Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 315 Brave Bukoop! Dramatic return to the cesspit! (third more! Please customize!)

The outside situation puzzled Bukup.

He doesn't know what is going on in this situation now, did the other party find him or did not find out?

Where did this glare come from? Did the construction workers accidentally turn the wrong direction?

No, how could it be possible to shine in the wrong direction for so long.

Fortunately, Bukup didn't dare to take a chance to check it out.

Just sit quietly in a clean place in the defecation pit.

There was a stalemate, and gradually, Bukup felt sleepy and tired.

At the same time, the hunger from his stomach made him feel weak.

He didn't know how long he could last without looking for food.

Standing up, Bukup took out a document from his arms.

Then take off the watch of your own means, open the waterproof bag of the data, and put it in.

In the defecation pit, he couldn't find any place to hide this information.

Now he goes out to find food and can't take it with him.

Where should I hide?

There is only one place, underwater.

Cut a few times with a wooden stick in several places.

Bukup carefully put the data down into the puddle. With the weight of the watch, the data slowly sinks.

This kind of puddle was very shallow. He picked it up with a wooden stick, and the information quickly revealed a corner.

Press down the information again. Now he can think of only this way. As for whether the information will be washed away, he is not worried in a short period of 237, because there are no other people in this staff community except construction workers.

For the time being, there will be no large-displacement water-like flushing.

After hiding the information, Bukup went to the exit of the defecation pit.

He has to take a risk.

To eat, but also for my own life.

The moment he walked out of the defecation pit, Bukaup smelled the long-lost normal breath, and the tension on his face gradually eased.



"Damn it! Bastard!

Before he was relieved, several shots sounded.

Bukoop found that he had received two shots in his arm, and two more shots followed by wiping his shoes.

This situation is like not letting him go forward.

Enclosing the injured arm, Bukup quickly retreated.


The gunshot sounded again, but this time he was not shot again.

The bullet still wiped past his shoe.

When this happened again, Bukup suddenly understood that the other party had already spotted him.

For some reason, they just want to trap themselves in the defecation pit.

Do you want to kill yourself?

Soon Bukup gave up thinking, a hot sensation in his arm made him sweat.

The other party didn't hit him in the bone, the bullet just grazed the flesh on his arm, but the feeling was equally uncomfortable.

The burning pain made Bukoop lose the ability to think, and he leaned against the wall of the defecation pit with his arms wrapped in a deep breath.

As time went on, Bukup felt worried after buffering over.

Don't worry, this is a cesspit, and his arm is bleeding.

As a scientific research expert, he knows more than anyone how many bacteria there are in the feces.

Staying here for an extra second, his life is in danger at any time.

Judging from the way they fired, the people outside seemed to just not want him to go out, not to kill him.

What if he must go out?

Will they kill?

Hidden here may die even worse, infected with various germs, thinking about it, he shuddered.

It's better to go out directly and let people be beaten to death at ease.

Anyway, the information has been hidden with my watch.

The watch is equipped with a satellite positioning function. People from Baiguo will definitely find it soon.

What is death?

He just didn't want to stay in the defecation pit and die tragically!

The brave Bukoop faced the bullet and walked forward without changing his face, even if he was shot again in the arm.

He even received three shots in his leg, and he did not back down either.

No matter how the situation receded, the wounds were getting more and more. He would rather just die like this than go back and die in the defecation pit.

Yang Xin looked at Bukaupu's movements with inexplicable admiration in her heart.

But admiration is admired, Mu Yun's order they have to carry out.

Under her command, several bodyguards rushed towards Bukup and tied him up firmly.

Bukup didn't resist, and it really wasn't about killing himself.

Get tied up if you are tied up.

But the next scene made him couldn't help exclaiming.

Shit "! Let me go! Don't send me back!"

He really couldn't understand what this group of people thought.

They destroyed the gene enhancement liquid and stole the research and development materials. They did not interrogate themselves when they caught them. They just wanted to send themselves back to the defecation pit.What kind of operation is this?

Seeing that the exit of the (cdch) defecation pit was near, Bukup struggled desperately.

"Let me go, what do you guys send me back for! Take me out!"



The female bodyguards who carried him didn't care about this. Out of disgust with the defecation pit, they joined forces and threw Bukup directly at the exit of the defecation pit.

Bukup fell heavily to the ground. He was tied up without any support. He rolled several times and fell into a nearby cesspit that was not deep.

"Shit. Cough cough... Hurry... teach...

Although it's not deep, Bukup just opens his mouth and the ginger water will flow into his mouth accidentally.

Bukoop coughed constantly, and the more he coughed, the more faeces flowed into his mouth.

He doesn't know what to do now, are the people of Yan country all perverted?

Throwing him full of wounds into a puddle, he felt that he would definitely die miserably.

The key is to be worse before death!

Time slowly passed, maybe the dung water was almost drunk by Bukup, and he opened his mouth again and there was no such kind of water flowing in.

Bukoop, who was full of love, was really desperate this time.

He didn't know how long he had been in the dung puddle.

Rescue him now, he is also very dangerous, I don't know when he will get sick.

Are so many bacteria a joke?

It was getting brighter, and Mu Yun was pulled up from the bed by Zhao Linger.

Being pestered by Mu Yun last night, she could only call to appease the panic of the team.

It's dawn now, and she has to go there.

Mu Yun naturally got up to deal with Bukup's affairs.

The two were washing in the bathroom, and suddenly Mu Yun's mobile phone shook slightly.

He walked to the bedside and turned on the phone.

It's Suzaku.

"Young Master, I have arrived."

"Well, you are waiting now, I will go down soon!"

Now that Suzaku is here, things about Bukup should also be dealt with. By the way, Zhao Linger's team should be cleared up.

There must be more than Bukoop in her team, but he exposed more quickly.

Others may want to wait until the gene fortification fluid is really successfully developed before they start working.

But these are not important, just catch them and kill them.

The world lacks talents, but there is no shortage of talents either.

Without them, there will always be other talents.

Now that the R&D has produced results, I believe that the surviving R&D personnel will definitely be able to do R&D again.

Mu Yun does not believe that if there are a few people, the entire research and development will be interrupted.

When Mu Yun brought Suzaku to the defecation pit.

Yang Xin and the others are eating breakfast!

Sitting not far from the defecation pit for breakfast, Mu Yun wanted to say that they were indeed the people from Okushima.


Seeing Mu Yun, everyone stopped to eat and began to say hello.

Nodding to them, Mu Yun said.

"I said you can't change shifts for breakfast? Or do you think it tastes better to eat here?"

When Mu Yun was teased, the women bowed their heads and said nothing.

Soon Mu Yun's voice sounded again.

"Who is going to catch that Bukup after eating, he's not dead, right?"

The female bodyguard who had just put the last bit of breakfast in her mouth saw Mu Yun ask, she choked off the food hard.

"Master, I went to see it ten minutes ago. It wasn't dead, but it's still soaking in the dung water."

Bukop soaked in dung water?

Mu Yun twitched the corners of his mouth, he didn't seem to have ordered that!

Whose idea is this?.

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