Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 316 Deal with Bukoop! Kill me and his family! (Fourth! Please order!)

Although Mu Yun thinks this idea is really great!

But it's okay to die. It's luck that you didn't die. What should I do if I die?

Who is his plan to kill?

Seeing his subordinates who coughed hard and couldn't speak well in front of him, Mu Yun really didn't want to embarrass her.

Mainly because she was afraid of eating it-spit it out.

But who told her to come to her first, Mu Yun looked at her with a smile.

"Have you finished eating?"

Wiping her mouth with her hand, the female bodyguard nodded and said.

"Master, I'm finished!"

"Just eat it, you see who else has eaten it, you take them, and I will get Bukupp together and rinse it out with water!"

The female bodyguard's expression is a bit stiff, let her go to the dung pit to fish for people just after eating?

Had it not been for Mu Yun who ordered this, she would have punched it long ago.

Fortunately, at this time Mu Yun didn't know if Yu Xin couldn't bear it, or didn't want to see them vomiting.

His voice sounded again.

"I personally recommend that you pay some money for the construction workers to help you fish it up, but you'd better prepare to flush the water gun first."

"Okay, Master!"

The female bodyguard readily accepted this suggestion. It was a bit embarrassing for her to go to the dungpit to fish for people.

Especially just after eating early.

Money can indeed solve many problems!

But when Mu Yun saw Bukup who was dragged out with a rope by the construction workers, Mu Yun felt a little nauseous.

Mu Yun glanced and quickly shifted his gaze, and said to Yang Xin on one side.

"Yang Xin, I will go to the fifth pit of the defecation pit and poke it with a stick. Bukup will hide the information and positioning watch in a relatively shallow place aside."

"Remember, you'll take someone to do it yourself, and after you get it, rinse it off and send it to the central square with Bukoop!"

Yang Xin nodded.

She knew what Mu Yun meant, it was related to the information on the gene fortification liquid, and she really had to do it herself.

The central square of Xianling Island.

Mu Yun and Suzaku stood on the round platform above the square. After receiving Mu Yun's notice, Zhao Linger had brought the team to the bottom of the square.

Dozens of bodyguards armed with machine guns stood scattered around the central square.

Everyone didn't know what happened.

But when they saw Zhao Ling'er walking towards the top of the square, they came and stood beside Mu Yun.

They can guess more or less.

Just why let them come to the central square?

Soon their doubts were answered.

I saw Yang Xin walking towards them with a group of female bodyguards.

Two of the female bodyguards were pulling a rope, and the person behind it was the culprit who made everyone panicked yesterday.

Bukup, who was extremely prostrate, stumbled to the central square under the pull of the two bodyguards.

He didn't know what punishment he would be punished, but he didn't care.

No matter what the punishment is, it is better than being soaked in dung water.

Two bodyguards tied Bukup to a pillar in the central square.

Yang Xin walked towards Mu Yun with a document and a watch in her hand.

The waterproof bag on the outside has been thrown away by her, otherwise she doesn't want to hold it in her hand.

"Master, this is the information Bukoop stolen from the laboratory, as well as the watch he usually carries."

"I checked the watch. There is a satellite locator in it. Do I need to dispose of it?"

Taking the information and watch from Yang Xin, Mu Yun handed the information to Zhao Ling'er on the side.

I took my watch and looked at it myself.

Judging from Bukup's situation, he should be a member of the White Kingdom.

Satellite locators are rarely owned by private individuals except for the country.

After looking at it for a while, Mu Yun handed the watch to Yang Xin.

"I will take it down and destroy it. This is within Yan Country, so what's the positioning?"

"During this period, please be careful. As long as anyone goes to the island without permission, no matter which country they are from, they will be killed!"

"Even the people of Yan Country were killed as well.

There are very few people from Yanguo who are responsible for other countries, but that doesn't mean there are none.

Now this fairy island is his private property, trespassers are killed.

Besides, no one broke in for more than a month after the purchase and construction of the island. If the person who will come does not die for Bukoop, Mu Yun himself does not believe it!

"Yes, Master!!

After receiving the watch in Mu Yun's hand, Yang Xin stood beside Zhao Ling'er and did not leave.

The conversation between Mu Yun and Yang Xin could not be heard by the people below, but it did not hinder their guessing.

Some of them had seen the watch that Bukup was wearing, and they suddenly realized it.

But soon they stopped guessing.

I saw the handsome guy standing above the central square speak.

Maybe "You don't know me, introduce yourself, my name is Mu Yun, your boss."

"Regardless of whether you knew each other before, from now on, you will remember clearly who your boss is!"

"Yesterday I heard a news that made me very angry! Someone is holding my money and doing things that harm my interests!"

"Hearing this news, I immediately rushed from another city. I really want to see who eats the bear heart and leopard gall and uses my money to ruin my research.

"As you can see, the person who does this kind of thing is Bukup who has been with you for a while.

Speaking of this, Mu Yun walked down from the top of the central square and came to Bukup.

When Suzaku walked down Mu Yun, he followed Mu Yun closely.

Bukup was weak at this time, and he heard everything Mu Yun said.

When he heard that the information had been found by Mu Yun's people, his whole body instantly seemed extremely depressed.

Now that Mu Yun came to him, Bukup couldn't help but raised his head slightly.

He wants to know who is behind the boss who has the ability to develop gene-enhancing liquid.

A very handsome face.

Although different countries may have different aesthetics, Bukup has to admit that this face is really handsome.

He was unable to speak, but looked at Mu Yun faintly.

Various materials flashed through Bukoop's mind.

He seemed to be aware of Mu Yun's identity, and he didn't know what to think of, his eyes narrowed.

In this short moment, Bukup thought of many things.

Just before he could think about it, Mu Yun smiled at him slightly, but Bukup was extremely frightened by what he said.

"Bukup, do you know?"


"No one can betray me and still live full of wine in the future. For those who betray me, I have always killed them all!"

"Do it!"

Just as Bukoop was frightened and confused, his face changed drastically in the next second.

Because the Suzaku in front of him, after Mu Yun finished speaking, the pupils in his eyes turned red quickly, and the pinwheel shape in the center of the pupils began to turn.

With such scary eyes, Bukup almost screamed in fright.

It's a pity that he hasn't had time to react, and the whole person seems to be stupid.

The expression changed from horrified to dull.

As if Suzaku had done a trivial thing, she looked at Mu Yun and nodded.

Receiving Suzaku's prompt, Mu Yun looked at Bukup who looked sluggish.

"Bukup, come on, who else is in your family? Where are they now?"

Mu Yun didn't care about Bukup's purpose, which country and department belonged to.

He only cared about who else was in Bukup's family.

To kill a chicken to be a monkey, you have to kill a wolf, and everyone is afraid of wolves!

Under Mu Yun's question, Bukup said with a dazed expression.

"My family only has my father, wife, son, all three of whom live in XXX in Baiguo."

Mu Yun who got the answer looked at Yang Xin above the central square!

"Yang Xin, do you remember the position he said?"

Yang Xin was a little surprised by Mu Yun's question, but she nodded, indicating that she had remembered it.

After she nodded, Mu Yun continued.

"Call your eldest sister and ask her to send a few people to Baiguo to investigate. If you are sure that it is correct, kill his whole family for me!"

After receiving Mu Yun's order, Yang Xin did not reply, but took out her mobile phone and walked aside.

It seems that he has become accustomed to Mu Yun's style of acting. scholar.

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