Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 308 Mischief? Lin Mo's difficult road to help!

What can Lin Mo do if he doesn't keep calling?

Let a friend help?

Don't my friends have to call the hospital after they know it!

Besides his current situation, he really doesn't want others to know.

This is not another injury, this is a serious injury that hurts the man’s soul.

Known by his friends, he doesn't need to be a man anymore!

The phone was connected again, this time it was a male voice.

"Hello, please speak!

Lin Mo was already unable to complain, so he hurriedly asked for help.

"Hello, please don't hang up!"

"Listen to me well?"

"I really need first aid!

"My name is Lin Mo. I am in the haunted house at No. 44 Minghe Road, North District. I don't know what was attacked and brought to the top floor."

This time Lin Mo spoke even shorter, but the other party didn't hang up, but soon came an angry scolding.

"Are you crazy? How many times do you have to make a prank before you can stop!

"I'm telling you, we have already called the police!"

"This is the emergency center, not your place for pranks!"

"In the big evening, you called to scare our operator, do you know that your practice has violated the law!"

"I advise you,

Lin Mo realized it after a burst of anger!

He finally knew why he was always hung up, and his feelings treated his words as a prank.

He was tortured by pain just now, so he didn't have time to think.

Thinking about myself now, 23 is really scary.

No wonder the other party always hung up and called the police without waiting for him to speak.

But it’s less important to call the police or not. The male operator scolds himself, rather than just hang up the phone.

If it hadn't been for him to scold him, how would he know the reason?

Lin Mo had no intention of listening to the male operator's words. He endured severe pain every minute, so there was no time to delay.

"Sorry, don't scold you, listen to me!"

"I see! What I said just now made you misunderstood, I'm sorry, but I really don't want to tell you ghost stories!"

"Hello, can you hear me?"

The male operator on the opposite side yelled at the phone while driving the speakerphone, and all the operators turned their attention.

Lin Mo suddenly interjected at this time, and they were all stunned after saying this.

Especially the male operator, doesn't the opposite look like crazy?

Or is he scared by the police in his words?

However, Lin Mo was already normal, and the male operator could only take a deep breath, suppressing his anger.

"Sir, you go on!"

Lin Mo was excited when he heard the male operator's voice.


Excited, the wound was pulled, and Lin Mo let out a tragic cry.

The employees in the entire wiring room instantly felt chills and fear in their hearts.

"Hey! Hey! What happened to you?

The male operator was actually scared in his heart, but the other party apologized very sincerely just now!

If it is a misunderstanding, what is the situation of the other party now?

Is it serious injury to make him make such a scream?

Soon, Lin Mo's voice on the other side sounded.

"If you have a wound, send someone here, I'm on the top of the building!"

"What happened just now is really a misunderstanding. I am an anchor. The content of the anchor today is to take everyone to explore the haunted house in Shanghai."

"Who knew that I was knocked out from behind before I entered the door, and then was taken to the top of the building. The person kicked me underneath, and directly woke me up!

"Because I didn't see anyone in the two attacks, I said I didn't know what was being attacked. I really didn't want to scare you!"

"This is definitely a misunderstanding. You send someone soon, I feel like I can't hold it anymore!"

"Hear? Please!"

Little did he know that his words made the male operator and the others present feel a chill again.

After Lin Mo's explanation, they knew that he and others had misunderstood him.

But how his explanation felt the more he explained, the more terrified they were.

If you were assaulted behind you, it's fine if you didn't see the person. You were kicked below you and you woke up and you didn't see the person?

Are you blind?

Or are you really hell?

How come this sounds like a horror story, right?

However, Lin Mo's current situation seemed to be really overwhelming, and the male operator took a deep breath again.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, we will send someone over right now, is your address sure?

Lin Mo was overjoyed when he heard this!

Thank goodness! It's finally saved!

"OK, brother, thank you!"

"Hurry up and send someone! I really hurt!

Okay, "Wait a minute, we will send someone over right away!"

After hanging up the phone, the male operator hurriedly contacted the arranger.

After dealing with the matter, the male operator pulled a tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Today this thing is really hell, thinking of the word, the male operator hurriedly jumped away.

He was afraid that he would not go to the bathroom until he wanted to go down.

As time passed, a girl suddenly shouted in the wiring room.

"Xiao Zhang, answer the phone, I'll turn it over for you, and the ambulance from Shencheng Hospital called you, and I'm appointed to look for you!"

Call him from the ambulance?

This thing is rarely seen in normal times, what's the matter?

Xiao Zhang picked up the phone with suspicion, and there was a roar from the other side, which made Xiao Zhang almost throw the microphone out.

"Zhang Hui, you bastard, what order did you send me!

"Let me come to the haunted house to save people. Now three people from our ambulance team went in for ten minutes and no one came out. The phone was connected and no one answered. The sound came from the haunted house. You should call me the police!"

The words on the other side caused Zhang Hui to stand up with a trembling, and when he tripped over the stool, he was scared and moved back.

His abnormal movement attracted everyone's attention.

"Xiao Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

A female colleague asked caringly, and everyone looked at Zhang Hui at the same time.

"Call the police, call the police! Something happened!"

Zhang Yao shivered with fright.

But he didn't forget about the ambulance side, and quickly asked his colleague to call the police.

His hands are sending, it seems that it is difficult to press the phone.

After a long time, Xiao Zhang found that the colleague present did not follow suit. Instead, he looked at himself with puzzled eyes. Xiao Zhang hurriedly said the content of the call.

Suddenly the air in the entire wiring room seemed to freeze.

The temperature dropped rapidly.

Several female operators hugged each other in fear.

What Lin Mo said was scary enough, what is it now?

They felt that even if they wanted to open up tonight, 233 would not dare to go to the bathroom.Who would dare to go in this situation?

Many people thought that if they had to find someone to change the day shift, they wouldn't dare to go to the night shift!

The cute girl Xiaoyou who started calling Lin Mo was also scared.

She forced herself to suppress the fear in her heart.

He took out his cell phone and got through to the guard station as before.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoyou sat in her seat to meet a girl next to her.

At this moment, the telephone in the wiring room rang.

Everyone else felt a little panicked.

Xiaoyou can only press the speakerphone to connect to the call.

It's a pity that before she could speak, the voice on the other side that made them feel familiar again sounded.

"Hey, I'm Lin Mo! Big brothers and sisters, have you sent anyone here?"

"Why do I hear the sound of an ambulance, you guys are not coming up yet!"

"At this point, please tell me not to get stuck in a traffic jam. How long has this been, and can I still save it!"

Lin Mo had already controlled his tone, and after waiting for a long time, he finally heard the sound of the ambulance.

Enduring the pain, he was immediately happy.

Who knew that for a while, the sound of the ambulance was still ringing, but there was no movement at all.

Is this asking him to play?

Don't know how painful he is now?

How many floors is the haunted house?

Seven floors!

Even if the ambulance crew climbed up, it should have been so long!

It's Lin Mo again!

Because Xiaoyou was using hands-free, everyone had heard Lin Mo's voice just now.

Lin Mo's voice will be heard again.

When everyone thinks about the weird situation today, they all feel terrified.

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