Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 265 Forces the crazy Bai Ting! Does mother eat beef burgers? (third more! Please order!)

Bai Ting held the gun stupidly, and various thoughts kept flashing through her mind.

Among the three kneeling not far away, the young man suddenly struggled fiercely.

Unfortunately, he was quickly pushed back by the bodyguard behind him.

"Remove their blindfolds!"

The young man's movements caught Mu Yun's attention.

He ordered the bodyguard behind the three.

"do not want!"

"Don't take it off!

Hearing Mu Yun's order, the three bodyguards were preparing to do their hands, and Bai Ting suddenly yelled.

The three bodyguards weren't slow enough to stop because of Bai Ting's words.

The action continues.


Mu Yun spoke, and they stopped immediately and looked in Mu Yun's direction.

"Bai Ting, two minutes!"

"To be honest, they are not important to me, and whether they die is equally unimportant to me."

"Think about your daughter. When your life is complete, do you think this man will threaten you in the name of Bai Xiaojing's biological father?"

"In order to get a promotion, he can abandon your mother and daughter, and for the future, he can become a loving father again. Don't tell me that you haven't figured out what he is like in the past few years."

"I will ask people to remove their blindfolds in two minutes, and in four minutes they will also remove the stuffed mouths."

"After five minutes, they will leave safely!"

"None of this affects me. Even if they know who I am, they will still consciously forget what happened today."

"Think of yourself!"

It is rare that Mu Yun spoke earnestly and enlightened her, Bai Ting's hands shook badly.

She didn't think Mu Yun was wrong.

Based on her knowledge of her ex-husband, he can really do what Mu Yun said!

But killing?

Even with a gun in her hand, Bai Ting might not be able to do this.

Under the gaze of Mu Yun and the bodyguard, time passed by second by second.

Just two minutes is like two centuries for Bai Ting, very long.

The devilish voice awakened Bai Ting who had been sleeping in the middle of the century.

"One minute!"

One minute?

Bai Ting seemed to be awake suddenly, she walked towards her ex-husband.

The sound of her footsteps caused her ex-husband who was kneeling on the ground to start bricking.

They couldn't see and couldn't speak, but they could hear Mu Yun's words.

five minutes!

Although I don't know if what Mu Yun said is true or false.

But at this time they can only take a chance, hoping that they will be safe in only five minutes!

These five minutes are equally long for them.

It was just the sudden sound of footsteps that made the three of them panic.

Especially the sound of footsteps seemed to stop right in front of him.

It was a panic in the ex-husband's heart.

His ex-wife Bai Ting was standing in front of him with a gun and watching him.

My heart was extremely horrified.

Among the three, Bai Ting must be the one who hates herself the most.

Can Bai Ting walk to her and stop, can something be good?

At this time, if you don't beg for mercy, Bai Ting may be cruel and shoot directly, he will definitely die hard enough.

At this time, he even began to feel regretful thoughts.

Although I deceived the girl who came to the city from the countryside with a lie.

But since the birth of his daughter, his family looks so happy and happy.

If it wasn't for the temptation he couldn't bear, maybe he could add another member to his family.

It is a happy thing to have both children and a happy family.

How can one day need to face this involuntary scene of life and death.

But thinking about this kind of thing now doesn't help. He can't explain and beg for mercy, so he can only keep kowtow.

Bai Ting looked at the ex-husband who kept kowtow in front of her. Thinking of his ex-husband’s character, his behavior of kowtow begging for mercy seemed to be expected.

Isn't it normal for a wolf-hearted person like this to be greedy for life and be afraid of death?

Mu Yun said in a private workshop today that he blindly found such a man.

It seems that it is really right now.

Such a man just came to Jincheng himself, so he would be fooled if he was ignorant and ignorant.

It is understandable to climb up to Gaozhi and abandon his wife and daughter.

People climb high!

But for several years, I haven't looked at my daughter at all, and haven't paid a penny of living expenses.Is this a person?


As Bai Ting became more and more angry, she picked up her gun and fired at her ex-husband.

Except for the first shot because it had not been used, it was cdch by the recoil of the gun.

A few shots behind Bai Ting held the guns in both hands, and shot all the shots in front of her ex-husband's chest.

Hearing the sound of an empty gun, the bodyguard behind the ex-husband stepped forward and thoughtfully opened his gun and handed it over.

However, the beads of sweat on his forehead have shown that he was frightened by Bai Ting.

You know he was standing behind Bai Ting's ex-husband just now, Bai Ting almost shot him in the arm with the first shot.

Even if he is indifferent to life and death, but dies in Bai Ting's hands, he will feel more aggrieved than his ex-husband.

After handing in the gun, he quickly stepped aside.

Perhaps it was the courage that had just been plucked up, or the bloody aroused by just killing the ex-husband.

Bai Ting took the gun handed by the bodyguard and walked to the woman who had robbed her husband and left her and her daughter alone.

She held a gun in both hands, raised the gun and pointed it at the woman who was kneeling on the ground, somewhat at a loss.

Seeing Bai Ting holding a gun in both hands, the bodyguard behind the woman was inexplicably relieved.

The women of this year are really unattractive, especially the rookie women, if they are accidentally injured or killed by mistake, they don't even have a place to reason.


Three gunshots have been heard, but no further.

Walking towards the kneeling middle-aged man, Bai Ting seemed to want to kill everyone quickly while her courage had not faded.


This time, until the sound of the empty gun sounded, Bai Ting continued to pull the gun.

"Let's go back!"

Mu Yun, who came to Bai Ting's side, took the empty gun from her hand, said lightly, and took her hand back to the car.

Bai Ting looked vaguely and Mu Yun took it away.

Back in the car, her eyes looked very hollow when she was pressed on the seat by Mu Yun.

She didn't even know when the car started.

She also didn't know when the car stopped.

Only when Bai Ting saw her daughter again, she seemed to wake up instantly and rushed to hug her tightly.

The body began to tremble slightly again.

At this moment, Bai Xiaojing gently pushed Bai Ting away, holding a beef burger with ketchup in her hand, and handed it to Bai Ting.

"Mom, do you want to eat it? Uncle they asked me to eat hamburgers, which I can't eat anymore.

"Mom, didn't you say you can't waste food?"

"Look, I'll pack it all back for you, and I can't eat this anymore, can you help me eat it?"

As soon as Bai Ting saw the beef man handed over by her daughter, the key was that it had Bai Xiaojing dipped in tomato juice.

She quickly pointed her mouth with her finger, as if she had it, and the sound of retching came from her mouth.

After finally suppressing it, Bai Ting resisted the nausea and repackaged the beef burger.

"Mom, my mother ate a little bit earlier, and now I feel sick when I see what I eat."

"If you can't finish eating, you'll be hungry and eat slowly on the road. Mom will wrap it up for you. Can you put it away?"

Seeing that the burger in her hand was repackaged by Bai Ting, Bai Xiaojing nodded.

Bai Ting returned to the car with her daughter after the car started.

She looked at Mu Yun deeply.

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