Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 307: Lin Mo called for help! He kept being hung up! (Fifth more! Ask for customization!)

Looking at the screen with tears streaming down her face, a man who has worked hard for most of her life and cared for herself for more than 20 years, she couldn't help crying again just like Liu Kai.

Liu Yang somewhat understood what Mu Yun scolded himself that day.

She committed suicide several times, thinking it was to prevent her father from worrying about herself, but she never thought about his feelings.

Now the father on the screen has only been in half a year, and his hair has looked gray.

How unfilial I am to do such a thing.

"Dad, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I never thought about you, it's my daughter who is selfish!"

"Dad! You must wait for me! Okay!"

Liu Kai nodded desperately on the screen.

"Yangyang! I'm waiting for you!"

"Do you have to wait for Dad to know?"

"You are the hope of dad in this life. If you have something, how can you let dad survive!"

The two always apologized and comforted each other with tears in their eyes. The Suzaku on one side didn't know what was thinking, and looked a little lonely.

After hanging up the video, "Two Three Three" Liu Kai put his mobile phone aside and knelt down towards Suzaku.

"Suzaku-sama, thank you!"

"Thank you really, please help me to bring this thank you to the master!"

"You tell the master that Liu Kai's life will no longer be his own. As long as the master has any needs, even if it is dead, I will not frown!'

Liu Kai, who was kneeling, was held up by Suzaku.

"Just keep this in your heart, but this time, I will help you carry it."

"Your identity was discovered by the guard named Yunge. From now on, every day you go out to do things, I will temporarily make you look like another person."

"This way you can appear in front of the guards in an open manner!"

"In addition to contacting your daughter with the cell phone just now, I will also call you."

"If there is anything you need to do, I will inform you on the phone. When doing things, remember to be cautious and do things well. This is the greatest reward for the young master, understand?"

Liu Kai narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

"I understand, Lord Suzaku, please rest assured!

Suzaku nodded and disappeared instantly.

Liu Kai looked at the house in front of him, sat down quietly and poured himself a glass of water.

The daughter has started to get better, and he no longer feels so worried.

What he has to do now is to do what Suzaku has ordered, and then make videos with his daughter every night.

This may also be a motivation for him.

He was in a calm mood at this time.

But Lin Mo on the other side is different. Mu Yun has been away for a few minutes.

Lin Mo kept rolling from the beginning until he couldn't move at the back. He shrank into a ball, lying on the ground like a shrimp, twitching constantly.

He can clearly feel that his egg is gone.

The pain deep into his bones made his whole body soaked, and the pain almost dissipated to his soul.

The pain was so painful that I didn't even have the strength to take out my mobile phone and call the hospital for help.

He couldn't concentrate, the pain that came from him almost died, nowhere can he concentrate.

who is it?

Who is so cruel?

Give him a kick when you come up!

But he was lying in the center of the roof at this time, and he slowly opened his eyes, shrinking into a ball. The moonlight was shining, and no human figure was found.

Just like the drop just now, after he woke up from the pain, he didn't find anyone around him.

Who on earth gave him the kick?

Suddenly, Lin Mo, who was shrinking on the ground, felt terrified. He remembered the legend of this haunted house.

A stream of liquid soaked the ground, forgetting his fear.

The pain that made him extremely painful came again.

"System, help!"

"Help me, I can't stand it!"

His cry for help was responded to by the system.

"Host, I'm sorry, this system can only perform things related to live broadcast and redemption, other things the system cannot do!"

However, the response of the system obviously did not satisfy Lin Mo.

Moss system!

I scolded myself systematically, and finally buffered it slightly with the pain.

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone.

The system couldn't count on it, so he could only help himself. After finally getting through the hospital, an angelic voice came from the other side.

"Hello, please speak!"

The other party is very succinct. It was originally first aid, so there is not so much nonsense.

Lin Mo also doesn't talk nonsense.

"Hello, my name is Lin Mo. I am in the haunted house at No. 44 Minghe Road, North District. I don't know what was attacked and brought to the top floor. I was injured...


Lin Mo was hung up before speaking, he was a little dumbfounded.

This is?

Now the hospital has such an attitude?

What Lin Mo didn't know was that the cute operator who hung up his phone started talking.

A suitor around him saw her look like this, and there was almost a red heart in her eyes.

"Xiaoyou, what's wrong with you, have you encountered a neurosis?"

"Now I often encounter this kind of thing, there is no need to be angry, just hang up!"

Anyone who has been an operator knows that this kind of prank is not done every day, but there is absolutely no shortage.

Although they will hold the person responsible for the prankster later, after all, this is already a disturbance of public order. A prank you may make a person who is waiting for first aid lose a precious opportunity.

But that is the next thing, anyone who receives this kind of call will feel uncomfortable.

The cute girl who was called Xiaoyou was very upset at this time...

"I didn't expect to run into a neurosis just two days after going to work today!"

"He actually said on the phone that he was in the haunted house at No. 44 Minghe Road, North District, and he didn't know what was attacked and brought to the top floor."

"Isn't this in the middle of the night intentionally scary?"

Several girls in the connection room who did not answer the phone at this time heard it, and suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

They somewhat understood why Xiaoyouhui hung up the phone, and then looked upset.

This neurosis is too much!

How can I call the hotline most of the night to tell them horror stories!

They decided that they must let the guards catch this man tomorrow!

The wiring room started talking on Lin Mo's phone.

But Lin Mo, who was far away in the ghost roof building, felt a chill in his heart, there is no reason for this matter!

I was hung up when I called for help!

When you are better, you must complain to this group of wiring people.

But when he wanted to return, he could only call the phone again!

Soon, there was another female voice on the other side, and it seemed that she was not alone with the operator just now.

"Hello, please speak!

The opposite is still concise.

Lin Mozhen was afraid that the other party would hang up his phone again, so he said quickly.

"Hello, my name is Lin Mo. I am in the haunted house at No. 44 Minghe Road, North District. I don't know what was attacked and brought to the top floor. I am injured, now."

"Hey, hello...

This time it was better than before. I said three more words, and the other side apparently hung up his phone again.

For a while, Lin Mo felt extremely angry!

Does it matter whether he lives or die?

Where did he know the operator who hung up his phone? Look at 2.7 to the colleague who is chatting enthusiastically.

"Sisters! Listen to me!

"The neuropathy just called again, or let's call the police. I'm afraid he will call in later, and he will be so messed up by him, how to go to work at night, I feel scared when I think of him!"

Calling again?

This person is too much!

Is it really intentional to scare them?

The girls in the wiring room were very angry and called to tell ghost stories most of the night!

This man is definitely a neurosis!

Xiaoyou, the first girl to receive the call, said immediately.

"Fight, don't let him mess up like this! I'll come!"

After talking, Xiaoyou took out his mobile phone and called the guard hotline.

After hanging up the phone, she nodded to the girl in the wiring room.

"It's done, the guards will come later, let's work first!"

Both parties on the phone are angry.

The operator can call the police if he is angry, but Lin Mo is angry but can only look at the phone and make up his mind to call again.

No way, what can I do if I don't ask for help?

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