Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 272 almost became a whiteboard! The character got it! (Fifth! Seek full order!)

"Congratulations to the host, plundering the protagonist's mid-level.

Hearing the system prompt again, Mu Yun continued to look at Yang Qin.

Yang Qin was still sleeping, and a new attribute panel appeared in Mu Yun's mind.

[Protagonist]: Yang Qin

Age【】: 20 years old

[Identity]: Student of Shencheng University; Traveler

[Charm]: 95



【Power: 40

[Halo]: Qi Luck Halo [Advanced]; Charm Halo [Super]

[Skills]: Driving (Intermediate);

【Qiyun】: 630,000

Yang Qin has only one intermediate driving skill except for two auras.

High-level luck aura, Mu Yun's luck is enough to plunder.

It's just that he doesn't know the percentage of recycling.

If you make a steady profit like a plundering system, Mu Yun will definitely start.

As for the super charm halo, its "Two One Zero" is so powerful that Mu Yun can't afford it.

Looking at the intermediate driving skills, a thought suddenly flashed in Mu Yun's mind.

"System, plunder me,

Today he seems to really want to give Yang Qin a wave of Qing.

Following Mu Yun's order, Yang Qin's intermediate driving disappeared from her attributes.

"The system absorbs intermediate driving for me!"

"Congratulations to the host, absorb skill driving (intermediate), and get 18,000 luck points!"

The price of skill recovery made Mu Yun stunned, losing two thousand luck!

After the experiment, Mu Yun determined that plundering was not a steady earn!

Instantly gave up the idea of ​​plundering high-level luck aura.

Except for Mu Lao, the luck auras of the villains are all high-level.

The aura of luck has a great effect on the protagonist's bonus, and its effect on the villain is far less practical than the protagonist.

Mu Lao's current primary luck aura is enough.

After extinguishing the idea of ​​continuing to plunder Yang Qin, Mu Yun glanced at Yang Qin.

A female protagonist with no system, no skills, only charm ability, the starting point has been determined that she can not take off quickly.

The rest is how to treat her Blacken.

After Yang Qin gets the role tomorrow.

When the system no longer prompts her to complete the task.

Then she discovered that her acting skills had disappeared and she didn't know how to perform the role.

Mu Yun didn't know if Yang Qin felt broken in his heart.

It's definitely not going to get better anyway.

Listening to Suzaku's report, the woman seemed to be very uncomfortable with Zhuang Lingfei and the others.

This is a good idea.

Even if she didn't collapse, while she was on the verge of collapse, should she and Zhuang Lingfei perform a big ensemble?

In this case, Mu Yun didn't believe that she didn't collapse yet.

Thinking of this, he looked at Yang Qin who was sleeping, a pretty girl.

I don't know what will happen to her after Blacken. When I think about it, Mu Yun suddenly felt a little expectant.

Instantly disappeared in Yang Qin's apartment.

When Mu Yun returned to the villa, An Ying and the two were embracing Guan Qin and embarking on a journey of dreams.

Without disturbing the three of them, Mu Yun lay on the side and thought quietly.

"Hong Shao, you can do so much with this! Thank you!

Yang Qin drank some wine because he was happy last night, and got up late today.

She was woken up by Hong Tai's call at about ten o'clock.

Yang Qin was full of joy when he got Hong Tai's answer.

When she just woke up, she didn't notice anything strange about herself.

Hanging up Hong Tai's phone, Yang Qin jumped up from the bed

Get the character!

Although I got Hong Tai's reply, he didn't go to Director Cheng to sign the contract.

Yang Qin's heart is still not at ease.

After washing up quickly, Yang Qin took a taxi to Paris Hotel.

This is the hotel where the director Cheng's new crew is located. The interview for the role has just begun today.

Hong Tai gave her a small role. There were not many scenes. There were seven episodes of the 30-episode film and television series.

Although each appearance lasts from ten seconds to one minute, this is enough.

Yang Qin doesn't care about the role now, as long as he completes the task first and receives the reward, his own path will be better in the future.

Director Cheng’s misunderstanding was settled yesterday.

Her role will not be stuck, and the mission will be completed soon.

Thinking of this, Yang Qin, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help showing joy again.

When I came to Paris Hotel, I saw Hong Tai standing at the door for the first time.

Yang Qin walked up quickly.

"Hong Shao, thank you for what happened today!"

After the words of director Cheng.

And Hong Tai did help her take down the role, and the task is about to be completed.

Yang Qin rarely showed a polite side to Hong Tai.

Hong Tai seemed to be a little uncomfortable with Yang Qin's attitude, and froze for a while.

When he recovered, Yang Qin had already left his sight.

Although Yang Qin has become polite, it doesn't mean that she likes to stay with Hong Tai.

Hong Tai finally found Yang Qin among the crowd waiting to sign.

"Qinqin, let's go, I have already explained this, I will take you in directly!"

Yang Qin nodded without thinking, the task is important...


On weekdays, Yang Qin hates such people who exercise privileges for no reason.

But now that the privilege is placed on her, she kindly thinks that she should be so.

She began to understand why many powerful people always like to exercise privileges.

Because this feeling was really good, Yang Qin followed Hong Tai and walked into the office under the watchful eyes of many actors waiting to sign.

This kind of highly anticipated feeling was her first attempt. As a arrogant little dragon in her previous life, she offended many people. How could she have enjoyed this kind of treatment?

Soon Yang Qin woke up from this feeling. Although she liked it very much, she prefers to rely on her own ability to get this kind of treatment.

Today's task is her starting point.

Yang Qin believes that one day as soon as she appears on the stage, everyone's eyes will be concentrated on her.

Thinking of this, Yang Qin's heart couldn't help but get excited, and even the staff handed her a contract, but she didn't react.

"Qinqin? Qinqin?


After being awakened by Hong Tai, she saw the contract in front of her and said apologetically.

"Sorry, I was a little excited, so, sorry!"

It's not the first time that the staff have seen Yang Qin's situation. With Hong Tai's face, she didn't embarrass Yang Qin.

Explain a few words to Yang Qin, and under Yang Qin's wave, the contract was officially signed.


Holding the contract in hand, Yang Qin thanked the staff, and then couldn't wait to leave.

Seeing that Hong Tai seemed to have an idea to follow him, Yang Qin looked towards Hong Tai at 2.7.

"Hong Shao, thank you this time!"

"I need to figure out the role of Gang, and I will contact you when I am free!"

After speaking, Yang Qin walked away quickly.

The role has been obtained, and she politely bid farewell to Hong Tai.

She didn't go too far this time, perhaps because of what director Cheng said.

Hong Tai didn't know when she would use it again, it was just a smiling face, and she didn't lose anything.

Looking at the back of Yang Qin leaving, Hong Tai felt a little angry.

Is this being used?

As Yang Qin's aura of reducing intelligence disappeared, Hong Tai's IQ seemed to gradually recover.

He can see this clearly, Yang Qin is using him!

But soon Hong Tai sighed.

Yang Qin didn't look easy either.

He is not going to care about this little thing.

Looking at the direction where Yang Qin disappeared, Hong Tai followed out of the hotel.

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