Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 293 Yunge analyzes the murderer! Mu Yun cuts Hu! (First update! Ask for customization!)

With the blessing of the system, Yunge appears extremely confident.

Use the laser pointer in your hand to switch to one of the slides.

"I just watched the projection slide carefully and found that there are many problems in the place where the murderer lives. You haven't noticed. The clothes left by the murderer on the bed are all XXL.

According to his own reasoning and judgment, Yunge spoke out the various characteristics of the murderer.

"According to the owner of the house, the murderer rented here for a month, and now the time is still...

"To sum up what I have said above, it is basically the appearance and characteristics of the murderer, as well as his life habits!"

"In addition to the victim's network investigation, I personally think that Liu Kai is most suspected of committing the crime!"

After Yunge finished speaking, he looked down from above, just like Xia Han.

The entire conference room was silent, and everyone looked at Yunge in astonishment.

Most of them have known Yunge for two years. Why didn't they realize that Yunge has such a powerful reasoning ability before.

Yunge enjoyed the consternation of the people below.

He found this feeling really wonderful!

He couldn't enjoy this feeling before, but now he enjoys it for the first time, and he likes it very much!

Xia Han, who was standing next to Yun Song, nodded slightly. She thought Yunge's analysis was very reasonable.

Many of them are places they haven't noticed.

They haven't found it, so it is difficult to pinpoint the murderer accurately.

Now, after Yunge's analysis, even the murderer has been analyzed!

"Cough! Cough!"

The sound of Xia Han's prompt reminded everyone, and Yun Ge sent the laser pointer on his hand.

"Summer team!"

Xia Han said after receiving the laser pointer from Yunge.

"Yunge, you did a good analysis this time. If the case is solved this time, I will report your first work!"

The first or not the first work is not important to Yunge.

He cares more about the rewards of the system, but since Xia Han said that, he is not a person with low EQ, even if he doesn't care, this thank you is necessary!

"Thank you, Team Xia!"

Chao Yunge nodded, and Xia Han turned to the guards below.

"What are you still waiting for! Let's set off!"

"Now! All set off and arrest the suspect Liu Kai!!

Following Xia Han's order, all the guards stood up.

"Yes, Team Xia!

When everyone left the meeting room to go out to prepare, Xia Han looked at Yunge.

"Yunge, you will leave with the team this time! Be careful about everything!"


Hearing Xia Han's order, Yun Ge made a stand-up gesture.

"Respect, summer team!"

Because Yun Ge identified the suspect, Xia Han's mood improved a lot, and she didn't care about Yun Ge's funny words.

Seeing Yun Ge left behind, Xia Han was a little puzzled.

Has Yunge's reasoning ability always been so strong?

Then why does he keep hiding?

After thinking for a while, Xia Han stood up, who couldn't figure it out, picked up the hat on the table and hurried out of the meeting room.

She can't figure it out, she no longer thinks about it!

The stronger Yunge's reasoning ability, the greater the help to the team.

This is enough, other things have nothing to do with her.

She didn't need to waste too much time thinking about this issue.

The convoy of the West Guard Station slowly drove out of the gate of the guard station and drove towards the suspect Liu Kai's home.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Liu Kai was kneeling on the ground at the moment, and his whole body was shaking.

It's too weird, the two masked people in front of me are really weird!

Rao is a cruel person like him, and he feels terrified in the face of this situation.

Liu Kai was a little panicked for the two masked men who suddenly appeared.

But when one of the masked men grabbed himself instantly, then opened his eyes and went to the wilderness.

He is no longer as simple as panic, he feels an inexplicable chill.

There was a sense of fear in my heart unconsciously.

When he was in fear, the masked man in front of him spoke.

"Liu Kai, 47 years old this year, divorced at an early age and raised a daughter by himself.

Half a year ago, when your daughter Liu Yang was returning to Shencheng Art Academy, she was hit by a man who was driving under the influence to a half body!"

"In the six months in the hospital, your daughter committed suicide four times, each time on the verge of death.

"Now that you are exhausted, you don't know one day your daughter will leave you!

"So taking advantage of this time, you are going to use the most brutal means to kill the three people in the car one by one, and then when your daughter is gone, you will leave with her!"

"Am I right? Liu Kai?"

This is the story of Liu Kai's past, and what he explained after he was arrested.

This person, Mu Yun, does not comment, as long as it is useful to him.

Judging from the two murders, Liu Kai was indeed a very cruel gangster.

But Jiayun, who knows his past, can't evaluate him, because Mu Yun feels that getting along with him in a different place is definitely more cruel than him.

It's almost unconcerned, no matter how cruel, no matter how cruel it is?

He understood that in Liu Kai's heart, he had raised his daughter for more than 20 years, and his only hope in his life was about to be lost. How could he care about this?

In the story, Liu Kai was sent to the cell for custody after he confessed his crimes.

Upon receiving the news that his daughter had committed suicide, Liu Kai committed suicide in jail that night before waiting for trial.

How do you evaluate such a person?

Say he is cruel and inhuman?

Indeed, for the families of the victims, Liu Kai's behavior is indeed cruel and inhuman!

But Mu Yun is not a family member of the victim, this has nothing to do with him.

He fell in love with Liu Kai, a little man who couldn't even be regarded as a supporting role.

For Mu Yun, a caring person, the more cruel the better!

When Liu Kai heard Mu Yun reveal his own bottom, he knelt on the ground and fell silent.

I didn't care about Liu Kai's reaction, Mu Yun said.

"Liu Kai, we can treat your daughter. After half a year, she will become healthy again!"

"But you should know what needs to be paid?"

Liu Kai didn't respond to Mu Yun's words before, but Liu Kaishun raised his head in 223 after Mu Yun's words.

Although the methods of the two men in front of him were weird, Liu Kai was terrified.

But when he heard that his daughter could become healthy again, Liu Kai forgot all his fears behind him.

He raised his head vigorously and looked at Mu Yun.

"What you said is true?"

"I understand what you mean, as long as you can do it, my life is yours, you can take it anytime you want!"

"As long as you can restore Yang Yang to health, you can do whatever you want me to do! Killing and setting fire, robbery and kidnapping, as long as you say, I can do anything for you!"

"But how should I trust you!"

After speaking, Liu Kai's tone began to excite.

Mu Yun looked at Liu Kai who was trembling.

"For the time being, you can't see her recover, because we haven't seen your sincerity! You don't have any credit enough for us to save your daughter!"

"As for how to make you believe?"

"Sorry, we don't need you to believe, you have no choice!"

"By the way, now you have been exposed, and the guards are rushing towards your house."

"Once you are arrested, do you think your daughter can survive?

"Show your sincerity, we will pick up your daughter! And we promise that she won't have suicidal thoughts again!"

"You can video chat with your daughter when you're worried!"

"As long as you do what you should do well, maybe even if you don't need it for half a year, your daughter will be able to appear in front of you again in good health!"

"What do you think?"

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