Yu Mingxun said in a suspicious tone after the call.

"Boss Mu, why are you free to call me today!

"It's night, not work time!"

"You called me at night, something?"

Hearing the sound from the mobile phone, Mu Yun was stunned.

"Mingxun, you are not in the company?

This bit of rain should also be in the company. Isn't she a workaholic?

Who knew he had just said this, and the rain on the opposite side had a black line.

"Boss Mu, you still don't have a bit of humanity, so do you expect me to work overtime for you every day?"

Yu Youxiao's words made Mu Yun feel puzzled, so I just asked casually, why is it still related to human nature?

Besides, isn't working overtime unique to you?

Since getting to know Yu Mingxun, Mu Yun called her, which time she was not working overtime.

Not working overtime this time, Mu Yun felt a little curious, that's why he asked.

Who knows that the Yuming Party's reaction is so big, is it coming to aunt?

Or is the menopause early?

As a good boss, Mu Yun said.

"Mingxun, it's not that every time I call you, you are working overtime and you are used to it."

"By the way, if you feel uncomfortable, just rest at home for two more days. The company's affairs take your time. Don't worry about it at this time."

What kind of person is Yu? She understood the meaning of Mu Yun's words in seconds.

Although she was slightly moved in her heart, she rolled her eyes in room 230 of her own room.

"Mu Yun, I am very comfortable, you don't need to worry!"

"The two days of work are over, I relax myself, you don't want to make me exhausted!"

"Go ahead, what are you looking for?"

Well, it's better to relax than to be uncomfortable.

Mu Yun traveled here for almost two months, and the market value of the Mu Group increased by 30% under the control of the Yu Ming Party. What can he say!

Just don't get tired. Such a talent Mu Yun can't bear to lose her tiredness.

"Make a phone call to condolences you, but you are fine with other things. Just rest well at home.

"By the way, how is Liu Kai now? Is he still qualified in the position of vice president?"

He basically didn't think of the six-month appointment between Liu Kai and him.

He recently accepted Liu Kai again, and the names of the two are exactly the same. That's why Mu Yun thinks of him.

It will rain and not at the company, he temporarily put out the idea of ​​going to the company to find her.

It was Liu Kai's situation that made him unable to help but ask.

This guy shouldn't become a useless person under his own hands. It's better to save him earlier.

Yu also saw that Mu Yun asked about Liu Kai. Everything about Liu Kai could not help appearing in her mind, and she said truthfully.

"Mu Yun, I think your vision is still pretty good!"

"Although Vice President Liu is not aggressive enough, he is very capable and there is no problem defending the city!"

"I'm not in the company, most things are being handled, I'm very satisfied!

Hearing that Yu Yu also had a good evaluation of Liu Kai, Mu Yun didn't ask any more.

As Bai Chen's housekeeper, if he is like a trash here, he must not want to live!

"Mudang, what you said is really interesting, if I don't have a good vision, how can I find you!"

"If you are tired from work, stop the meeting. Don't make yourself too tired.

I am very satisfied with the results of this period of time. I will give you a reward later, an unexpected reward.

His words made the Yu Ming Party obviously stunned, and Mu Yun's alternative compliments in front of her made her very satisfied.

After Mu Yun said unexpected rewards, she suddenly felt interested.

"Boss, can't you say it now?"

"can not!"

Yu Youxiao called the boss if there was anything, but Mu Yun's style was nothing, Mu Yun didn't bother to take care of her.

After speaking, he hung up.

Yu Ming Party looked at the hung up phone, her pretty face twitched slightly.

I aroused my interest so I hung up my phone, this is very Mu Yun!

However, she was really interested in Mu Yun's rewards, and Zhao Zhibed Yu Mingye kept thinking about rewards in her mind.

What could it be?

Mu Yun sighed after hanging up the phone.

He has never been to where Yuyoujian's home is, and doesn't even know the approximate location.

If you are at work, it is very convenient to go back.

He couldn't find it when he wanted to find it at home, so he couldn't ask Yu Youxiao, where is your home?

I have to ask this question. Whether I go or not, I will definitely not sleep tonight.

Now I can only focus on Zhang Ying and do what he says. Mu Yun disappeared into the beach house in an instant.

The door of the house where Liu Yang was placed was not closed, and the light was still on.

Walking to the door, Mu Yun could hear Zhang Yuan's voice coming from inside.

"Xiaoyang, have some soup!

"In your current situation, nutrition can't keep up, which will have a great impact on future treatment."

(cdch) "Listen to your sister, don't go with yourself if you can't live with anyone, how about you, sister?"

Zhang Yuan is persuading Liu Yang to drink soup. Liu Yang's expression is the same as when Mu Yun came in in the afternoon.

Half dead!

Mu Yun stood at the door and smiled slightly. He was very satisfied with the way Liu Yang was now.

Looking at Zhang Yuan's back, Mu Yun said to the system.

"System, plunder Zhang Yuan's luck for me!"

As Mu Yun spoke, there was a vague wave of fluctuations in the air.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering female advocate Yuan Qi Luck, Qi Luck value + 120,000."

When the sound of the system sounded, Zhang Yuan, who was holding a bowl to persuade Liu Yang to drink soup, frowned slightly.

She suddenly felt like she was missing something.

Frozen, various memories flashed through her mind quickly, and she couldn't remember what she had lost.

After recovering, Zhang Yuan gave up thinking and continued to persuade Liu Yang with Tang.

It's really cool to plunder your luck directly, but the loss is too great.

There is nothing wrong with a female protagonist like Zhang Yuan who is temporarily insignificant. If she doesn't toss her or kill her, it will be a waste of luck to leave her on her body.

The luck of the plundering god-level son-in-law system is still five hundred and forty thousand short.

Lu Wen comes with 300,000 luck. If it doesn't work, take Lu Wen to the basement of the beach villa to torture him, and then kill him directly after plundering.

As for Lu Wen's biological father, Mu Yun is not from the Zhang family. No one knows if he killed Lu Wen, so what if he knows?

He dare to do something to himself for an illegitimate child?

But even if Lu Wen was squeezed dry, it was still not enough. For a time, Mu Yun kept thinking about it.

Do you want to start with An Ying and her daughters?

Soon Mu Yun shook his head.

The three of them add up to less than Zhang Yuan's.

There are many supporting roles in the multi-dominant world, but if you want to find out, it will be really not that easy at a half-time. At least two days will be delayed.

And their luck value is yet to be determined, it is hard to say how many they need to kill.

Suddenly, Mu Yun seemed to think of something, and he disappeared outside the door before he even entered.

Looking at Lin Mo at his feet, Mu Yun smiled, how could he forget this guy!


A scream resounded throughout the haunted house, and Lin Mo was sweating profusely and kept rolling on the ground while hanging from his roots.

Mu Yun, who returned to Liu Yang's house, sat on the sofa in the living room and listened to the beautiful sound from the system.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for inflicting a devastating kick on the roots of Lin Mo, which caused serious damage to the roots of the protagonist Lin Mo, collapse and despair, great loss of luck, and the value of luck is +100,000!]

[Yes, congratulations to the host for inflicting a devastating kick on Lin Mo's roots, causing the protagonist Lin Mo's roots to shatter, mental breakdown, great loss of luck, and luck value +210000!]

A devastating kick!


Mu Yun smiled. With just one kick, three hundred and ten thousand came with ease. Thinking of it earlier, he didn't need to plunder Zhang Yuan's luck.

The root is always the protagonist’s pain, the world of the first two protagonists is useless, and Mu Yun almost forgot.

This trick destroyed several protagonists in a row. Later, Chen Fan was cut by the system, and Yang Qin was a woman, so she didn't use it.

Lin Mo's situation is just right now, so he was sent to the hospital to see how he broadcasted it.

Is it possible to broadcast root suture surgery?

Thinking of this, Mu Yun laughed!

If the live broadcast is temporarily unavailable, this possibility is very high!

It depends on whether Lin Mo has this courage!

Can you resist the temptation of system rewards!

Nothing, Mu Yun almost laughed when he thought of this.

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