Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 294 Conquer the murderer! The guard rushed to Liu Kai's house! (Second! Please customiz

Liu Kai's method of revenge is a bit cruel. As for the person, it can't be said to be good or bad.

Except for the families of the two victims, no one has the right to blame him.

Including the guards who arrested him and the officials who tried him!

Drunk driving is not a matter of a day or two.

Those family members who have been drunk driving can't wait to kill the drunk driving person.

It's just that Liu Kai paid for the action!

Those who accuse him, in Mu Yun's view, are the Virgin Mary.

You can accuse him, provided that one day your whole family is killed by someone who is drunk driving, and then you can forgive each other generously!

Such people accuse him, Mu Yun will never say anything.

Because of talking to the beast, Mu Yun felt lost!

Liu Yang searched for death several times, which for Liu Kai was no different from the family's search for death.

The whole family is left with their father and daughter dependent on each other.

Once the daughter dies, what else does Liu Kai hope to survive?

Now with Mu Yun's words, Liu Kai seems to have rekindled hope.

As Mu Yun said, he has no choice.

Left and right are dead, caught by the guards, he has a dead end, and his daughter committed suicide. Apart from suicide, he has no hope.

So for Liu Kai, he has no choice!

Liu Kai, who was kneeling down and looking up at Mu Yun, listened to Mu Yun's words.

He lowered his head again, very low, so low that it was already on the ground.


"My Liu Kai's life will be yours from now on!"

Other "I have nothing to ask for, I just hope you can make Yang Yang live well!"

The attitude is very respectful, with imploring words.

"Get up, I have seen your sincerity, for the time being, if you follow Suzaku, he will tell you what to do!"

"There is one thing you remember, and do everything carefully!"

"Don't be like this time. Although you don't want a back road when you do this, you'd better think about it first when you do something for me in the future."

"People have hope only when they live, and only when you live can you see your daughter marrying and giving birth!"

"You follow Suzaku for the next thing, and he will arrange it for you. The guard has already found you. Now I will pick up your daughter first, so that it will be too late to save things from changing.

After Mu Yun finished speaking, teleported away in front of Liu Kai.

Although he had seen Mu Yun and the others appear strangely, Liu Kai once again saw this sudden disappearance like a ghost, and he still felt numb in his heart.

Let's go "!"

Zhu Que awakened Liu Kai's shock.

Since Mu Yun handed Liu Kai to him, Suzaku naturally had to arrange Liu Kai to do things according to Mu Yun's instructions.

The sober Liu Kai nodded. Now that he has agreed, he will not regret it. No matter what the other party arranges, he will just do it.

Even if it's nothing else, he can't help but consider his daughter.

Although he didn't know whether Mu Yun's claim that Liu Yang would return to healthy and healthy again was true or false, but didn't Mu Yun say it anymore, can you video with his daughter.

Every day I look at my daughter’s emotional changes to know if she still wants to commit suicide.

As long as his daughter gave up this idea, he was already satisfied.

Maybe there will be a miracle?

The next second after he nodded, Liu Kai was caught in his hand again.

Once he had an experience, when he was ready to close his eyes to adapt to the dizziness.

He found that this time was different, and he appeared in another place without opening his eyes.

Instead, he was caught in the hands of the opponent and moved quickly high in the air.

It didn't feel much better than the star dazzle, and he wanted to vomit.

Near a residential building in the West District of Shencheng.

It's noon, most people have rushed home to cook and take care of the children, and the smell of food is coming from the houses.

This is where Liu Kai's house is located.

Three cars parked downstairs at Liu Kai's house.

Xia Han was worried about the arrest of Liu Kai this time.

Therefore, the guards who came to arrest Liu Kai were dressed in civilian clothes and drove a private car.

Everyone got out of the car one after another. It was rare for Yun Ge to sit in the same car with Xia Han. At this time, his face was still smiling confidently and peacefully.

"You two are guarding at the top of the stairs, the others will come with me!

There was only one entrance to the residence. Xia Han left two guards to guard him. He watched a dozen guards go upstairs in two teams.

When everyone came to Liu Kai's door, Xia Han winked at the guard beside him, and then the guard quickly understood.

With a gun in his hand, he came to the door of the room and knocked on the door of Liu Kai's house.

"Hello, Shencheng Express, please come out and sign for it!!

There was no response inside, and the guards could only ring again.

"Hello, is anyone here, Shencheng Express, please come out and sign for it, I'm in a hurry!"

For a long time, I still didn't get any response.

When everyone saw this, they were a little stunned.Could it be that Liu Kai had known in advance that their guards were going to arrest him, so he ran away?

Soon, they got rid of this idea.


How could Liu Kai know the decision they just made here in advance.

As for whether anyone doubts that their team is fine.

Stop it, it's impossible!

Even if there is, who can Liu Kai's identity be bought?

Someone "is there? Your express has arrived, could you please come out and sign for it?"

The guard knocked on the door for the third time, but unfortunately there was no movement in Liu Kai's room.

Seeing this situation, Yunge, who had been standing next to Xia Han, stood up and looked at Xia Han.

"Captain, break the door!

"There are only two possibilities for this situation, one is that Liu Kai is not at home, and the other is that Liu Kai is at home, and he is fleeing after finding us."

"If we continue to consume it here, we will only waste our time and give the suspect Liu Kai time to escape!

Having seen Yunge's analysis of the case, Xia Han did not scold Yunge.

Instead, he nodded.

"Female broke the door!"

Upon receiving the captain's order, several guards slammed towards the door of Liu Kai's house.

The house where Liu Kai was in was already quite young, and the dilapidated door was quickly kicked open under the violent end of the guards.

The door was kicked open, and all the guards filed in and began to search Liu Kai's house carefully.

Yunge followed Xia Han and walked into Liu Kai's house.

At a glance, Liu Kai's house looks very shabby. The sofa inside is a broken wooden sofa. The furniture such as the table and the seat also looks very old.

Thinking of Liu Kai's working conditions, Yunge didn't think anything was wrong.

It is in line with Liu Kai's identity and financial income.

The other guards were searching, and Yun Ge left Xia Han and looked around in Liu Kai's home.

Two bedrooms, one of the rooms looks neat and tidy, with a bed, table, chair, two bookcases, and various books in the cabinet.

Everything in this room gives Yunge a completely different feeling from the living room. It is very new, and it looks the same as if it was bought.

It should be Liu Kai's daughter's room, Yun Ge quickly made a judgment.

From the data point of view, Liu Kai loves this daughter very much, and he never feels bad about spending money to buy things for her daughter.

In the other room, although the inside is also very clean, the furniture inside is as old as the living room.

This is Liu Kai's room, yes.

The walls of Liu Yang's room are covered with brightly colored certificates of merit, from small to large, all of which show that Liu Yang is excellent.

Thinking of this, Yun Ge was a little bit emotional, Liu Kai was indeed pitiful.

But soon his eyes became firm.

No matter how poor people are, they can't violate the laws of Yan Country, otherwise the country wants their guards to do!

This is the difference between these justice guards and Mu Yun.

Mu Yun doesn't care if Liu Kai kills or not.

As long as Liu Kai is not really damned and valuable to him, he doesn't care about helping, and then letting them do things for themselves.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Mu Yun to pass through and become a villain, his idea is not suitable for being a guard!

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