Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 273 Yang Qin panicked! The mystery of luck! (first one! Please customize!)

Yang Qin walked out of the hotel to the nearby square. She needed to be quiet.

Although she completed the task without any prompts from the system, Yang Qin still did not notice the abnormality.

This is the first time she has completed the task. She doesn't know how the system will notify her after the task is completed.

Just like the ignorant and fearless.

She doesn't know the situation and naturally won't worry about it, so she can find a place to contact the system and ask clearly, can't she?

When he came to a quiet place in the square and sat down on a chair, Yang Qin began to call the system in his mind.

"System, am I completing the task?"


After speaking, Yang Qin was a little confused. As long as she shouted, the system would appear immediately.

What is this today?

"System, system, right?"

"System, the task is complete? Are you out?"


Yang Qin kept shouting in her mind, but this time she didn't get any response from the god-level star system.

Yang Qin gradually became impatient.

"System, are you out?"

"System? Are you upgrading?"

"System, get out of my mother! You don't have 23 energy or you are upgrading, you have to scream, right?"

"Hey, hello, bastard, come out?"

With the constant shouting system in her mind, her complexion changed very much.

Fortunately, there are no other people around her at this time, otherwise she must be frightened.

[Ding, because the host looted the system of'Yang Qin', the protagonist Yang Qin could not contact the system, restless, panicked, lost air luck, air luck value +30000!)

[Ding, because the host looted the line of "Yang Qin"...JX3

The three consecutive reminders in Mu Yun's mind are enough to prove how uneasy Yang Qin is at this time.

"System, get out! My old lady finally completed the task, where did you die?"

"System, please, can you go out?"

[Ding, because the host plundered the system of'Yang Qin', the protagonist Yang Qin was hit, restless, lost a lot of air luck, air luck value +50,000!)

Mu Yun stood in the distance of Yang Qin, watching her face change constantly, Mu Yun could imagine how flustered Yang Qin was at this moment.

Just as Mu Yun thought, various emotions in Yang Qin's heart intersect.

The most obvious is the panic, because she doesn't know what happened to the system?

After passing through, she has always held the idea of ​​being superior, all because of the existence of the system.

Without the existence of the system, how is she different from other girls?

Looks? It's not that she is more beautiful than her!

Talent? As for the intermediate acting and vocal music of the predecessor and myself, is this ability outstanding in the film and television industry?

The predecessor is a student who has not yet graduated.

What about her? Before crossing, she was just a superstar actor. She is so talented that she won't be confused all the time.

It is insisted that she has always been a gangster because she has a bad temper and offends others, but the bad temper in the film and television industry is not worse than her. Why can others mix well?

Traversers? This is very rare, but what are the advantages of traversers?

In two worlds with different development lines, she does not have the advantage of foresight.

As for the film and television materials of her journey through the former world, please, she is not a computer, and she can remember all the film and television dramas by copying sticky.

She also has nothing to remember. She must know the general plot of many movies and TV dramas.

But she didn't understand how to shoot, and how to write the script, she still didn't understand.

What if you can barely write the script?

Whether investors are willing to invest is a question.

Thinking that she had just been in the Paris Hotel, Bi Ran had raised her ambition to make herself highly anticipated as soon as she appeared, and Yang Qin was even more frightened.

Without the system, she would have more advantages than ordinary girls, and what ambitions did she mention!

"System, please, come out and tell me if you have something to do! Can't I wait for you?"

"System, please, can you please reply?"

In the distance, Mu Yun could clearly see that the ever-changing expression on Yang Qin's face slowly turned into an imploring expression.

[Ding, because the host robs Yang Qin” system, the protagonist Yang Qin’s ambitions are shaken, his mind is restless, his luck is lost, his luck value is +40,000!)

With the sound of system lifting again, the corners of Mu Yun's mouth were slightly tilted.

Yang Qin's self-guided strategy saved him a lot of things.

After several world fusions, several protagonists were settled.

There is a question. Mu Yun still doesn't understand how this loss of luck is calculated.

According to Mu Yun's opinion, after plundering Yang Qin's system, aura, and skills from herself, it is only reasonable for her to lose luck on the spot.

The last protagonist Lin Fan was the same. After the two were robbed of the system, their luck was quite a lot.

At that time, Mu Yun did this kind of thing for the first time, so he didn't think too much.

This is also the case for Yang Qin this time, which is a bit difficult to understand.

"System, can you explain it to me? I'm quite confused about this!"

The host ", the blessing of Qi Yun is the gift of heaven, and it does not change with the increase or decrease of external objects, and is related to the mood of the protagonist!"

"The system, this is wrong. According to you, I don't feel that my mood has changed. Why not increase my luck for no reason?"

The system seemed to be silent for a while, but still gave an answer.

"Host, your luck has been out of the way of heaven and is connected to the system. Didn't the host discover that you have millions of fortunes now, and your adventures in life, your fortunes have not changed much?"

Normal "With the host's current luck, it is not uncommon for the host to walk from the hotel to this square and get money once or twice. Has the host seen it for so long?"

The systematic answer caused Mu Yun to fall into contemplation. After his luck broke one million, there was really nothing special about him.

But it is explained according to the system.

The last time Mu Yun experienced An Ying, Guan Qin and the women voluntarily sent him to the door, but he couldn't figure it out and attributed the matter to Qi Luck.

Now the systematic answer seems to negate his original idea213.

If it wasn't for Qi to run Chong, what happened to the women?

There is also a system, since you can separate me from the realm of heaven, doesn't that mean you are awesome?

Then why the Suzaku you summoned are restricted by the way of heaven?

He is called a true destiny by a well-rounded system.

What is destiny?

Destiny means the will of the way of heaven, and the deeper layer is that the way of heaven dominates the destiny of all lives.

Could this be the result of the system separating itself from the realm of heaven?

Is he true the will of heaven?

Thinking of this, Mu Yun instantly threw this idea away, it was too ridiculous!

As far as his current strength is, is it true the will of heaven?

Tiandao casually dropped the last purple thunder and lightning and could rub himself back and forth hundreds of times.

He didn't dare to think so.

"System, can you answer the question I'm thinking about now?"

The sound of the system soon sounded.

Just when Mu Yun was happy and ready to listen to the answer, the system said.

"Host, you will naturally know this in the future!"


Mu Yun laughed!

Bai Xia was excited about it, this system!

Don't worry about it anymore, you will know later if you know it later, and you will know sooner or later, right?

There is definitely no answer to asking the system now.

This is the case every time, and it will give you the answer very quickly when it is willing to answer.

When it is unwilling to answer, it is also very happy to give you the answer.

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