoothly help himself to solve various protagonists and halo owners.


Lucky draw, in case nothing comes out, it is not a waste of luck.

Unless there is any way to stabilize the luck, Mu Yun temporarily rested his mind.

The main thing is to be feared!

"Congratulations to the host, the ability promotion scroll (intermediate) is successfully used, and the ability self-healing [primary] is upgraded to self-healing (intermediate)!"

Hearing the prompt from the system, Mu Yun looked at Mu Lao.

"Give me the ability of plundering Hibiscus to heal [Elementary], and then give the villain aura (Advanced) and Self-healing (Intermediate) to Hibiscus!

"Host, this operation requires 1.3 million gas luck, are you sure?"


As soon as Mu Yun's voice fell, he saw Mu Lao who was about to fall, and he hurriedly held Mu Lao.

"Mu Lao, relax!"

Hearing this, Mu Lao, who was originally a bit tingling in his head, wanted to massage his head. Mu Lao gave up resistance and relaxed.

Soon the tingling sensation gradually disappeared.

View the properties of Mu Lao.

[Big villain]: Mu Zi

[Age]: 61 years old

[Identity]: Mu Yun's butler; dark alliance Xuanwu



【Combat Power】:830

Halo【: villain halo (advanced), luck halo (primary);

[Skills]: Military Boxing (Intermediate); Firearms (Advanced); Driving (Intermediate);

【Ability】: Self-healing (Intermediate)

【Qiyun】: 125000


Mu Yun discovered that the system's definition of Mu Lao has been promoted from villain to villain.

He didn't know if it was because of the villain's halo?

Mu Lao's luck has improved just like Man's, but the growth rate is much less than Man's.

Loyalty! Needless to say.

Mu Lao's loyalty is increasing from time to time, and Mu Lao's most considerate subordinates.

He helped Mu Lao, who didn't seem to come over, sat on the sofa.

"Mu Lao, this is a new ability I have acquired, which can strengthen the self-healing ability in your body."

"I strengthened you just now. There is nothing wrong with today. You can rest here and get used to it slowly."

"I have to go out here."

Today, the plot unfolds. If you want Blacken Yang Qin, the first mission will naturally destroy it, just like Chen Fan.

Yang Qin's system also has tasks, and most of the rewards are related to stars.

The reward for her this time is acting [God level], full level skills.

Mu Yun didn't complain about his own system, this time option two is the God-level Golden Light Curse.

Although he didn't choose, he felt quite at ease.

Teleported to a well-filled room, the little guy was sleeping with a doll bear in his arms.

It was only nine o'clock, it was normal for her not to get up, the danger had been relieved, and she returned to her previous life.

Xiao Ruoran went to work there, and the nanny took good care of him at home.

Mu Yun walked to the bedside and patted her face.

Confused with a little face, seeing Mu Yun fiercely almost screamed in fright.

``Woo (cdch) woo...

Mu Yun pointed his mouth sharply.

"Stop calling, there is a mission!"

"I'll go to Shencheng first, but Sister Ran will call her and say you still want to play in Shencheng!"

"I will pick you up again after she agrees!"

Anyway, this excuse Mu Yun is about to use bad, as long as Xiao Ruoran is not worried.

Mu Yun nodded with his mouth closed.

Let go of Xiao Yu's hand.

"This time is a woman, unlike Chen Fan, she is a woman who wants to be a star, and has the same system as you to help her be a star!"

"By the way, I plan to find a way to conquer this person!"

"Go over later, you see what task can be triggered, we will make a decision!"

Hearing Mu Yun's words, Xiao Yu's small eyes showed contempt once again.

She felt that she had seen through Mu Yun. The two did not have a system last time, and Mu Yun hadn't killed them yet.

Later, Chen Fan became a woman, and he did the same.

This time the target is changed to a real woman, Mu Yun intends to subdue it?

How to subdue it, I have already guessed it with her little head.

There is nothing wrong with her eyes, the fault should not be revealed in front of Mu Yun.

No, she let Mu Yun see her eyes, and hit her directly with a hammer.

Mu Yun found that Man Hao's high school student's thoughts were too complicated, so he could only educate her personally.

After education, Mu Yun glanced at Xiao Hao.

"Think about it again, I'll come over to take you every day, and I still get up, and I will call me when things are done."

With a word, Mu Yun returned to the Shencheng Villa.

As the new heroine after world fusion, Guan Qin lay comfortably on Mu Yun's bed.

When she came back yesterday, An Xin and Zhuang Lingfei were temporarily unable to suppress them, but both were rushed to sleep in another room by her.

At this moment, she was half fascinated, staring at the sunlight coming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

This life is so comfortable!

Of course, the premise is that Mu Yun is not there.

Thinking of Mu Yun, Guan Qin couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Although after several battles, her combat effectiveness gradually increased.

But compared with Mu Yun's livestock, the gap is still too obvious.

Soon, Guan Qin shook her head and stopped thinking about Mu Yun. She was afraid that her sleepiness would disappear after thinking about it.

Mu Yun didn't bother Guan Qin. The punishment had already been punished. He was afraid that Guan Qin would really run away if he was punished.

When I walked to the door, I saw Yang Feng standing straight outside.

"Yang Feng, prepare to go to the film and television base in Shanghai."

Yang Feng is so used to Mu Yun's fascination that he can no longer get used to it.

Hearing Mu Yun's order, half of the bodyguards were left to guard the villa.

Yang Feng personally led the team to send Mu Yun to the film and television base.

The vehicle is in motion.

Mu Yun took out his mobile phone and found out Hong Tai's name. This little brother who had conflicts with the Yuming Party was one of the participants in the opening of this story.

Hong Tai is a good starting point for joining the protagonist.

So Mu Yun plans to call Hong Tai and ask where he is!

Then I went to find him by myself.

Perfectly involve yourself in the beginning of the story,

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