Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 274 Yang Qin is crazy? Let her suffocate her anger! (Second! Please order!)

Withdrawing his mind, Mu Yun saw Yang Qin still sitting on a chair in the distance.

But the whole person's face looked ugly.

It's normal, and it seems normal to Mu Yun.

Yang Qin's current situation is much better than Lin Fan's performance as described by Anba last time.

Of course, the situation of the two is different, and it is somewhat unfair to Lin Fan to compare them.

After all, Lin Fan suffered a triple blow before losing the system. It's not difficult to understand that kind of reaction.

Just like Yang Qin's face is ugly, and people are a little sluggish, it belongs to the normal reaction of all people.

Mu Yun didn't make any extra moves, just looking at Yang Qin.

Ten minutes later, Yang Qin stood up weakly and lifted the small satchel.

At this time, her face no longer had that superior look, but rather a little bit depressed.

The appearance of unlovable life reminds Mu Yun of Guan Qin lying half-dead on the bed after being tossed by herself.

It's so alike!

No wonder Guan Qin is focused on in the story, and the feelings of Yang Qin and Guan Qin have something in common.

Watching Yang Qin take a taxi and leave, Mu Yun returned to the hotel.

Originally, his idea was to let Guan Qin and Yang Qin play.

But last night he gave up this plan.

The first few protagonists collapsed at the start, except for seeing the real power of the protagonist in Bai Chen, the next few Mu Yun didn't experience it.

Bai Chen's treatment of being framed and allowing the culprit to come out on bail made Mu Yun extremely depressed.

At that time, Mu Yun couldn't fight. How did he fight when he first crossed?

Yesterday Yang Qin was full of various adventures, Mu Yun directly plundered her system, aura at night.

Now that Mu Yun has enough luck, how can he let the protagonist enjoy this kind of treatment again!

The protagonist who is not threatening is the good protagonist.

Yang Qin was soon plundered into a white board by him, and only Blacken was left.

This matter Mu Yun is going on.

Back to the hotel, Mu Yun asked for a simple role as the director of Shangcheng.

Mu Yun had already agreed to Guan Qin's affairs, and Mu Yun didn't bother to delay it.

When he appeared again, he was already sitting on the sofa in the room next to Yang Qin.

If you have money, it is a simple matter to let individuals move.

The Guan Qin matter was delayed for a while. When Mu Yun came to the room next to Yang Qin, Yang Qin was sitting on the bed a little at a loss.

The whole person looked a little pitiful.

The Yang Qin whom Mu Yun saw in the story were completely two people. In the story, she went all the way up, and with the help of the god-level star system, she swept all over the place with that incredible arrogance.

Even Dynasty Pictures, a giant in the film and television industry, fell under her feet.

Yang Qin, who has lost his system, is completely different.

At this time she was in a bad mood, extremely disappointed.

Obviously she has worked very hard and the task has been completed, why did the system suddenly disappear?

Yang Qin thought a lot about the two days that he carried the system.

Future development, achievement, and life.

Around all the beautiful future unfolded the idea.

But the system disappeared suddenly, and it was like a dream in these two days.


I squeezed my thigh hard, and the painful sensation made Yang Qin know that this was not a dream.

But why?

Where does the system go?

That future self-reliance! What about the system?

"System! Where the hell are you!"

Suddenly Yang Qin roared against the wall.

Next to the wall is the room Mu Yun asked Anwu to rent.

Mu Yun frowned with this fierce roar.

Is this Yang Qin irritating crazy?

What are you shouting nonsense?

No, Mu Yun did not receive the prompt from the system. Yang Qin did not seem to have mental problems, otherwise he should receive the prompt from the system.

Is Yang Qin venting incompetence?

"An Fifth, you go to the next door and knock on the door, saying that you are the neighbor next door, let her be quiet!"

Want to vent?

She is not beautiful, it is better to hold back, and it is better if something goes wrong.


When An Wu was about to go out to execute Mu Yun's order, Mu Yun suddenly called him.

Back to the set of Mu Yun's side, Mu Yun looked at him for a few moments.

Not bad, the guys that come with the system are pretty online, think about it, the characters in anime are seldom ugly to make people look unpleasant.

Dark Five's face is now ninety upwards.


"An 5, after you pass,

Muttered to An Wu and looked at the tangled expression on An Wu's face, Mu Yun said.

"The first thing is done, I will take care of the latter, not to go!"

"Yes, young master!

Secret Five, who was urged by Mu Yun to go out to perform the task, opened the door and walked to Yang Qin's room next door.


A knock on the door made Yang Qin sitting on the bed a little impatient. Who would come to look for her at this time?

Who would dare to come to her?

Don't you know that she is on the verge of breaking out now?

Is it the landlord?

its not right!

The rent has only been paid for a week, what is she doing now?

While thinking, Yang Qin's movements did not stop.

After walking to the door and looking through the cat's eyes on the door, Yang Qin saw a handsome guy who was very handsome, but who was this person?

What did he knock on his door for?

Yang Qin instantly became vigilant.

She picked up a steel bar from the shoe cabinet next to her. The safety chain did not open, so she opened the door to reveal a crack.

Looking at An Wu outside the door, Yang Qin asked.

"Who are you? Something?"

Yang Qin showed a rare smile in the dark five dynasty, it is really rare!

At least Mu Yun hadn't seen them laugh.

"Hello, I am your neighbor next door. Your voice was a bit loud just now. I have work to deal with. Can you keep your voice down as much as possible?"

"If there is a problem with your system, you need to help you tell me. I make software at home. The system is very simple.

"So if you have any problem with your computer, you can bring it over and I will help you reinstall the system. Don't yell at home. This will have a great impact on me. I need to be quiet, okay?

According to Mu Yun's account, An Wu repeated it without missing a word.


Yang Qin was a little confused.

Also, the system is very simple?

Although I know that the system that the dark five said is not the same as the one I called out (good).

But when he heard that things like the system are very simple, Yang Qin suddenly felt more uncomfortable in his heart.

The system is so simple?

In short, why did her system disappear?

Efforts to control his emotions, Yang Qin said toward the dark five.

"Sorry, the bad mood just now affected you, the computer system just finished, thank you!"

Seeing Yang Qin say so, An Wu said.

"That's good, try to keep quiet, please be handsome!"

After Anwu finished speaking, he left and walked back to the house next to him and closed the door.

Yang Qin closed her door gently, but her mood was getting worse and worse.

You can't even vent in your own home!

Just after the roar, she felt the flame in her heart rise again as the anger dissipated a little.

She didn't dare to rant any more, so she didn't have to wait for the neighbors to come to the door again.

When she returned to the bed, she hugged the pillow and bitten it fiercely.

As if the pillow is her enemy. ,

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