Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 304 Lin Mo starts the mission! Can't afford to plunder any one! (Second! Seeking subscr

When the figure got closer, Mu Yun clicked to check his personal attributes.

[Protagonist]: Lin Mo

Age[]:26 years old

[Identity]: Feiyu anchor;



【Combat Power】:60

[Halo]: The protagonist halo[Advanced]; Qiyun halo[Advanced];

Wisdom Aura (Advanced);

[Skills]: anchor (beginner); communication (beginner); cooking (beginner); driving (intermediate)

【Qiyun】: 712000

Overall, it is much better than Lu Wen's rubbish son-in-law.

Mu Yun glanced roughly, now he doesn't have much thought to check Lin Wen's attributes carefully.

Mu Yun asked directly in his mind.

"System, how much luck does it take to plunder Lin Mo's god-level live broadcast system?"

"Host, it takes 10.4 million luck to plunder the god-level live broadcast system!

After getting the answer from the system, Mu Yun missed the low-level systems of the Shenhao system a bit.

This system of rewarding and redeeming divine items is more advanced than the other.

One needs more luck than one!

Although it is not as good as Xiao Hao's 70 million destiny assistance system, it still brings a lot of pressure to Mu Yun.

Mu Yun can only temporarily change the target of his attack.

Lu Wen's system is not enough for his luck to plunder. Lin Mo, a god-level live broadcast system with nearly two million more fortunes, will Mu Yun take to plunder.

He didn't even bother to ask how much luck the god-level live broadcast system could recover.

Looking at Lin Hei not far away, Mu Yun thought about how to deal with Lin Yun.

Knock the star directly?

While Mu Yun was thinking about it, Lin Mo had already parked the electric car under the dwelling.

You have to take risks if you want to take off.

Rewarding the screen is his first step, to attract the audience, you must first keep people.

Come in one by one, and five thousand viewers can watch online at the same time.

It is more difficult to keep people relying on his usual anchor talent.

So he thought of this haunted house, with the same idea as Mu Yun thought, using the curiosity of the audience.

Let the audience stay in his live broadcast room for a while.

In this way, it is much easier to get five viewers to watch online at the same time.

But when Lin Mo stood in front of the dilapidated houses, he felt a little hairy.


He wasn't really stupid and bold. He didn't dare to come to this kind of haunted house during the day.

Now for the task, he plucked up the courage to come under the haunted house, watching the darkness inside, cold sweat on Lin Mo's forehead.

Do you really want to go in?

When Lin Mo stood in front of the haunted house, he halted, and the ten million in his heart kept tempting him back and forth.

"Die and die! I don't believe there is a ghost in this world!"

Unable to resist the temptation of system rewards, Lin Mo encouraged himself again.

Later, he came to the gate of the dilapidated dwelling.

Ready to open the live broadcast function of the system.


A buzzing sound reached Mu Yun's ear, and he recovered his senses and looked at Lin Mo.

I saw a golden translucent sphere flying out of Lin Mo's body, and it kept spinning around Lin Mo.

This should be the live shot, it is really amazing.

There is no need for human manipulation at all, and the angle and distance will be adjusted automatically.

All Lin Mo's actions will be captured by him in the picture.

When Mu Yun looked at Lin Mo, a voice rang in Lin Mo's mind.

"Ding, the host starts the live broadcast for the first time, do I need to switch personal images?"

Switch personal image?

Lin Mo probably knows what it means, it seems unnecessary.

Being an anchor does not show his face, what kind of anchor he is, besides, he is at a time when he likes to show off at his age.

Switch ha image?

Your image is perfect!

How could it be possible to keep others from knowing that it was Lin Mo in such a popular thing.

Even though he thought so, Lin Mo asked curiously.

"System, switch personal image, how many choices are there?"

"Host, there are two choices of personal image.

"The first type, the host's own image!"

The second ", unreal simulation image!

Lin didn't want to say the system's reply directly.

"System, I choose my image!

He is not doing something shameful, switching to what illusory simulation image, and when he is rewarded by himself, people will know that it is him after checking.Is it unnecessary to switch the image?

"The host has made a choice, and the live broadcast is about to start!

As the words of the system fell, the translucent sphere next to Lin Mo seemed to have been turned on.

A golden light flashed, and it quickly flew to the front of Lin Mo.

At the same time, Lin Mo's ear again sounded the system reminder.

"Heh, God-level live broadcast system prompt!"

"All the income generated in this live broadcast will all belong to the host!"

"The popularity value gained in the live broadcast can be redeemed for all items in the system mall!"

"All the hosts, please add more...

The system hadn't been finished, as if it had been forcibly interrupted, Lin Mo collapsed to the ground, and a guy with a mask stood behind him.

Mu Yun shot!

The moment Lin Mo fainted, he saw the transparent ball dissipate in mid-air.

Speaking of Lin Mo, Mu Yun appeared on the top of the building instantly.

Throwing Lin Mo on the ground casually, Mu Yun took out the phone from his pocket and tried finger by finger.

Soon Lin Mo's cell phone was opened.

Click on the takeaway software on the phone, find the address where Lin Mo currently lives, turn off the phone and put it back in his pocket, Mu Yun disappeared on the roof in an instant.

Mu Yun, who appeared downstairs, looked to the side.

"An Wu, you go to inform Anba, tell him not to wait in the villa, and go directly to Room 402, No.35 Kaiyun Street, East District, and wait for Lin Mo to go back!"

"Yes, young master!"

Mu Yun's voice fell, and a figure walked out of the darkness, and soon disappeared in place.

Interrupt Lin Mo's live broadcast and obtain Lin Mo's address for real-time monitoring.

If there is a task interrupted.

Like the two Yunge, the task of mastering Lin Mo will be taken first.

No way, the system can't afford to plunder it, so it can only be stocked first, but it can't let him develop.

Lin Mo is not like Yunge.

For him, Mu Yun could only do it himself, and the people from the dark alliance could not interrupt Lin Mo's live broadcast.

His next task is to go to Yunge to check the situation, Lin Mo already knows about it.

The rest is Yunge.

Zhao Wu put it to the end!

When Mu Yun appeared again, he returned to the beach house.

Yunge had to wait for him to fall asleep before going.

Mu Ran appeared in front of him, with Yunge's intermediate detective ability, it was easy to stun the snake.

Lying down on the sofa, Mu Yun took out his mobile phone.

Now this situation can only ask the lucky baby to deliver it to the door by himself.

Yu Ming Party is the first!

When the phone was connected, a confused voice came from the other side of the phone.

(Okay) She was really confused, and since she was entrusted with important tasks by Mu Yun, Mu Yun seldom called her.

Except for the last time I called and said I would come to the company for inspection, it turned out that something happened temporarily.

Later, a woman named Yang Yi brought two bodyguards to her, saying that someone was planning to do something against her, Li Ziye, and Mu Yun's family.

From that day on, two female bodyguards followed him.

They are indeed bodyguards, doing the things of bodyguards, they will not interfere with themselves in anything, and they did not monitor themselves, they transferred them away, and they left directly.

It was determined that it was not the one sent by Mu Yun to monitor him, and Yu Jian was relieved to let the two women follow him.

Suddenly received a call from Mu Yun today, Yu was also a little confused.

It's really hard to come by, although Yu Youxiao likes such a boss very much, and let him do whatever he wants.

But she also felt distressed at the same time. She doubted whether it was Mu Yun's own for this company.

It took ten and a half months to just ask, I really don’t know how he used to build the company to this scale.

Confusion turns to confusion. Now Mu Yun calls, she can only get through.

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