Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 263: Bai Ting's new attributes! It's too outrageous! (The first one! Ask for custo

Bai Ting in front of her passed after passing.

The biggest change is her five-point appearance and ninety loyalty.

Mu Yun himself didn't expect Bai Ting to be so simple and mad.

He looked at Bai Ting already.

Do you want to continue?

This Bai Ting was beyond his imagination.

Originally, he thought that An Ying and Zhuang Lingfei combined could not be the same as Zhao Bing'er.

Compared with Bai Ting now, he thinks that Zi Ting can definitely shoot them on the shore!

Bai Ting suddenly found that Mu Yun was looking at herself with twinkling eyes.

She was full of excitement.

"Mu, Brother Mu, I'm so tired!"

She felt that she was dying.

Bai Ting's appearance made Mu Yun shook his head.

He also wanted to see if he could get any hidden benefits.

But looking at Bai Ting's appearance, forget it.

In this situation, Mu Yun couldn't help but think of Zhao Linger's progress, and the need for gene enhancement liquid was imminent.

I just don't know if Zhao Ling'er knew that Mu Yun's so-called imminent plan was to use the gene fortification liquid on other women.

Will she kill Mu Yun directly?

Anyway, at this meeting, Mu Yun feels that his woman really needs gene fortification liquid.

Seeing Bai Ting like this, Mu Yun gave up the idea of ​​continuing.

"Go and look in the mirror, the answer is in the mirror!"

Although she didn't know what Mu Yun meant, Bai Ting gritted her teeth and walked to the bathroom.


Less than five seconds after Bai Ting walked into the bathroom, a scream came out from inside.

Then Bai Ting ran out of the bathroom.

It is indeed running, which is completely different from what it was just now!

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu!"

"I don't know if it is because of the insects, I feel that I am full of strength now!"

Mu Yun looked at Bai Ting speechlessly.

What the hell is that because of the insects, the whole body is full of strength.

Guy Chong, it was Bai Ting that he flicked, is it not clear to Mu Yun?

Mu Yun estimated that Bai Ting was stimulated because of the soaring of her skin and appearance.

It would be estimated that even reservedness caused her to throw her into a corner that she didn't know.

This made Mu Yun very helpless, and it was definitely the first time he encountered this situation.

Mu Yun just gave up the idea, this will not mean to regain it.

Patting Bai Ting's hand, Mu Yun said.

"Okay, your daughter will be over from school soon!"


Bai Ting woke up instantly.

Now only her daughter can awaken her crazy thoughts.

White marriage calmed down.

He rushed into the bathroom and heard the sound of a shower.

Mu Yun walked in calmly.

The convoy set off again and drove towards a kindergarten at the private workshop.

"Heh, congratulations to the host for restoring the limits of fate, and the reward is now a random halo upgrade by one level!"

"Heh, congratulations to the host villain Halo [Super Raise Villain to Halo [God Level]!

Mu Yun, who was originally looking out the window thinking about something, suddenly heard the system's prompt, and he jumped up in shock.

Head directly to the roof of the car.

Fortunately, his momentum was not great, he just bumped heavily and then sat back in position.

"Brother Mu, are you okay?"

Just sitting down, Bai Ting's caring voice came over.

"It's okay, you keep quiet for a while, I just thought of something, don't disturb my thoughts!

Now Mu Yun doesn't have the heart to deal with Bai Ting, even if Bai Ting brought him this encounter.

He now wants to find out where the problem lies. Shencheng still has a Guan Qin. Grasping, can his aura be raised by another level?

You must know that the god-level villain halo needs 20 million luck, and the super villain halo only needs 5 million luck.

This increase is fifteen million air luck.

He even thought that if this possibility is established, he will temporarily reclaim the god-level villain aura.

Although I don't know how much can be recycled, at least there must be tens of millions, right?

After the recovery, he plundered Long Wentao's high-level villain's halo by himself.

Little brother, Mu Yun will not be soft when he really needs it.

At most, plunder Lin Siming's primary villain halo or Yang Qin's intermediate protagonist halo to give Long Wentao.

Both auras are also immune to all negative auras that are not higher than their own level.

The difference is that carrying the villain's halo can rob the protagonist and heroine of their luck when dealing with them.

The protagonist's halo is constantly creating various direct or indirect favorable conditions for halo carriers.

With the original luck, the halo carriers will be more likely to encounter the adventures they need most at the moment.

Relatively speaking, Mu Yun feels that the protagonist's halo is more suitable for Long Wentao.

The premise is that after giving Long Wentao the protagonist aura, he can maintain the position of the villain like Bai Zhantian.

But these are things for the future.

The most important thing at the moment is to figure out what happened to Bai Ting's treatment of the enemy, which can make Mu Yun happy.

"System, open Bai Ting's property page.

[Big villain]: Bai Ting

[Age]: 28 years old

[Identity]: Vagrant;

[Charm]: 88



【Power: 30

[Halo: Villain Halo [Advanced]; Qiyun Halo (Advanced);

Wisdom Aura (Advanced);

【Qiyun】: 369400


Mu Yun looked out the window dumbfounded, his whole figure seemed to be frozen.

This is outrageous!

Attributes can still change like this?

How many hours did the two meet?

Just because of one pass, this Bai Ting has changed so much?

"System, are you sure you are joking with me?

Mu Yun was so shocked that he shouted out the system.

You should know that Mu Yun rarely used the 207 system after being pitted by the system several times.

"Host, the system can't be wrong, if the host needs to know the answer, please pay half a million luck!"

It's the answer again!

Originally, Mu Yun had decided to wait until she had enough luck before asking, but now this answer makes Mu Yun feel too curious.

"System, go away!"


Curious to curious, Mu Yun did not let the system answer.

Bai Ting's changes are nothing more than four.

One is the title of the villain who directly surpassed the villain.

One is the three advanced auras.

One is the sudden surge of luck.

One is the same as Zhao Ling'er and Zhao Bing'er, breaking through the full value of loyalty.

The halo is directly eliminated by Mu Yun. As the title appears, the halo will appear automatically.

The difference between Bai Ting and Zhao Bing'er is that Zhao Bing'er only has a primary aura of luck, while Bai Ting has a gorgeous three-level aura.

The second one excluded by Mu Yun is air luck. After seeing her own air luck, Bai Ting's air luck is one tenth of her own plus her own air luck.

This point has nothing to do with the fate of recovery as prompted by the system.

The remaining two are title and loyalty.

The key points should be these two.

Specifically, Mu Yun thought about it for a long time without any results.

Fortunately, there is another Guanqin in Shencheng.

He didn't expect to run to Jincheng to find the answer, and the new answer returned to Guanqin in Shencheng.

It's a lot like doing tasks in a game, always letting you run back and forth.

Very annoying!,

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