Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 264: Mu Yun's choice for Bai Ting! Bai's choice? (Second! Seek the full list!)

Mu Yun felt a little busy. He started to get busy when Long Wentao appeared.

The villain is great!

He wished his women were all villains.

The change in Bai Ting's attributes gave herself a huge surprise.

To be exact, it is fright!

But before leaving Tianjin, there is one thing that must be resolved.

And Bai Ting must solve it herself!

Bai Ting, the big villain who suddenly changed, Mu Yun wants to know if she can do it.

He has worked for a few hours, but it does not mean that his bodyguards have nothing to do.

After taking over Bai Ting's daughter, she needs to face a choice that makes her difficult to choose!

Kindergarten in West District of Jincheng.

It was less than five minutes from school at this time.

The entrance of the campus was crowded with parents, and the arrival of a train line made the crowd squeeze on both sides.

"Whose parent is this? Doesn't it seem too high-profile to come and pick up the child like this?"

"Yes, just pick up a baby, isn't it too showy?"

"Can't you get out of the car and wait for school? It's not just his family who picks up the kids!"

Because of Mu Yun's arrival, the entrance of the campus, which was already crowded enough, could be said to be crowded.

The parents of the students are deeply dissatisfied with the arrival of the team.

Although most of them cannot afford such a fleet, they still have cars.

School regulations do not allow foreign vehicles to park in front of the school to receive children.

What is going on right now?

But soon they stopped discussing.

After the convoy stopped, a burly man in a suit got out of the car.

He walked to the guard room and didn't know what to take out in his hand.The uncle security guard they were familiar with saw it and opened the door like hell!

Could it be that the people above came down to inspect?

It's just that school is about to end at this point, and still inspecting?

With such a high profile, he is not afraid of being investigated.

Although many parents no longer speak, they still curse in their hearts.

The convoy drove slowly into the campus and stopped at a six-story teaching building not far from the school gate.

When Bai Ting got out of the main car, many parents at the school gate suddenly became upset.

"Oh my God, isn't that Bai Xiaojuan's mother? What's the matter?"

"What else is going on? Isn't this very clear? I'm going to make a big money, or else there can be other explanations?"

"My buddy, there are some things that can't be said. People have been divorced for a few years. It's not cheating. It's not wrong to find someone rich! Like what you mean, Bai Ting should find a poor person to live?"

"That's also true. Bai Ting has been suffering with her daughter for several years by herself. Now that she finds a good one, it's okay to be envious, and there is no need to say that in the back!

"In her position, we may not do better than her. At least she has supported Bai Xiaojing alone for several years. Is it wrong for someone to find a man again?"

Bai Ting couldn't hear these remarks.

The convoy returned quickly under the comments of many parents, and slowly left under their watch.

Picking up a child didn't take much time, and the convoy drove to Bai Ting's rental house.

Bai Xiaojuan, who was sitting in the car, looked a little timid. Under Bai Ting's embrace, she secretly looked at Mu Yun.

Mu Yun has no interest in Bai Xiaojing, she is not full, and there is no problem communicating with a high school student.

Kindergarten classmates?

Mu Yun said that he would not come, and he would not bring children.

Besides, this child is not his, and he has no such thoughts, and he will not lack anything that should be given to him.

Like other novels, I happily found a lover with a baby, and then loved her daughter and son as her own children.

Sorry, Mu Yun really can't do it.

What is the difference between this and the disguised reel?

Seeing Bai Ting's face, he will let people deal with Bai Xiaojuan's arrangements. In the future, she will not lack anything, she will still live how she should live.

Mu Yun has nothing to do with her mother, it's that simple.

When Bai Ting finished packing her things, she looked at Mu Yun suspiciously.

Because Mu Yun arranged Bai Xiaojing in another car, she was a little confused.

She didn't see much of Mu Yun's attitude towards Bai Xiaojuan, although Mu Yun was not very enthusiastic in the car that came back.

But after all, I laughed a few times with Bai Xiaojing.

It shouldn't be because I hate my daughter!

Mu Yun saw her doubts and walked to Bai Ting's side and said.

"I'll take you to deal with one thing, you go and tell Xiao Jing, let the bodyguard take her out to eat something, we will be back in about an hour."

After hearing Mu Yun's words for an hour, Bai Ting knew that it was definitely not the case.

Although she didn't know what Mu Yun needed to take her to deal with, Bai Ting nodded.

Go into the other car.

About a minute, Bai Ting walked out again and signaled to Mu Yun that it was okay.

She didn't know what to face next, but was a little curious in her heart.

Only when she got out of the car, her heart began to tremble.

This is a deserted place.

Kneeling in front of three blindfolded people with their mouths gagged, two of them are familiar to her.

It can even be said to be unforgettable for a lifetime.

One is her ex-husband, and the other is the woman who hooked up her ex-husband.

They are what Mu Yun said?

When she was puzzled, Mu Yun gave her the answer.

Mu Yun walked to her and looked at the three people in front of him indifferently.

"I don't think I need to introduce the man. The woman's name is Liu Fang. The person next to her is her father, a small official of the Ministry of Culture and Education in Shencheng."

"Bai Ting, your life will change drastically from today.

"The future is about to be in your own hands!"

"Before leaving Jincheng, these three people are gifts from me!"

"Kill them and say goodbye to your past self."

"As for what happens after you kill them, you don't need to worry, Wang Qing and the others will take care of it.

"What you are doing now is very simple, take the gun and kill them!"

Speaking of this, Mu Yun looked at Wang Qing.

"Wang Qing, give her the gun!"

Mu Yun didn't mean to ask her at all, so Wang Qing handed the gun to Bai Ting.

Bai Ting, a woman who had lived a peaceful life for nearly thirty years, faced the gun that Wang Qing handed over.


Her heart is still trembling!

From the beginning, she never thought that what Mu Yun said was such a thing.

Shot his ex-husband, wife, father-in-law.

She hadn't even thought about this kind of thing, how could she have thought about it.

Wang Qing still kept the gesture of handing the gun, and Mu Yun just looked at her like this.

Bai Ting kept thinking.

In the past few years, she has beaten her heart, every day she can't wait for her ex-husband to die sooner.

Just killing the ex-husband with his own hands is totally different from waiting for the ex-husband to die.

"Bai Ting, don't let me down!"

Mu Yun's demonic voice rang in her ears again.

Perhaps at the urging of Mu Yun, Bai Ting unknowingly took the gun in Wang Qing's hand.

The heavy weight is the same as her heart now.

Don't let him down?

It seems that when she was in her original unit, Mu Yun also said that he didn't like others to reject him.

I don't want to start now, is it a refusal?

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